jScrollPane copied to clipboard
Auto scroll with middle mouse button doesn't work anymore
I made your script work for full page http://phpbb.miscy.net/index.php
But a side effect seems that I no longer can auto scroll from top to bottom or left or right.
How do I fix this or is this a bug in the script?
I simply used your js code you mentioned in the demo for full page.
Also I was wondering how to make it work in a post editor like this one? I'm using phpbb so it uses:
<div id="message-box">
<textarea name="message" id="message" rows="15" cols="76" tabindex="4" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);" onfocus="initInsertions();" class="inputbox" style="position: relative;"></textarea>
But a side effect seems that I no longer can auto scroll from top to bottom or left or right.
I'm not sure I understand... Can you clarify what you mean by "auto scroll"?
Also I was wondering how to make it work in a post editor like this one
You can't apply jScrollPane directly to a textarea. You would need to apply it to the containing element and make the text area grow to reflect the amount of content. I found an old blog post describing this approach here - although the example seems to be broken in Chrome the idea is valid...
@vitch when you press down the scroll button of your mouse and then move up or down that is auto scroll.
I tried that method but as you mentioned its broken, not just in chrome.
If this is still issue please write a note
If this is still issue please write a note
Hello! This is still issue. Auto scroll by clicking middle mouse button does not work in Firefox and Chrome.