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New daily trending repos in C#

Open vitalets opened this issue 6 years ago • 30 comments

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vitalets avatar Nov 09 '17 15:11 vitalets

New daily trending repos in C#!

microsoft / PowerToys Windows system utilities to maximize productivity +26 stars today

sebastienros / jint Javascript Interpreter for .NET +26 stars today

SixLabors / ImageSharp 📷 A modern, cross-platform, 2D Graphics library for .NET +13 stars today

dnSpy / dnSpy .NET debugger and assembly editor +12 stars today

Sophia-Community / SophiApp ⚡ The most powerful open source tweaker on GitHub for fine-tuning Windows 10 & Windows 11 +5 stars today

huntandhackett / Antignis Source code and examples for Antignis +2 stars today

LavaGang / MelonLoader The World's First Universal Mod Loader for Unity Games compatible with both Il2Cpp and Mono +2 stars today

kwsch / PKHeX Pokémon Save File Editor +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

files-community / Files Building the best File Manager for Windows +31 stars today

AdminTest0 / SharpWxDump 微信客户端取证,可获取用户个人信息(昵称/账号/手机/邮箱/数据库密钥(用来解密聊天记录));支持获取多用户信息,不定期更新新版本偏移,目前支持所有新版本、正式版本

Wechat client forensics, which can obtain user personal information (nickname/account/mobile phone/mail/database key (used to decrypt chat records)); support for obtaining multi-user information, update new version offsets from time to time, and currently support all new versions ,official version

+5 stars today

QuantConnect / Lean Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine by QuantConnect (Python, C#) +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

MaterialDesignInXAML / MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit Google's Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net. +6 stars today

domaindrivendev / Swashbuckle.AspNetCore Swagger tools for documenting API's built on ASP.NET Core +4 stars today

dotnet / maui-samples Samples for .NET Multi-Platform App UI (.NET MAUI) +3 stars today

dotnet / SqlClient Microsoft.Data.SqlClient provides database connectivity to SQL Server for .NET applications. +1 stars today

OrchardCMS / OrchardCore Orchard Core is an open-source modular and multi-tenant application framework built with ASP.NET Core, and a content management system (CMS) built on top of that framework. +1 stars today

edbmods / EdBPrepareCarefully EdB Prepare Carefully, a RimWorld mod +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

Sergio0694 / PolySharp PolySharp provides generated, source-only polyfills for C# language features, to easily use all runtime-agnostic features downlevel. Add a reference, set your C# version to latest and have fun! 🚀 +25 stars today

Sanakan8472 / copy-dialog-lunar-lander Play lunar lander in you windows file copy dialog +17 stars today

bitwarden / server The core infrastructure backend (API, database, Docker, etc). +7 stars today

dotnet-architecture / eShopOnWeb Sample ASP.NET Core 6.0 reference application, powered by Microsoft, demonstrating a layered application architecture with monolithic deployment model. Download the eBook PDF from docs folder. +7 stars today

Unity-Technologies / A small-scale cooperative game sample built on the new, Unity networking framework to teach developers about creating a similar multiplayer game. +3 stars today

Cysharp / UniTask Provides an efficient allocation free async/await integration for Unity. +2 stars today

StackExchange / StackExchange.Redis General purpose redis client +1 stars today

dotnet / dotnet-api-docs .NET API reference documentation (.NET 5+, .NET Core, .NET Framework) +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

dotnet / runtime .NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps. +10 stars today

cefsharp / CefSharp .NET (WPF and Windows Forms) bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework +3 stars today

dotnet / wpf WPF is a .NET Core UI framework for building Windows desktop applications. +3 stars today

ststeiger / PdfSharpCore Port of the PdfSharp library to .NET Core - largely removed GDI+ (only missing GetFontData - which can be replaced with freetype2) +3 stars today

dathlin / HslCommunication A very popular industrial Internet of Things communication plug-in. Using this dll can be very convenient, stable, and fast to obtain data from PLC equipment of multiple brands, and also supports redis, mqtt, websocket, etc., which can let your data on the network Free transmission, reducing enterprise development costs. +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

Kyome22 / RunCat_for_windows A cute running cat animation on your windows taskbar. +5 stars today

dotnet / efcore EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations. +4 stars today

JoshClose / CsvHelper Library to help reading and writing CSV files +4 stars today

mRemoteNG / mRemoteNG mRemoteNG is the next generation of mRemote, open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager. +4 stars today

TheOtherRolesAU / TheOtherRoles The Other Roles, is a mod for Among Us which adds many new roles, new Settings and new Custom Hats to the game. +1 stars today

SebLague / Geographical-Adventures

goichot / CVE-2020-3433 PoCs and technical analysis of three vulnerabilities found on Cisco AnyConnect for Windows: CVE-2020-3433, CVE-2020-3434 and CVE-2020-3435

New daily trending repos in C#!

jellyfin / jellyfin The Free Software Media System +94 stars today

TheJoeFin / Text-Grab Use OCR in Windows 10 quickly and easily with Text Grab. With optional background process and popups. +16 stars today

studyzy / imewlconverter ”深蓝词库转换“ 一款开源免费的输入法词库转换程序

"Deep Blue Thesaurus Conversion" is an open source free input method thesaurus conversion program

+13 stars today

louthy / language-ext C# functional language extensions - a base class library for functional programming +5 stars today

dotnet-presentations / blazor-workshop Blazor workshop +3 stars today

quartznet / quartznet Quartz Enterprise Scheduler .NET +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

Accenture / Spartacus Spartacus DLL Hijacking Discovery Tool +21 stars today

redteamsocietegenerale / DLLirant DLLirant is a tool to automatize the DLL Hijacking researches on a specified binary. +13 stars today

1Remote / PRemoteM Personal Remote Manager +12 stars today

dotnet / samples Sample code referenced by the .NET documentation +12 stars today

subhra74 / xdm Powerfull download accelerator and video downloader +7 stars today

SitronX / UnityTimeRewinder Unity time rewind solution, that is easily customizable for any project. +5 stars today

tModLoader / tModLoader A mod to make and play Terraria mods. Supports Terraria 1.4 (and earlier) installations +4 stars today

hanmin0822 / MisakaTranslator 御坂翻译器—Galgame/文字游戏/漫画多语种实时机翻工具

Misaka Translator—Galgame/word game/manga multilingual real-time machine translation tool

+3 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

aalhour / C-Sharp-Algorithms 📚 📈 Plug-and-play class-library project of standard Data Structures and Algorithms in C# +18 stars today

justcoding121 / advanced-algorithms 100+ algorithms & data structures generically implemented in C#. +13 stars today

Processus-Thief / ETWMonitor Windows notifier tool that detects RDP, SMB and RPC connections by monitoring ETW event logs +11 stars today

Unity-Technologies / ml-agents The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open-source project that enables games and simulations to serve as environments for training intelligent agents using deep reinforcement learning and imitation learning. +8 stars today

Unity-Technologies / EntityComponentSystemSamples +5 stars today

Sonarr / Sonarr Smart PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users. +3 stars today

