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New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp

Open vitalets opened this issue 6 years ago • 29 comments

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vitalets avatar Feb 24 '18 17:02 vitalets

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-lsp / lsp-java lsp-mode ❤️ java

Alexander-Miller / cfrs Child Frame Read String

zerolfx / copilot.el An unofficial Copilot plugin for Emacs.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

Fuco1 / smartparens Minor mode for Emacs that deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it. +1 stars today

rust-lang / rust-mode Emacs configuration for Rust

rexim / org-cliplink Insert org-mode links from clipboard

magit / magit-popup Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos

dominikh / go-mode.el Emacs mode for the Go programming language

emacsmirror / org-contrib Unmaintained add-ons for Org-mode

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

haskell / haskell-mode Emacs mode for Haskell +1 stars today

emacs-straight / xref Mirror of the xref package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2022-10-25

emacs-straight / project Mirror of the project package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2022-10-26

emacs-straight / eldoc Mirror of the eldoc package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2022-10-26

emacs-straight / jsonrpc Mirror of the jsonrpc package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2022-10-26

magit / forge Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit

emacsorphanage / anzu Emacs Port of anzu.vim

minad / org-modern 🦄 Modern Org Style

emacsorphanage / git-gutter Emacs port of GitGutter which is Sublime Text Plugin

yoshiki / yaml-mode The emacs major mode for editing files in the YAML data serialization format.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

clojure-emacs / parseedn EDN parser for Emacs Lisp +1 stars today

magit / magit It's Magit! A Git porcelain inside Emacs.

tarsius / hl-todo Highlight TODO keywords

fxbois / web-mode web template editing mode for emacs

redguardtoo / evil-nerd-commenter Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim

emacs-typescript / typescript.el TypeScript-support for Emacs

magit / orgit Support for Org links to Magit buffers

alphapapa / magit-todos Show source files' TODOs (and FIXMEs, etc) in Magit status buffer

jorgenschaefer / emacs-buttercup Behavior-Driven Emacs Lisp Testing

PythonNut / evil-easymotion ⏩ A port of vim easymotion to Emacs' evil-mode

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

clojure-emacs / clojure-mode Emacs support for the Clojure(Script) programming language +1 stars today

ananthakumaran / tide Tide - TypeScript Interactive Development Environment for Emacs

emacs-dashboard / emacs-dashboard An extensible emacs dashboard

3ogx / editor.config editor.config

stonebk / dotemacs Version my emacs config

emacs-lsp / lsp-metals lsp-mode ❤️ metals

felipeochoa / rjsx-mode A JSX major mode for Emacs

emacs-straight / rainbow-mode Mirror of the rainbow-mode package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2022-10-27

skuro / plantuml-mode A major mode for editing PlantUML sources in Emacs

hvesalai / emacs-scala-mode The definitive scala-mode for emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

orivej / yaml-cycle.el Cycle YAML "headings" (dictionary items) in Emacs similarly to Org mode.

emacs-php / php-mode A powerful and flexible Emacs major mode for editing PHP scripts

radian-software / prescient.el ☄️ Simple but effective sorting and filtering for Emacs.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

dajva / rg.el Emacs search tool based on ripgrep +1 stars today

leahneukirchen / nb Nota Bene, a quick note-taking tool for Emacs

ReimarFinken / org-git-link Allows linking to specific (git) versions of a file in emacs org-mode.

emacs-lsp / lsp-ivy

kiwanami / emacs-deferred Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp

awth13 / org-appear Toggle visibility of hidden Org mode element parts upon entering and leaving an element

atomontage / xterm-color ANSI & xterm-256 color text property translator for Emacs

vspinu / math-symbol-lists Lists of Unicode mathematical symbols and latex commands

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

noctuid / general.el More convenient key definitions in emacs +2 stars today

rejeep / drag-stuff.el Drag stuff around in Emacs

abo-abo / ace-window Quickly switch windows in Emacs

xuchunyang / elisp-demos Demonstrate Emacs Lisp APIs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

alphapapa / hammy.el Programmable, interactive interval timers (e.g. for working/resting) +3 stars today

seagle0128 / doom-modeline A fancy and fast mode-line inspired by minimalism design.

