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Doesn't Work with templates

Open AhmedAymanM opened this issue 7 years ago • 6 comments

I'm unable to make HMR to work with template, I'm not sure if it's a bug or it have something to do with my setup.

AhmedAymanM avatar May 14 '17 03:05 AhmedAymanM

@AhmedAymanM , it'll be helpfull to share your configuration

vitaliy-bobrov avatar May 14 '17 19:05 vitaliy-bobrov

@vitaliy-bobrov here is code where I'm getting the issue

and that's my webpack configuration:

var webpack = require('webpack');
var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');
var CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
var ImageminPlugin = require('imagemin-webpack-plugin').default;
var ngAnnotatePlugin = require('ng-annotate-webpack-plugin');

var ENV = process.env.npm_lifecycle_event;
var isTest = ENV === 'test' || ENV === 'test-watch';
var isProd = ENV === 'build';

module.exports = function makeWebpackConfig() {
  var config = {};
  config.entry = isTest ? void 0 : {
    app: './src/index.js',
    vendor: ['angular','@uirouter/angularjs']
  config.output = isTest ? {} : {
    path: __dirname + '/dist',
    publicPath: isProd ? '/' : 'http://localhost:8080/',
    filename: isProd ? '[name].[hash].js' : '[name].bundle.js',
    chunkFilename: isProd ? '[name].[hash].js' : '[name].bundle.js'

  if (isTest) {
    config.devtool = 'inline-source-map';
  else if (isProd) {
    config.devtool = 'source-map';
  else {
    config.devtool = 'eval-source-map';
  config.module = {
    rules: [{
      test: /\.js$/,
      use:  [
      exclude: /node_modules/
    }, {
      use: isTest ? 'null-loader' : ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
        fallback: 'style-loader',
        use: [{
            loader: 'css-loader',
            query: {
              sourceMap: true
            loader: 'postcss-loader',
            query: {
              sourceMap: true
            loader: 'sass-loader'
    }, {
      test: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg|woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,
      use: 'file-loader'
    }, {
      test: /\.html$/,
      use: 'raw-loader'

  if (isTest) {
      enforce: 'pre',
      test: /\.js$/,
      exclude: [
      use: [
          loader: 'istanbul-instrumenter-loader',
          options: {
            esModules: true
  config.plugins = [

    new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin(),

    new ngAnnotatePlugin({
        add: true,

    new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
      test: /\.scss$/i,
      options: {
        postcss: {
          plugins: [autoprefixer]
    new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
      name: "vendor",
      filename: "vendor.bundle.js"

  if (!isTest) {

      new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        template: './src/index.html',
        inject: 'body'

      new ExtractTextPlugin({filename: 'css/[name].css', disable: !isProd, allChunks: true})

  if (isProd) {

      new ImageminPlugin({ test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/i }),

      new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),

      new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(),

      new CopyWebpackPlugin([{
        from: __dirname + '/src/assets'

  config.devServer = {
    contentBase: './src/assets',
    stats: 'minimal',
    publicPath: '/'

  return config;

AhmedAymanM avatar May 16 '17 01:05 AhmedAymanM

I am having a similar problem, and I have to reload the page to display the changes in template. I have a main.js that bootstraps Angular to the page, loading AppModule that imports an AppComponent that has an import templateUrl from './app.html';. If I change the app.html, the hot-reloader detects it and prints this info:


But does not reload the HTML on the browser.

If instead of using the templateUrl of the component, I declare the HTML directly with template, then it works. So I guess is something related to the import of a HTML file. I am using file-loader on Webpack to load template files. Maybe I should use html-loader?

Update 1: with html-loader the template doesn't even load on the browser.

Update 2: so I made it work using template: require('./app.html'), on the component and html-loader for HTML files. Only time will tell if any of these solutions work with versioned images references in the middle of the code.

Update 3: I am using Webpack 2.5.1, dev-middleware 1.10.1, hot-middleware 2.17.1 and angular-hot-loader 0.9.3

rodrigosaling avatar May 18 '17 18:05 rodrigosaling

@rodrigosaling, templateUrl hasn't implemented yet.

vitaliy-bobrov avatar May 18 '17 21:05 vitaliy-bobrov

@rodrigosaling if webpack is used to bundle your angular application, you should include your templates directly in your bundle, so you can reduce a large amount of requests to your server caused by templateUrl option.

zalishchuk avatar May 18 '17 21:05 zalishchuk

Hi @zalishchuk ! Thanks for the tip, but I was trying to use templateUrl because I already use this property today on my current project, but using Grunt with grunt-html2js (that gets all HTML references and concatenate them in one file of ng-templates). So I was just trying to copy the way I currently work.

rodrigosaling avatar May 18 '17 23:05 rodrigosaling