UnigramDev / Unigram Telegram for Windows +3 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

veler / DevToys A Swiss Army knife for developers. +69 stars today

ppy / osu rhythm is just a click away! +17 stars today

dotnet / maui .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop. +8 stars today

vignetteapp / SeeShark Simple C# camera library. +7 stars today

elsa-workflows / elsa-core A .NET Standard 2.0 Workflows Library +6 stars today

hitchao / Jvedio Jvedio 是本地视频管理软件,支持扫描本地视频并导入软件,建立视频库, 提取出视频的 唯一识别码,自动分类视频, 添加标签管理视频,使用人工智能识别演员,支持翻译信息, 基于 FFmpeg 截取视频图片,Window 桌面端流畅美观的应用软件

Jvedio is a local video management software that supports scanning local videos and importing them, establishing a video library, extracting the unique identification code of videos, automatically classifying videos, adding tags to manage videos, using artificial intelligence to identify actors, supporting translation information, and intercepting videos based on FFmpeg Pictures, a smooth and beautiful application software on the Windows desktop

+5 stars today

actions / runner The Runner for GitHub Actions 🚀 +5 stars today

stride3d / stride Stride Game Engine (formerly Xenko) +2 stars today

danielgerlag / workflow-core Lightweight workflow engine for .NET Standard +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

H4de5-7 / powershell-bypass powershell命令免杀的小工具,可过Defender、360等,可执行上线cobaltstrike、添加计划任务等

Powershell command-free gadget, can pass Defender, 360, etc., can perform online cobaltstrike, add scheduled tasks, etc.

+17 stars today

d2phap / ImageGlass 🏞 A lightweight, versatile image viewer +11 stars today

ardalis / Specification Base class with tests for adding specifications to a DDD model +9 stars today

bchavez / Bogus 📇 A simple fake data generator for C#, F#, and VB.NET. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js. +8 stars today

davidfowl / AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios This repository has examples of broken patterns in ASP.NET Core applications +6 stars today

daem0nc0re / AtomicSyscall Tools and PoCs for Windows syscall investigation. +6 stars today

Pryaxis / TShock ☕️⚡️TShock provides Terraria servers with server-side characters, anti-cheat, and community management tools. +4 stars today

XINCGer / Unity3DTraining Unity的练习项目

Unity practice project

+4 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

miroslavpejic85 / p2p 🖥️ P2P Remote Desktop - Portable, No Configuration or Installation Needed. +20 stars today

spectreconsole / spectre.console A .NET library that makes it easier to create beautiful console applications. +13 stars today

shadowsocks / shadowsocks-windows A C# port of shadowsocks +10 stars today

jbogard / MediatR Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET +9 stars today

gitextensions / gitextensions Git Extensions is a standalone UI tool for managing git repositories. It also integrates with Windows Explorer and Microsoft Visual Studio (2015/2017/2019). +7 stars today

neuecc / MessagePack-CSharp Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin). /[C#] +7 stars today

microsoft / reverse-proxy A toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications. +4 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

gerardog / gsudo A Sudo for Windows +24 stars today

duplicati / duplicati Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud! +21 stars today

GitCredentialManager / git-credential-manager Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services. +5 stars today

EsotericSoftware / spine-runtimes 2D skeletal animation runtimes for Spine. +3 stars today

DGP-Studio / Snap.Genshin 你想要的原神全家桶

The Yuanshen Family Bucket You Want

+3 stars today

OPCFoundation / UA-.NETStandard OPC Unified Architecture .NET Standard +3 stars today

mattpannella / pocket-updater-utility Analogue Pocket Updater Utility

New daily trending repos in C#!

jbogard / Respawn Intelligent database cleaner for integration tests +29 stars today

NicolasConstant / BirdsiteLive An ethical bridge from Twitter +12 stars today

DGP-Studio / Snap.Hutao 唷,找本堂主有何贵干呀?

Hey, what's your job to find this hall master?

+11 stars today

mbdavid / LiteDB LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file - +8 stars today

CommunityToolkit / dotnet .NET Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers and APIs that work for all .NET developers and are agnostic of any specific UI platform. The toolkit is maintained and published by Microsoft, and part of the .NET Foundation. +5 stars today

RicoSuter / NSwag The Swagger/OpenAPI toolchain for .NET, ASP.NET Core and TypeScript. +5 stars today

microsoft / PowerPlatformConnectors This is a repository for Microsoft Power Automate, Power Apps, and Azure Logic Apps connectors +3 stars today

ClosedXML / ClosedXML ClosedXML is a .NET library for reading, manipulating and writing Excel 2007+ (.xlsx, .xlsm) files. It aims to provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface to dealing with the underlying OpenXML API. +3 stars today

khellang / Scrutor Assembly scanning and decoration extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection +2 stars today

Azure-Samples / active-directory-aspnetcore-webapp-openidconnect-v2 An ASP.NET Core Web App which lets sign-in users (including in your org, many orgs, orgs + personal accounts, sovereign clouds) and call Web APIs (including Microsoft Graph) +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

leiurayer / downkyi 哔哩下载姬downkyi,B站视频下载工具,支持批量下载,支持8K、HDR、杜比视界,提供工具箱(音视频提取、去水印等)。

Bili download Ji downkyi, a video download tool for station B, supports batch download, supports 8K, HDR, Dolby Vision, and provides toolbox (audio and video extraction, watermark removal, etc.).

+20 stars today

QL-Win / QuickLook Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows +17 stars today

netchx / netch A simple proxy client +13 stars today

MathewSachin / Captura Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes +12 stars today

AutoDarkMode / Windows-Auto-Night-Mode Automatically switches between the dark and light theme of Windows 10 and Windows 11 +11 stars today

dotnet / razor Compiler and tooling experience for Razor ASP.NET Core apps in Visual Studio, Visual Studio for Mac, and VS Code. +7 stars today

Tyrrrz / DiscordChatExporter Exports Discord chat logs to a file +4 stars today

BepInEx / BepInEx Unity / XNA game patcher and plugin framework +3 stars today

btcpayserver / btcpayserver Accept Bitcoin payments. Free, open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payment processor. +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

d3lb3 / KeeFarceReborn A standalone DLL that exports databases in cleartext once injected in the KeePass process. +43 stars today

winsecurity / Offensive-C-Sharp +22 stars today

nilaoda / BBDown Bilibili Downloader. 一款命令行式哔哩哔哩下载器.

Bilibili Downloader. A command-line Bilibili downloader.

+12 stars today

nilaoda / N_m3u8DL-CLI [.NET] m3u8 downloader 开源的命令行m3u8/HLS/dash下载器,支持普通AES-128-CBC解密,多线程,自定义请求头等. 支持简体中文,繁体中文和英文. English Supported.

[.NET] m3u8 downloader Open source command line m3u8/HLS/dash downloader, supports common AES-128-CBC decryption, multi-threading, custom request headers, etc. Supports Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English. English Supported.