cute-jumper / evil-embrace.el Evil integration of embrace.el

nschum / fringe-helper.el Emacs: helper functions for fringe bitmaps

emacsorphanage / git-gutter-fringe Fringe version of git-gutter.el

magnars / expand-region.el Emacs extension to increase selected region by semantic units.

integral-dw / org-superstar-mode Make org-mode stars a little more super

matsievskiysv / vimish-fold Vim-like text folding for Emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

progfolio / elpaca An elisp package manager +2 stars today

emacs-grammarly / lsp-grammarly lsp-mode ❤️ grammarly

yantar92 / org-capture-ref Extract metadata/bibtex info from websites for org-capture

bbatsov / helm-projectile Helm UI for Projectile

emacsmirror / hide-comnt Hide/show comments in code

emacsmirror / info-plus Extensions to `info.el'

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

rougier / nano-emacs GNU Emacs / N Λ N O - Emacs made simple +5 stars today

melpa / melpa Recipes and build machinery for the biggest Emacs package repo +1 stars today

emacsmirror / git-timemachine Walk through git revisions of a file +1 stars today

editorconfig / editorconfig-emacs EditorConfig plugin for Emacs +1 stars today

seagle0128 / .emacs.d Centaur Emacs - A Fancy and Fast Emacs Configuration

for-GET / know-your-http-well HTTP headers, media-types, methods, relations and status codes, all summarized and linking to their specification.

purcell / emacs.d An Emacs configuration bundle with batteries included

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

manateelazycat / blink-search In the blink of an eye, the search is complete +3 stars today

rougier / nano-toolbar Emacs toolbar in the header line +2 stars today

minad / consult 🔍 consult.el - Consulting completing-read +1 stars today

minad / marginalia 📜 marginalia.el - Marginalia in the minibuffer +1 stars today

oantolin / orderless Emacs completion style that matches multiple regexps in any order +1 stars today

jwiegley / emacs-async Simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs +1 stars today

emacsmirror / compat Emacs Lisp Compatibility Library

oantolin / embark Emacs Mini-Buffer Actions Rooted in Keymaps

politza / tablist Extended tabulated-list-mode

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

doomemacs / doomemacs An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker +7 stars today

emacs-lsp / lsp-mode Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol +1 stars today

emacs-lsp / lsp-treemacs lsp-mode ❤️ treemacs +1 stars today

NixOS / nix-mode An Emacs major mode for editing Nix expressions.

alezost / bui.el Buffer interface library for Emacs

protesilaos / modus-themes Highly accessible themes for GNU Emacs, conforming with the highest standard for colour contrast between background and foreground values (WCAG AAA).

emacs-lsp / dap-mode Emacs ❤️ Debug Adapter Protocol

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-straight / undo-tree Mirror of the undo-tree package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2022-11-05

emacs-straight / map Mirror of the map package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2022-11-05

vspinu / sesman Session manager for Emacs based IDEs.

clojure-emacs / parseclj Clojure Parser for Emacs Lisp

minad / osm 🌍 osm.el - OpenStreetMap viewer for Emacs

jschaf / esup ESUP - Emacs Start Up Profiler

jwiegley / alert A Growl-like alerts notifier for Emacs

js-emacs / js2-refactor.el A JavaScript refactoring library for emacs

magnars / multiple-cursors.el Multiple cursors for emacs.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

manateelazycat / aweshell Awesome shell extension base on eshell with wonderful features! +2 stars today

nelhage / elisp nelhage's emacs configuration +1 stars today

ericdanan / counsel-projectile Ivy UI for Projectile

plexus / chemacs2 Emacs version switcher, improved

Yevgnen / ivy-rich More friendly interface for ivy.

