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A vite framework for building react app. Especially suitable for document site and demos/playgrounds of react components.

Results 30 vite-plugin-react-pages issues
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Now expands type aliases and interfaces with literal only types. Also allows to expand inherited props. Example: ```mdx ``` Fixes #33

Consider the following case: ```ts type Variant = "primary" | "secondary"; type Size = "sm" | "md" | "lg"; type Dimension = { w?: number; h?: number; } interface AsProp...

Right now it crashes with ``` error when starting dev server: Error: Build failed with 1 error: ../../.pnp.js:7897:23: error: [vite:dep-scan] ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/user/p/y2/.yarn/$virtual/vite-plugin-react-pages-virtual-9054c16448/0/cache/' ```

help wanted

vite-plugin-react-pages currently use mdx v1: And [vite-plugin-mdx]( also only support mdx v1, currently.

Use `vite-pages-theme-doc`, it will render blank area when `loadState.type === 'loading'`, obviously not a good UX. Support render and custom loading component is a great feature.

Whether consider support React Router 6?

Whether consider support React 18?