+12 stars today

PowerShell / PowerShell PowerShell for every system! +10 stars today

hellzerg / optimizer The finest Windows Optimizer +10 stars today

carlospolop / PEASS-ng PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors) +7 stars today

CjangCjengh / MoeGoe_GUI GUI for MoeGoe +7 stars today

ALIILAPRO / warp-plus-cloudflare Script for getting unlimited GB on Warp+ ( ) +3 stars today

gibbed / SteamAchievementManager A manager for game achievements in Steam. +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

Ponderfly / GoogleTranslateIpCheck +84 stars today

Azure / azure-powershell Microsoft Azure PowerShell +6 stars today

dotnet / machinelearning ML.NET is an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET. +6 stars today

proxysu / ProxySU Xray,V2ray,Trojan,NaiveProxy, Trojan-Go, ShadowsocksR(SSR),Shadowsocks-libev及相关插件,MTProto+TLS 一键安装工具,windows下用(一键科学上网)

Xray, V2ray, Trojan, NaiveProxy, Trojan-Go, ShadowsocksR(SSR), Shadowsocks-libev and related plug-ins, MTProto+TLS one-click installation tool, used under windows (one-click scientific Internet access)

+5 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

martinothamar / Mediator A high performance implementation of Mediator pattern in .NET using source generators. +95 stars today

OdysseusYuan / LKY_OfficeTools 一键自动化 下载、安装、激活 Office 的利器。

One-click automation A powerful tool for downloading, installing, and activating Office.

+41 stars today

microsoft / dotnet-podcasts .NET 6 reference application shown at .NET Conf 2021 featuring ASP.NET Core, Blazor, .NET MAUI, Microservices, and more! +13 stars today

kgrzybek / modular-monolith-with-ddd Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach. +10 stars today

egametang / ET Unity3D Client And C# Server Framework +4 stars today

dotnet / csharplang The official repo for the design of the C# programming language

New daily trending repos in C#!

MudBlazor / MudBlazor Blazor Component Library based on Material design. The goal is to do more with Blazor, utilizing CSS and keeping Javascript to a bare minimum. +11 stars today

CommunityToolkit / Maui The .NET MAUI Community Toolkit is a community-created library that contains .NET MAUI Extensions, Advanced UI/UX Controls, and Behaviors to help make your life as a .NET MAUI developer easier +8 stars today

mono / mono Mono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation. +2 stars today

dotnet / roslyn The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs. +2 stars today

microsoft / MixedRealityToolkit-Unity Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) provides a set of components and features to accelerate cross-platform MR app development in Unity.

Unity-Technologies / arfoundation-samples Example content for Unity projects based on AR Foundation

New daily trending repos in C#!

huiyadanli / RevokeMsgPatcher A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC版微信/QQ/TIM防撤回补丁(我已经看到了,撤回也没用了)

A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - Anti-withdrawal patch for PC version of WeChat/QQ/TIM (I have seen it, and the withdrawal is useless)

+26 stars today

hasantarhan / LeafPhysics +12 stars today

dotnet / BenchmarkDotNet Powerful .NET library for benchmarking +4 stars today

xunit / xunit is a free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for .NET. +3 stars today

MassTransit / MassTransit Distributed Application Framework for .NET +3 stars today

VerifyTests / Verify Verify is a snapshot tool that simplifies the assertion of complex data models and documents. +2 stars today

CCob / Volumiser +1 stars today

mob-sakai / ParticleEffectForUGUI Render particle effect in UnityUI(uGUI). Maskable, sortable, and no extra Camera/RenderTexture/Canvas. +1 stars today

umbraco / Umbraco-CMS The simple, flexible and friendly ASP.NET CMS used by more than 730.000 websites

New daily trending repos in C#!

Tyrrrz / CliWrap Library for running command line processes +64 stars today

AvaloniaUI / Avalonia A cross-platform UI framework for .NET +10 stars today

ardalis / CleanArchitecture Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core +7 stars today

PomeloFoundation / Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql Entity Framework Core provider for MySQL and MariaDB built on top of MySqlConnector +6 stars today

aelassas / wexflow Open Source .NET Workflow Engine and Automation Platform +5 stars today

nopSolutions / nopCommerce ASP.NET Core eCommerce software. nopCommerce is a free and open-source shopping cart. +4 stars today

dotnet / dotnet-monitor This repository contains the source code for .NET Monitor - a tool that allows you to gather diagnostic data from running applications using HTTP endpoints +2 stars today

microsoft / WinUI-Gallery This app demonstrates the controls available in WinUI and the Fluent Design System. +2 stars today

aspnetrun / run-aspnetcore-microservices Microservices on .Net platforms which used Asp.Net Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Grpc, Ocelot API Gateway, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, SqlServer, Dapper, Entity Framework Core, CQRS and Clean Architecture implementation. Also includes Cross-Cutting concerns like Implementing Centralized Distributed Logging with Elasticsearch, Kibana an…

New daily trending repos in C#!

Unity-Technologies / com.unity.demoteam.mesh-to-sdf A light and fast real-time SDF generator, primarily for animated characters. The dynamic SDF can be used for all sorts of VFX. Also enables hair-to-character collisions in the new hair package. +29 stars today

2dust / v2rayN A V2Ray client for Windows, support Xray core and v2fly core +24 stars today

dotnetcore / FastGithub github加速神器,解决github打不开、用户头像无法加载、releases无法上传下载、git-clone、git-pull、git-push失败等问题

The github acceleration artifact solves problems such as github cannot be opened, user avatar cannot be loaded, releases cannot be uploaded and downloaded, git-clone, git-pull, git-push failure, etc.

+17 stars today

RayWangQvQ / BiliBiliToolPro B 站(bilibili)自动任务工具,支持docker、青龙、腾讯云函数等多种部署方式。敏感肌也能用。

Station B (bilibili) is an automatic task tool that supports multiple deployment methods such as docker, Qinglong, and Tencent Cloud functions. Sensitive skin can also use.

+7 stars today

space-wizards / space-station-14 A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13. +2 stars today

Perfare / Il2CppDumper Unity il2cpp reverse engineer +2 stars today

kwsch / PKHeX.Mobile Pokémon save editor for Android and iOS! +2 stars today

jadepeng / XMusicDownloader 一款 支持从百度、网易、qq、酷狗、咪咕等音乐网站搜索并下载歌曲的程序,支持下载无损音乐

A program that supports searching and downloading songs from music websites such as Baidu, NetEase, QQ, Kugou, Migu, etc., and supports downloading lossless music

+1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

davidfowl / TodoApi ASP.NET Core API with JWT authentication and authorization +80 stars today

brminnick / AsyncAwaitBestPractices Extensions for System.Threading.Tasks.Task and System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask +25 stars today

mgth / LittleBigMouse DPI Aware mouse move across screens +13 stars today

dotnet / aspnetcore ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux. +12 stars today

TelegramBots / Telegram.Bot .NET Client for Telegram Bot API +6 stars today

dotnet-presentations / dotnet-maui-workshop A full day workshop (.NET MAUI Workshop in a Box) on how to build apps with .NET MAUI for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows +6 stars today

JustArchiNET / ArchiSteamFarm C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously. +4 stars today

xupefei / Locale-Emulator Yet Another System Region and Language Simulator +3 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

Idov31 / Sandman Sandman is a NTP based backdoor for red team engagements in hardened networks. +17 stars today

reveng007 / SharpGmailC2 Our Friendly Gmail will act as Server and implant will exfiltrate data via smtp and will read commands from C2 (Gmail) via imap protocol +15 stars today

HangfireIO / Hangfire An easy way to perform background job processing in your .NET and .NET Core applications. No Windows Service or separate process required +4 stars today

openiddict / openiddict-core Versatile OpenID Connect stack for ASP.NET Core and Microsoft.Owin (compatible with ASP.NET 4.6.1) +3 stars today

zeroruka / GI-Mods Archive for anime game mods +2 stars today

UnityTechnologies / open-project-1 Unity Open Project #1: Chop Chop +1 stars today

EllanJiang / GameFramework This is literally a game framework, based on Unity game engine. It encapsulates commonly used game modules during development, and, to a large degree, standardises the process, enhances the development speed and ensures the product quality.