ardumont / markdown-toc Generate a TOC in markdown file

hlissner / evil-snipe 2-char searching ala vim-sneak & vim-seek, for evil-mode

edkolev / evil-goggles Display visual hint on evil edit operations

bling / evil-visualstar Start a * or # search from the visual selection

joaotavora / yasnippet A template system for Emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

doomemacs / themes A megapack of themes for GNU Emacs. +1 stars today

rougier / nano-theme GNU Emacs / N Λ N O Theme

rejeep / f.el Modern API for working with files and directories in Emacs

Bad-ptr / persp-mode.el named perspectives(set of buffers/window configs) for emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

meow-edit / meow Yet another modal editing on Emacs / 猫态编辑

Yet another modal editing on Emacs / cat modal editing

+2 stars today

xenodium / dwim-shell-command Emacs shell commands with DWIM behaviour +1 stars today

PillFall / languagetool.el LanguageTool suggestions integrated within Emacs +1 stars today

emacscollective / borg Assimilate Emacs packages as Git submodules

volrath / treepy.el Generic tree traversing tools for Emacs Lisp

brotzeit / rustic Rust development environment for Emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacscollective / auto-compile Automatically compile Emacs Lisp libraries +1 stars today

Lambda-Emacs / lambda-emacs Emacs distribution with sane defaults, pre-configured packages, and useful functions. +1 stars today

abo-abo / hydra make Emacs bindings that stick around +1 stars today

atgreen / emacs My emacs config

emacscollective / epkg Browse the Emacsmirror package database

cmugang / dotemacs 이맥스 설정 파일

emacs config file

sonatype / docker-nexus3 Dockerized version of Nexus Repo Manager 3

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

jan-warchol / selenized Solarized redesigned: fine-tuned color palette for programmers with focus on readability. +2 stars today

skeeto / emacs-aio async/await for Emacs Lisp +1 stars today

skeeto / elfeed An Emacs web feeds client +1 stars today

manateelazycat / lsp-bridge Fastest LSP client for Emacs

LeoDT / dot-files-depracated my dot files

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

minad / corfu 🏝️ corfu.el - Completion Overlay Region FUnction +1 stars today

minad / vertico 💫 vertico.el - VERTical Interactive COmpletion +1 stars today

JUrban / hol-advisor

abo-abo / swiper Ivy - a generic completion frontend for Emacs, Swiper - isearch with an overview, and more. Oh, man!

auto-complete / popup-el Visual Popup Interface Library for Emacs

mooz / js2-mode Improved JavaScript editing mode for GNU Emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-evil / evil-collection A set of keybindings for evil-mode +1 stars today

bbatsov / projectile Project Interaction Library for Emacs +1 stars today

mickeynp / ligature.el Display typographical ligatures in Emacs

eschulte / jump.el elisp utility for defining functions which contextually jump between files

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

magit / transient Transient commands +1 stars today

magit / with-editor Use the Emacsclient as the $EDITOR of child processes

purcell / exec-path-from-shell Make Emacs use the $PATH set up by the user's shell

magnars / dash.el A modern list library for Emacs

cask / epl Emacs Package Library

emacsorphanage / pkg-info Provide information about Emacs packages

emacs-evil / goto-chg

magnars / s.el The long lost Emacs string manipulation library.

emacs-lsp / lsp-docker Scripts and configurations to leverage lsp-mode in docker environment

zkry / yaml.el YAML parser in Elisp

emacs-straight / compat Mirror of the compat package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2022-11-14

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

jwiegley / use-package A use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs +1 stars today

denrat / term-cursor.el Bring GUI Emacs cursor behaviour to the terminal

emacsmirror / font-lock-plus Enhancements to standard library `font-lock.el'

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-mirror / emacs Mirror of GNU Emacs +3 stars today

org-roam / org-roam Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode +1 stars today

openscad / emacs-scad-mode OpenSCAD Emacs mode +1 stars today

samrawal / gpt-emacs-macro Connect GPT-3 to Emacs and run "semantic" kbd macros

emacs-straight / vertico Mirror of the vertico package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2022-11-15

Malabarba / aggressive-indent-mode Emacs minor mode that keeps your code always indented. More reliable than electric-indent-mode.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

radian-software / straight.el 🍀 Next-generation, purely functional package manager for the Emacs hacker.

