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BDD testing with Playwright runner

Results 22 playwright-bdd issues
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A newbie question- How do we integrate with Jenkins ? Are there any recommended steps or documentation to refer.


I've been migrating a large application from cypress and trying to reuse as much of the Gherkin syntax as possible. So far playwright and playwright-bdd have been a life saver....


I am looking into best practices with playwright-bdd pom with fxitures and there is not much online. Would you mind expanding the example having: - features - pages -- with...


**Given** ```js import 'dotenv/config'; import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'; import { defineBddConfig, cucumberReporter } from 'playwright-bdd'; const testDir = defineBddConfig({ paths: ['tests/features/*'], import: ['tests/steps/**/*.ts', '!tests/fixtures/*'], importTestFrom: 'tests/steps/fixtures.ts', });...


Kudos on the work done so far. Please share how can we help financially.


Is there a proper document or any sample code how to use Hooks, Before, BeforeAll thank you I tried this feature that not able to invoke beforeAll where I load...


**The problem** Incompatibility between the Page type on Axebuilder and Playwight-bdd, Axe expects a Page type 1.43.1 whereas the step gives a 1.42.1 page. ![image]( on this code ```typescript When("The...


I'd like to share my thoughts on playwright-bdd development in 2024. There are 3 main directions: 1. **Become less dependent on Cucumber internals** Currently feature files and step definitions are...

I have my tests split up by Tag into Smoke, Regression, and Dev which I then use different run commands to kick off based on the environment/situation Eg. ``` "e2e:smoke":...


**Given** playwright.config.ts: ``` import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'; import { defineBddConfig } from 'playwright-bdd'; const port = 8080; const baseURL = `http://localhost:${port}`; const testDir = defineBddConfig({ paths: ['playwright/features/**/*.{feature,features}'],...