New daily trending repos in C#!

rocksdanister / lively Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers. +20 stars today

heathbm / BatchPool The one-stop generic task batching and management library +17 stars today

serilog / serilog Simple .NET logging with fully-structured events +7 stars today

dotnet-architecture / eShopOnContainers Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container based application that runs on Linux Windows and macOS. Powered by .NET 6, Docker Containers and Azure Kubernetes Services. Supports Visual Studio, VS for Mac and CLI based environments with Docker CLI, dotnet CLI, VS Code or any other code editor. +6 stars today

Azure-Samples / cognitive-services-speech-sdk Sample code for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK +4 stars today

robinrodricks / FluentFTP An FTP and FTPS client for .NET & .NET Standard, optimized for speed. Provides extensive FTP commands, File uploads/downloads, SSL/TLS connections, Automatic directory listing parsing, File hashing/checksums, File permissions/CHMOD, FTP proxies, FXP support, UTF-8 support, Async/await support, Powershell support and more. Written entirely in C#. +3 stars today

dotnet / sdk Core functionality needed to create .NET Core projects, that is shared between Visual Studio and CLI +2 stars today

jstedfast / MailKit A cross-platform .NET library for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP. +2 stars today

dvf / blockchain A simple Blockchain in Python +1 stars today

microsoft / WinAppDriver Windows Application Driver

New daily trending repos in C#!

dotnet / tye Tye is a tool that makes developing, testing, and deploying microservices and distributed applications easier. Project Tye includes a local orchestrator to make developing microservices easier and the ability to deploy microservices to Kubernetes with minimal configuration. +5 stars today

Unity-Technologies / Graphics Unity Graphics - Including Scriptable Render Pipeline +3 stars today

microsoft / PowerApps-Samples Sample code for Power Apps, including Dataverse, model-driven apps, canvas apps, Power Apps component framework, portals, and ai-builder. +2 stars today

wmjordan / PDFPatcher PDF补丁丁——PDF工具箱,可以编辑书签、剪裁旋转页面、解除限制、提取或合并文档,探查文档结构,提取图片、转成图片等等

PDF Patch - PDF Toolbox, you can edit bookmarks, crop and rotate pages, lift restrictions, extract or merge documents, explore document structure, extract images, convert them to images, etc.

+2 stars today

dotnet / reactive The Reactive Extensions for .NET +2 stars today

JeffreySu / WeiXinMPSDK 微信全平台 SDK Senparc.Weixin for C#,支持 .NET Framework 及 .NET Core、.NET 6.0、.NET 7.0。已支持微信公众号、小程序、小游戏、微信支付、企业微信/企业号、开放平台、JSSDK、微信周边等全平台。 WeChat SDK for C#.

WeChat full platform SDK Senparc.Weixin for C#, supports .NET Framework and .NET Core, .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0. It has supported all platforms such as WeChat public account, mini program, mini game, WeChat payment, enterprise WeChat/enterprise account, open platform, JSSDK, and WeChat peripherals. WeChat SDK for C#.

+1 stars today

microsoft / sbom-tool The SBOM tool is a highly scalable and enterprise ready tool to create SPDX 2.2 compatible SBOMs for any variety of artifacts.

DataDog / dd-trace-dotnet .NET Library for Datadog APM

AzureAD / microsoft-identity-web Helps creating protected web apps and web APIs with Microsoft identity platform and Azure AD B2C

Azure / azure-functions-durable-extension Durable Task Framework extension for Azure Functions

New daily trending repos in C#!

pythonnet / pythonnet Python for .NET is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and provides a powerful application scripting tool for .NET developers. +9 stars today

cocoa-mhlw / cocoa +8 stars today

nissl-lab / npoi a .NET library that can read/write Office formats without Microsoft Office installed. No COM+, no interop. +7 stars today

stevencohn / OneMore A OneNote add-in with simple, yet powerful and useful features +6 stars today

fullstackhero / dotnet-webapi-boilerplate Clean Architecture Template for .NET 6.0 WebApi built with Multitenancy Support. +6 stars today

tylearymf / UniHacker Patch all versions of Unity3D and UnityHub for Windows, MacOS, Linux and Docker. +4 stars today

restsharp / RestSharp Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET +2 stars today

dotnet / aspnet-api-versioning Provides a set of libraries which add service API versioning to ASP.NET Web API, OData with ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Core. +1 stars today

dotnet / format Home for the dotnet-format command

New daily trending repos in C#!

meysamhadeli / awesome-dotnet-tips A curated list of awesome tips and tricks, resources, videos and articles in .net, software architecture, microservice and cloud-native +41 stars today

Cysharp / MemoryPack Zero encoding extreme performance binary serializer for C# and Unity. +21 stars today

Richasy / Bili.Uwp 适用于新系统UI的哔哩

Bilibili for the new system UI

+8 stars today

MicaForEveryone / MicaForEveryone Mica For Everyone is a tool to enable backdrop effects on the title bars of Win32 apps on Windows 11. +7 stars today

0xe7 / WonkaVision +5 stars today

dotnet / MQTTnet MQTTnet is a high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker). The implementation is based on the documentation from +4 stars today

dotnet / winforms Windows Forms is a .NET UI framework for building Windows desktop applications. +3 stars today

dotnet / AspNetCore.Docs Documentation for ASP.NET Core +2 stars today

radzenhq / radzen-blazor Radzen Blazor is a set of 70+ free native Blazor UI components packed with DataGrid, Scheduler, Charts and robust theming including Material design and FluentUI. +2 stars today

pwntester / Deserialization payload generator for a variety of .NET formatters

doombubbles / ultimate-crosspathing A BTD6 mod that allows for more cross-pathing combinations.

New daily trending repos in C#!

ShareX / ShareX ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from. +10 stars today

OpenRA / OpenRA Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X. +6 stars today

thebookisclosed / ViVe C# library and console app for using new feature control APIs available in Windows 10 version 2004 and newer +4 stars today

Jackett / Jackett API Support for your favorite torrent trackers +4 stars today

bitwarden / mobile The mobile app vault (iOS and Android). +3 stars today

jynew / jynew 群侠传,启动!(原金群3D重制版)

Legend of Heroes, start! (3D remake of the original Jinqun)

+2 stars today

ChilliCream / hotchocolate Welcome to the home of the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server for .NET, the Strawberry Shake GraphQL client for .NET and Banana Cake Pop the awesome Monaco based GraphQL IDE. +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

MishaTY / Rectify11Installer Official Rectify11 installer source code. Note: not completed +9 stars today

MonoGame / MonoGame One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games. +7 stars today

2dust / clashN A clash client for Windows, support clash core and Clash.Meta core +6 stars today

dremin / RetroBar Classic Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista taskbar for modern versions of Windows +4 stars today

dockersamples / example-voting-app Example Docker Compose app +1 stars today

DeadlyKitten / MonkeModManager Mod Installer for the PC version of Gorilla Tag.