tonyaldon / jack jack is a HTML generator library for Emacs Lisp.

winfred-lu / emacs.d

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

KaratasFurkan / org-rainbow-tags Colorize org tags automatically to make them visually distinguishable. +1 stars today

commercial-emacs / xlsp A serious take on LSP for emacs.

manateelazycat / auto-save Automatically save files without temporary files to protect your finger. ;)

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

daviwil / emacs-from-scratch An example of a fully custom Emacs configuration developed live on YouTube! +2 stars today

rmloveland / zoom-to-point Emacs functions that zoom in on the text at point.

fniessen / emacs-leuven-theme Awesome Emacs color theme for white backgrounds --- Added in Emacs 24.4+

jscn / dotfiles These are my dotfiles. There are many like them, but these ones are mine.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

practicalli / spacemacs.d rich Clojure & LSP config for Spacemacs +1 stars today

rougier / org-agenda-conflict Mark conflicting items in the org-agenda +1 stars today

ch11ng / exwm Emacs X Window Manager

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

Wilfred / helpful A better Emacs help buffer +1 stars today

dimitri / el-get Manage the external elisp bits and pieces upon which you depend! +1 stars today

abo-abo / avy Jump to things in Emacs tree-style

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

flycheck / flycheck On the fly syntax checking for GNU Emacs +2 stars today

emacs-lsp / lsp-ui UI integrations for lsp-mode +1 stars today

Alexander-Miller / treemacs +1 stars today

domtronn / all-the-icons.el A utility package to collect various Icon Fonts and propertize them within Emacs.

jrblevin / markdown-mode Emacs Markdown Mode

Alexander-Miller / pfuture

SWI-Prolog / packages-sweep GNU-Emacs interface that embeds Prolog as an Emacs module

Wilfred / ht.el The missing hash table library for Emacs

company-mode / company-mode Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

julienXX / ruby-hash-syntax.el Convert ruby hash syntax to 1.9 in a buffer or on a project

progfolio / elpaca An elisp package manager

seagle0128 / doom-modeline A fancy and fast mode-line inspired by minimalism design.

domtronn / all-the-icons.el A utility package to collect various Icon Fonts and propertize them within Emacs.

purcell / inheritenv Make emacs temp buffers inherit buffer-local environment variables

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

svaante / dape Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs +3 stars today

magit / magit It's Magit! A Git Porcelain inside Emacs. +3 stars today

ysano / dotfiles

ZehCnaS34 / zonokai-emacs Blue based theme with red green and yellow accents. (OG)

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

clojure-emacs / cider The Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks for Emacs +4 stars today

SWI-Prolog / packages-sweep GNU-Emacs interface that embeds Prolog as an Emacs module

Malabarba / spinner.el Emacs mode-line spinner for operations in progress

syl20bnr / nose.el This gives a bunch of functions that handle running nosetests on a particular buffer or part of a buffer. Fork from

A7R7 / org-popup-posframe show org-mode popup buffers in posframe

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

minad / corfu 🏝️ corfu.el - COmpletion in Region FUnction +5 stars today

melpa / melpa Recipes and build machinery for the biggest Emacs package repo

jasonm23 / autothemer Conveniently create Emacs themes - watch Autothemer used by System Crafters

auto-complete / popup-el Visual Popup Interface Library for Emacs

zkry / yaml.el YAML parser in Elisp

eschulte / jump.el elisp utility for defining functions which contextually jump between files

cieplak / Dotfiles configuration files

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacsmirror / info-plus Extensions to `info.el'

quelpa / quelpa Build and install your Emacs Lisp packages on-the-fly directly from source

magit / magit-popup Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

abo-abo / hydra make Emacs bindings that stick around +1 stars today

tumashu / posframe Pop a posframe (just a child-frame) at point, posframe is a GNU ELPA package!

minad / cape 🦸cape.el - Completion At Point Extensions

Alexander-Miller / pfuture

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

org-roam / org-roam Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode +2 stars today

