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Nuxt3 + PWA warnings in terminal
Is it normal that after PWA implementation in terminal I see warnings like that?
WARN warnings 6:49:09 PM One of the glob patterns doesn't match any files. Please remove or fix the following: { "globDirectory": "/Users/x/Vue/xx/.nuxt/dev-sw-dist", "globPattern": "/*.{json,ico,svg,ttf,woff,css,scss,js,html,txt,jpg,png,woff2,mjs,otf,ani}", "globIgnores": [ "/node_modules//", "sw.js", "workbox-.js" ] } One of the glob patterns doesn't match any files. Please remove or fix the following: { "globDirectory": "/Users/x/Vue/xx/.nuxt/dev-sw-dist", "globPattern": "_nuxt/builds//.json", "globIgnores": [ "/node_modules//", "sw.js", "workbox-*.js" ] }
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/"
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/"
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/"
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/"
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/"
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/"
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/"
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/"
I got the same error
About workbox warnings, check
About router warnings, try update to latest nuxt 3.11.2
Same here.
PWA v0.20.0 mode generateSW precache 1 entries (0.00 KiB) files generated .nuxt/dev-sw-dist/ .nuxt/dev-sw-dist/sw.js .nuxt/dev-sw-dist/ .nuxt/dev-sw-dist/workbox-9637eeee.js
WARN warnings One of the glob patterns doesn't match any files. Please remove or fix the following: { "globDirectory": "/app/.nuxt/dev-sw-dist", "globPattern": "_nuxt/builds//*.json", "globIgnores": [ "/node_modules/**/", "sw.js", "workbox-.js" ] }
Check if adding this will fix your issue:
pwa: { workbox: { globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,css,html,png,svg,ico}'], }, },
Check if adding this will fix your issue:
pwa: { workbox: { globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,css,html,png,svg,ico}'], }, },
That doesnt change anything.
Check if adding this will fix your issue: pwa: { workbox: { globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,css,html,png,svg,ico}'], }, },
That doesnt change anything.
The issue was gone for me when i set it up like this. This is my full config: ` const sw = process.env.SW === 'true'
pwa: {
strategies: sw ? 'injectManifest' : 'generateSW',
srcDir: sw ? 'public' : undefined,
filename: sw ? 'sw.ts' : undefined,
registerType: 'autoUpdate',
pwaAssets: {
config: true,
workbox: {
globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,css,html,png,svg,ico}'],
injectManifest: {
globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,css,html,png,svg,ico}'],
client: {
installPrompt: true,
periodicSyncForUpdates: 3600,
devOptions: {
enabled: true,
suppressWarnings: true,
navigateFallback: '/',
navigateFallbackAllowlist: [/^\/$/],
manifest: {
... }, }, `
And the service worker "sw.ts" in the public folder like this:
/// <reference lib="WebWorker" />
/// <reference types="vite/client" />
import { cleanupOutdatedCaches, createHandlerBoundToURL, precacheAndRoute } from 'workbox-precaching'
import { clientsClaim } from 'workbox-core'
import { NavigationRoute, registerRoute } from 'workbox-routing'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
declare let self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
// self.__WB_MANIFEST is default injection point
// clean old assets
let allowlist: RegExp[] | undefined
if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
allowlist = [/^\/$/]
// to allow work offline
registerRoute(new NavigationRoute(
{ allowlist },
Note that i use pwaAssets. So you might need to remove that line or install it if u need.