New daily trending repos in C#!

falseeeeeeeeee / ShaderLibrary 希望开源能够帮到所有人

I hope open source can help everyone

+35 stars today

SubtitleEdit / subtitleedit the subtitle editor :) +11 stars today

unvell / ReoGrid Fast and powerful .NET spreadsheet component, support data format, freeze, outline, formula calculation, chart, script execution and etc. Compatible with Excel 2007 (.xlsx) format and working on .NET 3.5 (or client profile), WPF and Android platform. +10 stars today

MudBlazor / MudBlazor Blazor Component Library based on Material design with an emphasis on ease of use. Mainly written in C# with Javascript kept to a bare minimum it empowers .NET developers to easily debug it if needed. +9 stars today

VeriorPies / ParrelSync (Unity3D) Test multiplayer without building +6 stars today

unoplatform / uno Build Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. Today. Open source and professionally supported. +5 stars today

rnwood / smtp4dev smtp4dev - the fake smtp email server for development and testing +5 stars today

JasperFx / wolverine Next Generation .NET Command and Message Bus +5 stars today

sshnet / SSH.NET SSH.NET is a Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET, optimized for parallelism. +4 stars today

serilog / serilog Simple .NET logging with fully-structured events +2 stars today

JasperFx / marten .NET Transactional Document DB and Event Store on PostgreSQL +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

microsoft / garnet Garnet is a remote cache-store from Microsoft Research that offers strong performance (throughput and latency), scalability, storage, recovery, cluster sharding, key migration, and replication features. Garnet can work with existing Redis clients. +1118 stars today

files-community / Files Building the best file manager for Windows +14 stars today

ZGGSONG / STranslate A ready-to-use, ready-to-go translation ocr tool developed by WPF/WPF 开发的一款即开即用、即用即走的翻译、OCR工具

A ready-to-use, ready-to-go translation ocr tool developed by WPF/WPF A ready-to-use, ready-to-go translation and OCR tool developed by WPF/WPF

+11 stars today

goatcorp / Dalamud FFXIV plugin framework and API +6 stars today

OdysseusYuan / LKY_OfficeTools 一键自动化 下载、安装、激活 Office 的利器。

One-click automated tool for downloading, installing, and activating Office.

+6 stars today

App-vNext / Polly Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner. From version 6.0.1, Polly targets .NET Standard 1.1 and 2.0+. +3 stars today

ChilliCream / graphql-platform Welcome to the home of the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server for .NET, the Strawberry Shake GraphQL client for .NET and Banana Cake Pop the awesome Monaco based GraphQL IDE. +2 stars today

bhrugen / Bulky_MVC +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

Prescoter / Emora-Project Emora is an OSINT tool like sherlock but with a GUI, which search for accounts by username across social networks +39 stars today

davidfowl / AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios This repository has examples of broken patterns in ASP.NET Core applications +34 stars today

microsoft / FASTER Fast persistent recoverable log and key-value store + cache, in C# and C++. +12 stars today

Taiizor / ReaLTaiizor ReaLTaiizor is a .NET WinForms control library that offers a wide range of components and is user-friendly and design-focused. +10 stars today

Pathoschild / SMAPI The modding API for Stardew Valley. +7 stars today

microsoft / devhome The new Dev Home experience for Windows! +4 stars today

Babyhamsta / Aimmy Universal Second Eye for Gamers with Impairments (Universal AI Aim Aligner - YOLOv8) +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

huiyadanli / RevokeMsgPatcher A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC版微信/QQ/TIM防撤回补丁(我已经看到了,撤回也没用了)

A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC version of WeChat/QQ/TIM anti-withdrawal patch (I have already seen it, and withdrawing it is useless)

+30 stars today

microsoft / semantic-kernel Integrate cutting-edge LLM technology quickly and easily into your apps +23 stars today

grzybeek / grzyClothTool grzyClothTool is a free tool to create and manage GTA5 addon clothing packs +6 stars today

dotnet / maui .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop. +6 stars today

bcgit / bc-csharp BouncyCastle.NET Cryptography Library (Mirror) +5 stars today

MassTransit / MassTransit Distributed Application Framework for .NET +4 stars today

aspnetboilerplate / aspnetboilerplate ASP.NET Boilerplate - Web Application Framework +3 stars today

OPCFoundation / UA-.NETStandard OPC Unified Architecture .NET Standard +1 stars today

redis-windows / redis-windows Redis 6.0.20 6.2.14 7.0.15 7.2.4 for Windows

New daily trending repos in C#!

emoacht / Monitorian A Windows desktop tool to adjust the brightness of multiple monitors with ease +23 stars today

StackExchange / StackExchange.Redis General purpose redis client +6 stars today

ScottPlot / ScottPlot Interactive plotting library for .NET +5 stars today

umbraco / Umbraco-CMS The simple, flexible and friendly ASP.NET CMS used by more than 730.000 websites +4 stars today

egametang / ET Unity3D Client And C# Server Framework +3 stars today

Cysharp / MagicOnion Unified Realtime/API framework for .NET platform and Unity. +1 stars today

whuanle / maomi Maomi 框架是一个简单的、简洁的开发框架,处理框架本身提供的功能之外,Maomi 还作为一个易于阅读的开源项目,能够给开发者提供设计框架的思路和代码。

The Maomi framework is a simple and concise development framework. In addition to the functions provided by the framework itself, Maomi is also an easy-to-read open source project that can provide developers with ideas and code for designing the framework.

New daily trending repos in C#!

Ryujinx / Ryujinx Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C# +40 stars today

leiurayer / downkyi 哔哩下载姬downkyi,哔哩哔哩网站视频下载工具,支持批量下载,支持8K、HDR、杜比视界,提供工具箱(音视频提取、去水印等)。

Bili Download Jidownkyi, a video download tool for Bilibili website, supports batch downloads, supports 8K, HDR, and Dolby Vision, and provides toolboxes (audio and video extraction, watermark removal, etc.).

+15 stars today

KonataDev / Lagrange.Core An Implementation of NTQQ Protocol, with Pure C#, Derived from Konata.Core +10 stars today

babalae / better-genshin-impact 📦BetterGI · 更好的原神 - 自动拾取 | 自动剧情 | 全自动钓鱼(AI) | 全自动七圣召唤 | 自动伐木 | 自动刷本 - UI Automation Testing Tools For Genshin Impact

📦BetterGI · Better Genshin - Automatic pickup | Automatic plot | Fully automatic fishing (AI) | Fully automatic seven saint summons | Automatic logging | Automatic brushing - UI Automation Testing Tools For Genshin Impact

+9 stars today

Jackett / Jackett API Support for your favorite torrent trackers +7 stars today

daleao / modular-overhaul +4 stars today

Unity-Technologies / ml-agents The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open-source project that enables games and simulations to serve as environments for training intelligent agents using deep reinforcement learning and imitation learning. +4 stars today

Preeaaw / Aviator-Predictor-FULL Aviator Predictor is a tool designed for predicting multipliers in the Aviator betting game, helping players secure their earnings. +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

vercidium-patreon / meshing Greedy meshing algorithm for voxel models +18 stars today

Stability-AI / StableSwarmUI StableSwarmUI, A Modular Stable Diffusion Web-User-Interface, with an emphasis on making powertools easily accessible, high performance, and extensibility. +14 stars today

SciSharp / LLamaSharp Run local LLaMA/GPT model easily and fast in C#!🤗 It's also easy to integrate LLamaSharp with semantic-kernel, unity, WPF and WebApp. +6 stars today