Sterlingg / json-snatcher Get the path to a JSON element in Emacs. +1 stars today

hcl-emacs / terraform-mode Major mode of Terraform configuration file

emacs-lsp / lsp-mode Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol

emacsorphanage / git-gutter Emacs port of GitGutter which is Sublime Text Plugin

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-straight / spinner Mirror of the spinner package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-03-26 +1 stars today

tarsius / hl-todo Highlight TODO keywords +1 stars today

tomoyat / emacs.config

yoshiki / yaml-mode The emacs major mode for editing files in the YAML data serialization format.

emacs-straight / let-alist Mirror of the let-alist package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-03-26

purcell / package-lint A linting library for elisp package metadata

purcell / emacs.d An Emacs configuration bundle with batteries included

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-evil / evil The extensible vi layer for Emacs.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

Zilong-Li / org-tufte Export org file to beautiful Tufte html +1 stars today

nelhage / elisp nelhage's emacs configuration

emacsorphanage / helm-ag The silver searcher with helm interface

editorconfig / editorconfig-emacs EditorConfig plugin for Emacs

Wu-Bo / .emacs.d emacs 扩展仓库

emacs extension repository

d12frosted / flyspell-correct Distraction-free words correction with flyspell via selected interface.

mohkale / consult-eglot Jump to workspace symbols with eglot and consult

emacs-sideline / sideline-eglot Show eglot information with sideline

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-lsp / lsp-ui UI integrations for lsp-mode +1 stars today

magit / forge Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit +1 stars today

emacs-php / php-mode A powerful and flexible Emacs major mode for editing PHP scripts

haskell / haskell-mode Emacs mode for Haskell

ahyatt / emacs-websocket A websocket implementation in elisp, for emacs.

leahneukirchen / nb Nota Bene, a quick note-taking tool for Emacs

stonebk / dotemacs Version my emacs config

skuro / plantuml-mode A major mode for editing PlantUML sources in Emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

karthink / gptel A simple LLM client for Emacs +2 stars today

bbatsov / prelude Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 25.1+ distribution that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.

protesilaos / consult-denote Use Consult in tandem with Denote (WORK-IN-PROGRESS)

emacs-tree-sitter / ts-fold Code-folding using tree-sitter

emacs-helm / helm Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework

emacs-lsp / lsp-treemacs lsp-mode ❤️ treemacs

emacs-straight / map Mirror of the map package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-03-30

emacs-straight / queue Mirror of the queue package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-03-30

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

noctuid / annalist.el Record and display information such as keybindings

magnars / expand-region.el Emacs extension to increase selected region by semantic units.

json-emacs / json-mode Major mode for editing JSON files with emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

radian-software / apheleia 🌷 Run code formatter on buffer contents without moving point, using RCS patches and dynamic programming.

abo-abo / swiper Ivy - a generic completion frontend for Emacs, Swiper - isearch with an overview, and more. Oh, man!

emacs-straight / external-completion Mirror of the external-completion package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-04-01

justbur / emacs-which-key Emacs package that displays available keybindings in popup

akermu / emacs-libvterm Emacs libvterm integration

abo-abo / ace-window Quickly switch windows in Emacs

emacs-compat / compat COMPATibility Library for Emacs Lisp

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

magnars / multiple-cursors.el Multiple cursors for emacs. +3 stars today

emacs-lsp / dap-mode Emacs ❤️ Debug Adapter Protocol +2 stars today

gamesun / Emacs-Options My ".emacs" file +1 stars today

magit / git-modes Emacs major modes for Git configuration files

jwiegley / emacs-async Simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

mickeynp / combobulate Structured Editing and Navigation in Emacs with Tree-Sitter

dgutov / diff-hl Emacs package for highlighting uncommitted changes

ledyba / .emacs.d .emacs.dです。


New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

minad / org-modern 🦄 Modern Org Style +2 stars today

manateelazycat / lsp-bridge A blazingly fast LSP client for Emacs +1 stars today

jgpaiva / dotfiles My config files

marchdown / .emacs.d

Fuco1 / smartparens Minor mode for Emacs that deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-mirror / emacs Mirror of GNU Emacs +2 stars today

mickeynp / html-ts-mode Tree-sitter enabled HTML support for Emacs

cjkvi / cjkvi-emacs Emacs Tools for handling CJKV Ideographs.

