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⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js

Results 89 awesome-vite issues
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> Please make sure all the requirements are satisfied, otherwise the PR could be closed without further notice. ## Checklist - [x] Title as described. - [x] Make sure you...

Adding on an entry for [ddev-viteserve](, an add-on for [DDEV](, a docker-based development environment used mostly by PHP developers. This would typically be used in conjunction with a PHP-oriented back...

[React Starter Kit]( (★21k) - React, React Router, Material UI, Firebase Auth, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Jest. ## Checklist - [x] Title as described. - [x] Make sure you put things...

> Please make sure all the requirements are satisfied, otherwise the PR could be closed without further notice. ## Checklist - [x] Title as described. - [x] Make sure you...

> Please make sure all the requirements are satisfied, otherwise the PR could be closed without further notice. ## Checklist - [x] Title as described. - [x] Make sure you...

> Please make sure all the requirements are satisfied, otherwise the PR could be closed without further notice. ## Checklist - [x] Title as described. - [x] Make sure you...

> Please make sure all the requirements are satisfied, otherwise the PR could be closed without further notice. ## Checklist - [x] Title as described. - [x] Make sure you...

An awesome list should not propose stuff that doesn't have the main focus of the maintainers. Since 2.7 will be the last release I think its time to encourage people...

add some project address > Please make sure all the requirements are satisfied, otherwise the PR could be closed without further notice. ## Checklist - [x] Title as described. -...