Metabolix / HackBGRT Windows boot logo changer for UEFI systems +4 stars today

yaobus / EducationalAdministrationManagementSystem 教务管理系统(毕业论文实例)

Academic Affairs Management System (Graduation Thesis Example)

+4 stars today

aspnetrun / run-aspnetcore-microservices Microservices on .Net platforms which used ASP.NET Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Grpc, Yarp API Gateway, PostgreSQL, Redis, SQLite, SqlServer, Marten, Entity Framework Core, CQRS, MediatR, DDD, Vertical and Clean Architecture implementation with using latest features of .NET 8 and C# 12 +3 stars today

DataDog / dd-trace-dotnet .NET Client Library for Datadog APM +2 stars today

Unity-Technologies / EntityComponentSystemSamples +2 stars today

aedenthorn / StardewValleyMods +1 stars today

jamie-mh / AuthenticatorPro 📱 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) client for Android + Wear OS +1 stars today

xupefei / Locale-Emulator Yet Another System Region and Language Simulator +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

NickeManarin / ScreenToGif 🎬 ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video. +17 stars today

reactiveui / refit The automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Core, Xamarin and .NET. Heavily inspired by Square's Retrofit library, Refit turns your REST API into a live interface. +5 stars today

chocolatey / choco Chocolatey - the package manager for Windows +3 stars today

scriban / scriban A fast, powerful, safe and lightweight scripting language and engine for .NET +3 stars today

markjprice / cs12dotnet8 Repository for the Packt Publishing book titled "C# 12 and .NET 8 - Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals" by Mark J. Price +3 stars today

kwsch / PKHeX Pokémon Save File Editor +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

dotnet / eShop A reference .NET application implementing an eCommerce site +19 stars today

dotnet / aspire An opinionated, cloud ready stack for building observable, production ready, distributed applications in .NET +6 stars today

trueai-org / module-shop 一个基于 .NET Core构建的简单、跨平台、模块化的商城系统

A simple, cross-platform, modular mall system based on .NET Core

+6 stars today

riok / mapperly A .NET source generator for generating object mappings. No runtime reflection. +4 stars today

microsoft / WPF-Samples Repository for WPF related samples +3 stars today

Azure-Samples / azure-search-openai-demo-csharp A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences. +2 stars today

space-wizards / space-station-14 A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13. +1 stars today

AzureAD / azure-activedirectory-identitymodel-extensions-for-dotnet IdentityModel extensions for .Net

New daily trending repos in C#!

DGP-Studio / Snap.Hutao 实用的开源多功能原神工具箱 🧰 / Multifunctional Open-source Genshin Impact Toolkit 🧰

Practical open-source multifunctional Genshin Impact Toolkit 🧰 / Multifunctional Open-source Genshin Impact Toolkit 🧰

+17 stars today

microsoft / RulesEngine A Json based Rules Engine with extensive Dynamic expression support +7 stars today

dotnet / roslyn The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs. +6 stars today

nopSolutions / nopCommerce ASP.NET Core eCommerce software. nopCommerce is a free and open-source shopping cart. +2 stars today

Azure-Samples / cognitive-services-speech-sdk Sample code for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK

microsoft / teams-ai SDK focused on building AI based applications and extensions for Microsoft Teams.

New daily trending repos in C#!

kgrzybek / modular-monolith-with-ddd Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach. +7 stars today

Cysharp / MemoryPack Zero encoding extreme performance binary serializer for C# and Unity. +5 stars today

microsoft / Power-Fx Power Fx low-code programming language +2 stars today

dotnet / AspNetCore.Docs Documentation for ASP.NET Core

tModLoader / tModLoader A mod to make and play Terraria mods. Supports Terraria 1.4 (and earlier) installations

dotnet / dotnet-api-docs .NET API reference documentation (.NET 5+, .NET Core, .NET Framework)

New daily trending repos in C#!

seerge / g-helper Lightweight Armoury Crate alternative for Asus laptops and ROG Ally. Control tool for ROG Zephyrus G14, G15, G16, M16, Flow X13, Flow X16, TUF, Strix, Scar and other models +10 stars today

Radarr / Radarr Movie organizer/manager for usenet and torrent users. +8 stars today

FlaxEngine / FlaxEngine Flax Engine – multi-platform 3D game engine +8 stars today

Scighost / Starward Game Launcher for miHoYo - 米家游戏启动器

Game Launcher for miHoYo - Mijia Game Launcher

+6 stars today

git-ecosystem / git-credential-manager Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services. +5 stars today

gibbed / SteamAchievementManager A manager for game achievements in Steam. +4 stars today

btcpayserver / btcpayserver Accept Bitcoin payments. Free, open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payment processor. +3 stars today

Orbmu2k / nvidiaProfileInspector +3 stars today

Pathoschild / StardewMods Mods for Stardew Valley using SMAPI. +2 stars today

microsoft / fluentui-blazor Microsoft Fluent UI Blazor components library. For use with .NET 6.0 or higher Blazor applications +1 stars today

skydevil88 / XboxDownload Xbox下载助手,支持Xbox、微软商店、PS、NS、EA app & Origin、战网国际服、Epic、育碧、Riot Games下载加速。

Xbox Download Assistant supports download acceleration for Xbox, Microsoft Store, PS, NS, EA app & Origin, International, Epic, Ubisoft, and Riot Games.

+1 stars today

TheAlgorithms / C-Sharp All algorithms implemented in C#. +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

sourcegit-scm / sourcegit Windows/macOS/Linux GUI client for GIT users +32 stars today

ppy / osu rhythm is just a click away! +8 stars today

dotnet / efcore EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations. +8 stars today

thebookisclosed / ViVe C# library and console app for using new feature control APIs available in Windows 10 version 2004 and newer +8 stars today

yaobiao131 / downkyicore 哔哩下载姬(跨平台版)downkyi,哔哩哔哩网站视频下载工具,支持批量下载,支持8K、HDR、杜比视界,提供工具箱(音视频提取、去水印等)。

Bili Download Ji (cross-platform version) downkyi, Bilibili website video download tool, supports batch downloads, supports 8K, HDR, Dolby Vision, and provides toolboxes (audio and video extraction, watermark removal, etc.).

+7 stars today

nilaoda / BBDown Bilibili Downloader. 一款命令行式哔哩哔哩下载器.

Bilibili Downloader. A command line Bilibili downloader.