emacs-straight / project Mirror of the project package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-04-05

emacs-straight / xref Mirror of the xref package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-04-05

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

copilot-emacs / copilot.el An unofficial Copilot plugin for Emacs.

emacs-straight / compat Mirror of the compat package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-04-06

magit / transient Transient commands

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

joaotavora / yasnippet A template system for Emacs +4 stars today

emacs-straight / eglot Mirror of the eglot package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-04-07

emacs-straight / flymake Mirror of the flymake package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-04-07

emacs-straight / eldoc Mirror of the eldoc package from GNU ELPA, current as of 2024-04-07

sshaw / git-link Emacs package to get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab/... URL for a buffer location

purcell / exec-path-from-shell Make Emacs use the $PATH set up by the user's shell

radian-software / straight.el 🍀 Next-generation, purely functional package manager for the Emacs hacker.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-dashboard / emacs-dashboard An extensible emacs dashboard

magit / with-editor Use the Emacsclient as the $EDITOR of child processes

Fanael / rainbow-delimiters Emacs rainbow delimiters mode

tkf / emacs-request Request.el -- Easy HTTP request for Emacs Lisp

jwiegley / use-package A use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

tarsius / map-regexp Map over matches of a regular expression

AjayMT / mo-vi-ment Vi-like cursor movement for Emacs.

seokbeomKim / org-linenote A Emacs note package inspired by Visual Studio Code's Linenote.

dsevilla / masquerade-mode-el Minor mode to add templating capabilities to any mode

ledger / ledger-mode Emacs Lisp files for interacting with the C++Ledger accounting system

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

syl20bnr / spacemacs A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs and Vim! +3 stars today

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-tree-sitter / tree-sitter-langs Language bundle for Emacs's tree-sitter package

purcell / emacs-reformatter Define commands which run reformatters on the current Emacs buffer

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-tree-sitter / elisp-tree-sitter Emacs Lisp bindings for tree-sitter

meedstrom / quickroam Fast org-roam commands

s-kostyaev / ellama Ellama is a tool for interacting with large language models from Emacs.

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

rougier / nano-emacs GNU Emacs / N Λ N O - Emacs made simple +4 stars today

magnars / s.el The long lost Emacs string manipulation library. +3 stars today

DevelopmentCool2449 / colorful-mode 🎨Preview any color in your buffer +1 stars today

purcell / envrc Emacs support for direnv which operates buffer-locally

jcs090218 / setup-emacs-windows A Github Action that installs a specific emacs version

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

oantolin / embark Emacs Mini-Buffer Actions Rooted in Keymaps +2 stars today

oantolin / orderless Emacs completion style that matches multiple regexps in any order +1 stars today

minad / marginalia 📜 marginalia.el - Marginalia in the minibuffer +1 stars today

Alexander-Miller / treemacs +1 stars today

fxbois / web-mode web template editing mode for emacs +1 stars today

doomemacs / themes A megapack of themes for GNU Emacs. +1 stars today

rust-lang / rust-mode Emacs configuration for Rust

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

emacs-evil / evil-collection A set of keybindings for evil-mode +2 stars today

kaushalmodi / ox-hugo A carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for Hugo

fniessen / emacs-leuven-theme This Emacs theme reduces eye strain with a light, high-contrast color scheme, syntax highlighting, and support for multiple modes. Enhance your coding experience! #emacs #theme #coding #orgmode

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

CeleritasCelery / rune Rust VM for Emacs +2 stars today

mhayashi1120 / japanlaw.el Emacs 電子六法

Emacs electronic six methods

jdtsmith / eglot-booster Boost eglot using lsp-booster

gintas / emacs-config Emacs configuration files

libjack / dotfiles manage my dotfiles

Alexander-Miller / cfrs Child Frame Read String

New daily trending repos in Emacs Lisp!

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