+7 stars today

a1xd / rawaccel kernel mode mouse accel +4 stars today

stride3d / stride Stride Game Engine (formerly Xenko) +2 stars today

quasar / Quasar Remote Administration Tool for Windows +2 stars today

dotnet / Silk.NET The high-speed OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, WebGPU, and DirectX bindings library your mother warned you about. +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

mgth / LittleBigMouse DPI Aware mouse move across screens +45 stars today

zzzprojects / Z.ExtensionMethods C# Extension Methods | Over 1000 extension methods: +25 stars today

ardalis / CleanArchitecture Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core +9 stars today

jasontaylordev / CleanArchitecture Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core +8 stars today

open-rpa / openrpa Free Open Source Enterprise Grade RPA +7 stars today

microsoft / CsWin32 A source generator to add a user-defined set of Win32 P/Invoke methods and supporting types to a C# project. +7 stars today

abpframework / abp Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP.NET Core. Offers an opinionated architecture to build enterprise software solutions with best practices on top of the .NET and the ASP.NET Core platforms. Provides the fundamental infrastructure, production-ready startup templates, application modules, UI themes, tooling, guides and documentation. +6 stars today

dockersamples / example-voting-app Example distributed app composed of multiple containers for Docker, Compose, Swarm, and Kubernetes +4 stars today

Perfare / Il2CppDumper Unity il2cpp reverse engineer +2 stars today

tuyoogame / YooAsset unity3d resources management system +2 stars today

dnGrep / dnGrep Graphical GREP tool for Windows +2 stars today

OkGoDoIt / OpenAI-API-dotnet An unofficial C#/.NET SDK for accessing the OpenAI GPT-3 API +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

dotnet / orleans Cloud Native application framework for .NET +9 stars today

dotnet-architecture / eShopOnWeb Sample ASP.NET Core 8.0 reference application, powered by Microsoft, demonstrating a layered application architecture with monolithic deployment model. Download the eBook PDF from docs folder. +7 stars today

Cysharp / R3 The new future of dotnet/reactive and UniRx. +7 stars today

Tyrrrz / DiscordChatExporter Exports Discord chat logs to a file +5 stars today

HandyOrg / HandyControl Contains some simple and commonly used WPF controls +4 stars today

BepInEx / BepInEx Unity / XNA game patcher and plugin framework +4 stars today

devlooped / moq The most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET +1 stars today

betalgo / openai OpenAI .NET sdk - ChatGPT, Whisper, GPT-3, GPT-4, Azure OpenAI and DALL-E +1 stars today

microsoft / PowerPlatformConnectors This is a repository for Microsoft Power Automate, Power Apps, and Azure Logic Apps connectors

New daily trending repos in C#!

microsoft / sbom-tool The SBOM tool is a highly scalable and enterprise ready tool to create SPDX 2.2 compatible SBOMs for any variety of artifacts. +9 stars today

DapperLib / Dapper Dapper - a simple object mapper for .Net +8 stars today

dotnet / samples Sample code referenced by the .NET documentation +4 stars today

MaxWasUnavailable / Virality A bigger lobby mod for Content Warning. +4 stars today

QuestPDF / QuestPDF QuestPDF is a modern open-source .NET library for PDF document generation. Offering comprehensive layout engine powered by concise and discoverable C# Fluent API. Easily generate PDF reports, invoices, exports, etc. +4 stars today

testcontainers / testcontainers-dotnet A library to support tests with throwaway instances of Docker containers for all compatible .NET Standard versions. +4 stars today

MicrosoftLearning / AI-102-AIEngineer Lab files for AI-102 - AI Engineer +3 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

emoose / DLSSTweaks Tweak DLL for NVIDIA DLSS, allows forcing DLAA on DLSS-supported titles, tweaking scaling ratios & DLSS 3.1 presets, and overriding DLSS versions without overwriting game files. +8 stars today

p0dalirius / LDAPmonitor Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration! +8 stars today

beeradmoore / dlss-swapper +5 stars today

MochiesCode / Mochies-Unity-Shaders +4 stars today

lay295 / TwitchDownloader Twitch VOD/Clip Downloader - Chat Download/Render/Replay +3 stars today

microsoft / kiota OpenAPI based HTTP Client code generator +3 stars today

aws / aws-lambda-dotnet Libraries, samples and tools to help .NET Core developers develop AWS Lambda functions. +2 stars today

GhostPack / Rubeus Trying to tame the three-headed dog. +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

microsoft / PowerToys Windows system utilities to maximize productivity +57 stars today

marticliment / WingetUI WingetUI: A better UI for your package managers +27 stars today

PowerShell / PowerShell PowerShell for every system! +12 stars today

1Remote / 1Remote One Remote Access Manager to Rule Them All +7 stars today

dotnet / machinelearning ML.NET is an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET. +1 stars today

moom825 / xeno-rat Xeno-RAT is an open-source remote access tool (RAT) developed in C#, providing a comprehensive set of features for remote system management. Has features such as HVNC, live microphone, reverse proxy, and much much more! +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

zoriya / Kyoo A portable and vast media library solution. +104 stars today

dnSpy / dnSpy .NET debugger and assembly editor +12 stars today

LykosAI / StabilityMatrix Multi-Platform Package Manager for Stable Diffusion +10 stars today

Sonarr / Sonarr Smart PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users. +8 stars today

pizzaboxer / bloxstrap An open-source, alternative bootstrapper for Roblox. +6 stars today

stanuwu / PixelGun3DPCCheat Cheat for Pixel Gun 3D PC +5 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

TGSAN / CMWTAT_Digital_Edition CloudMoe Windows 10/11 Activation Toolkit get digital license, the best open source Win 10/11 activator in GitHub. GitHub 上最棒的开源 Win10/Win11 数字权利(数字许可证)激活工具!

CloudMoe Windows 10/11 Activation Toolkit get digital license, the best open source Win 10/11 activator in GitHub. The best open source Win 10/Win11 digital rights (digital license) activation tool on GitHub!

+10 stars today

mxgmn / WaveFunctionCollapse Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics +6 stars today

GhostPack / Seatbelt Seatbelt is a C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks" relevant from both offensive and defensive security perspectives. +3 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

ricardojoserf / NativeDump Dump lsass using only Native APIs by hand-crafting Minidump files (without MinidumpWriteDump!) +50 stars today

SuxueCode / WechatBakTool 基于C#的微信PC版聊天记录备份工具,提供图形界面,解密微信数据库并导出聊天记录。

A C#-based WeChat PC version chat record backup tool that provides a graphical interface, decrypts the WeChat database and exports chat records.

+27 stars today

dotnet / aspnetcore ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux. +9 stars today

lin-ycv / EverythingPowerToys Everything search plugin for PowerToys Run +9 stars today

belav / csharpier CSharpier is an opinionated code formatter for c#. +6 stars today

nilaoda / N_m3u8DL-RE Cross-Platform, modern and powerful stream downloader for MPD/M3U8/ISM. English/简体中文/繁體中文.

Cross-Platform, modern and powerful stream downloader for MPD/M3U8/ISM. English/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese.

+4 stars today

GlitchEnzo / NuGetForUnity A NuGet Package Manager for Unity +3 stars today

MessagePack-CSharp / MessagePack-CSharp Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin). /[C#] +3 stars today

SixLabors / ImageSharp 📷 A modern, cross-platform, 2D Graphics library for .NET +3 stars today

dotnet / csharplang The official repo for the design of the C# programming language +2 stars today

Unity-Technologies / Graphics Unity Graphics - Including Scriptable Render Pipeline +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

blake502 / balatro-apk-maker Create a Balatro APK from your Steam version of Balatro +15 stars today

immense / Remotely A remote control and remote scripting solution, built with .NET 8, Blazor, and SignalR. +12 stars today

amantinband / error-or A simple, fluent discriminated union of an error or a result. +10 stars today

jstedfast / MailKit A cross-platform .NET library for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP. +4 stars today

gitextensions / gitextensions Git Extensions is a standalone UI tool for managing git repositories. It also integrates with Windows Explorer and Microsoft Visual Studio (2015/2017/2019). +3 stars today

Tyrrrz / LightBulb Reduces eye strain by adjusting gamma based on the current time +2 stars today

mob-sakai / SoftMaskForUGUI UI Soft Mask is a smooth masking component for Unity UI (uGUI) elements. +2 stars today

bchavez / Bogus 📇 A simple fake data generator for C#, F#, and VB.NET. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js. +2 stars today

microsoft / PowerApps-Samples Sample code for Power Apps, including Dataverse, model-driven apps, canvas apps, Power Apps component framework, portals, and AI Builder. +1 stars today

microsoft / azure-pipelines-agent Azure Pipelines Agent 🚀 +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

MaterialDesignInXAML / MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit Google's Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net. +6 stars today

kwsch / ItemPrinterDeGacha Calculation tool for Scarlet/Violet's Item Printer +5 stars today

microsoft / reverse-proxy A toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications. +5 stars today

builtbybel / Winpilot Your everyday Windows companion +4 stars today

CommunityToolkit / Maui The .NET MAUI Community Toolkit is a community-created library that contains .NET MAUI Extensions, Advanced UI/UX Controls, and Behaviors to help make your life as a .NET MAUI developer easier +3 stars today

tylearymf / UniHacker Patch all versions of Unity3D and UnityHub for Windows, MacOS, Linux and Docker. +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

lostindark / DriverStoreExplorer Driver Store Explorer [RAPR] +63 stars today

BartoszCichecki / LenovoLegionToolkit Lightweight Lenovo Vantage and Hotkeys replacement for Lenovo Legion laptops. +15 stars today

peass-ng / PEASS-ng PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors) +13 stars today

DotNetNext / SqlSugar .Net aot ORM Fastest ORM Simple Easy Sqlite orm Oracle ORM Mysql Orm postgresql ORm SqlServer oRm 达梦 ORM 人大金仓 ORM 神通ORM C# ORM , C# ORM .NET ORM NET5 ORM .NET6 ORM ClickHouse orm QuestDb ,TDengine ORM,OceanBase orm,GaussDB orm ,Tidb orm Object/Relational Mapping +6 stars today

mono / SkiaSharp SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render images. +5 stars today

microsoft / kernel-memory Index and query any data using LLM and natural language, tracking sources and showing citations. +3 stars today

Azure / azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3 .NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for the core SQL API +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

enisn / UraniumUI Uranium is a Free & Open-Source UI Kit for MAUI. +3 stars today

microsoft / fhir-server A service that implements the FHIR standard +3 stars today

ThreeMammals / Ocelot .NET API Gateway +2 stars today

dotnet / sdk Core functionality needed to create .NET Core projects, that is shared between Visual Studio and CLI +1 stars today

Xabaril / AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks Enterprise HealthChecks for ASP.NET Core Diagnostics Package

New daily trending repos in C#!

glzr-io / glazewm GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3 and Polybar. +61 stars today

jellyfin / jellyfin The Free Software Media System +21 stars today

hellzerg / optimizer The finest Windows Optimizer +15 stars today

BeyondDimension / SteamTools 🛠「Watt Toolkit」是一个开源跨平台的多功能 Steam 工具箱。

🛠"Watt Toolkit" is an open source cross-platform multi-functional Steam toolbox.

+10 stars today

Klocman / Bulk-Crap-Uninstaller Remove large amounts of unwanted applications quickly. +9 stars today

rocksdanister / lively Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers powered by WinUI 3. +8 stars today

Lidarr / Lidarr Looks and smells like Sonarr but made for music. +3 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

2dust / v2rayN A GUI client for Windows, support Xray core and v2fly core and others +62 stars today

rogerfar / rdt-client Real-Debrid Client Proxy +8 stars today

MonoGame / MonoGame One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games. +6 stars today

OpenRA / OpenRA Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X. +5 stars today

JustArchiNET / ArchiSteamFarm C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously. +4 stars today

QuantConnect / Lean Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine by QuantConnect (Python, C#) +3 stars today

fullstackhero / dotnet-webapi-starter-kit production grade .net 8 webapi starter kit with multitenancy support and clean code. 🔥 +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

gerardog / gsudo Sudo for Windows +19 stars today

elsa-workflows / elsa-core A .NET workflows library +12 stars today

JosefNemec / Playnite Video game library manager with support for wide range of 3rd party libraries and game emulation support, providing one unified interface for your games. +12 stars today

lepoco / wpfui WPF UI provides the Fluent experience in your known and loved WPF framework. Intuitive design, themes, navigation and new immersive controls. All natively and effortlessly. +11 stars today

mcintyre321 / OneOf Easy to use F#-like ~discriminated~ unions for C# with exhaustive compile time matching +11 stars today

AlexanderPro / SmartSystemMenu SmartSystemMenu extends system menu of all windows in the system +10 stars today

dotnet / BenchmarkDotNet Powerful .NET library for benchmarking +3 stars today

Azure / data-api-builder Data API builder provides modern REST and GraphQL endpoints to your Azure Databases and on-prem stores. +3 stars today

npgsql / npgsql Npgsql is the .NET data provider for PostgreSQL. +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

0xced / Chisel Remove unwanted dependencies from your dotnet projects +59 stars today

leap71 / PicoGK PicoGK is a compact and robust geometry kernel for Computational Engineering +9 stars today

AvaloniaUI / Avalonia Develop Desktop, Embedded, Mobile and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. The most popular .NET Foundation community project. +9 stars today

dotnet / runtime .NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps. +8 stars today

bbradson / Performance-Fish Performance Mod for RimWorld +6 stars today

OrchardCMS / OrchardCore Orchard Core is an open-source modular and multi-tenant application framework built with ASP.NET Core, and a content management system (CMS) built on top of that framework. +4 stars today

ArduPilot / MissionPlanner Mission Planner Ground Control Station for ArduPilot (c# .net) +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in C#!

DevToys-app / DevToys A Swiss Army knife for developers. +18 stars today

YSGStudyHards / DotNetGuide 🐱‍🚀【C#/.NET/.NET Core学习、工作、面试指南】记录、收集和总结C#/.NET/.NET Core基础知识、学习路线、开发实战、编程技巧练习、学习视频、文章、书籍、项目框架、社区组织、开发必备工具、常见面试题、面试须知、简历模板、以及自己在学习和工作中的一些微薄见解。希望能和大家一起学习,共同进步。如果本知识库能为您提供帮助,别忘了给予支持哦(关注、点赞、分享)💖。

🐱‍🚀【C#/.NET/.NET Core Study, Work, Interview Guide】Record, collect and summarize C#/.NET/.NET Core basic knowledge, learning routes, development practices, programming skills exercises, learning videos, articles, Books, project frameworks, community organizations, essential development tools, common interview questions, interview instructions, resume templates, and some of my own meager insights in study and work. I hope to learn and make progress together with everyone. If this knowledge base can help you, don’t forget to give your support (follow, like, share)💖.

+11 stars today

dotnet / maui-samples Samples for .NET Multi-Platform App UI (.NET MAUI) +5 stars today

actions / runner The Runner for GitHub Actions 🚀 +3 stars today

radzenhq / radzen-blazor Radzen Blazor is a set of 70+ free native Blazor UI components packed with DataGrid, Scheduler, Charts and robust theming including Material design and FluentUI. +2 stars today

microsoft / perfview PerfView is a CPU and memory performance-analysis tool +2 stars today

grpc / grpc-dotnet gRPC for .NET +2 stars today

microsoft / WinAppDriver Windows Application Driver +2 stars today