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New daily trending repos in CSS

Open vitalets opened this issue 6 years ago • 30 comments

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vitalets avatar Nov 09 '17 15:11 vitalets

New daily trending repos in CSS!

ryanoasis / nerd-fonts Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more +20 stars today

rafaelmardojai / firefox-gnome-theme A GNOME👣 theme for Firefox🔥 +2 stars today

EliverLara / Nordic ❄️ Dark Gtk3.20+ theme created using the awesome Nord color pallete. +2 stars today

barryclark / jekyll-now Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line. +2 stars today

codermert / spotifyextension Spotify Control Extension +1 stars today

gndx / js-portfolio +1 stars today

spicetify / spicetify-themes A community-driven collection of themes for customizing Spotify through Spicetify -

New daily trending repos in CSS!

Aris-t2 / CustomCSSforFx Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox +3 stars today

MrOtherGuy / firefox-csshacks Collection of userstyles affecting the browser +2 stars today

bradtraversy / tailwind-landing-page

New daily trending repos in CSS!

jdan / 98.css A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs +30 stars today

sakofchit / system.css A design system for building retro Apple interfaces +19 stars today

juliocesarfort / public-pentesting-reports A list of public penetration test reports published by several consulting firms and academic security groups. +7 stars today

mayank99 / reset.css a css reset for 2022 and beyond +6 stars today

primefaces / sakai-react Free React Admin Template +6 stars today

ranmaru22 / firefox-vertical-tabs Vertical tabs for Firefox, inspired by Edge. +3 stars today

shenweiyan / WebStack-Hugo WebStack 网址导航 Hugo 主题,无需服务器,支持导航一键配置的纯静态网址导航网站。

WebStack URL Navigation Hugo theme, without server, supports pure static URL navigation website with one-click configuration.

+2 stars today

digitalinnovationone / js-developer-pokedex +1 stars today

indra0421 / navbar

learn-co-curriculum / phase-0-css-graffiti-lab

CS3219-AY2223S1 / OTOT-A1

New daily trending repos in CSS!

nanxiaobei / hugo-paper 🪺 A simple, clean, flexible Hugo theme +4 stars today

catppuccin / gtk 🪟 Soothing pastel theme for GTK3 +1 stars today

denilsonbonatti / k8s-projeto1-app-base Aplicativo base para o projeto de deploy em cluster em nuvem utilizando o Kubernates +1 stars today

profmancusoa / profmancusoa blog site

HackerUSA-CE / CSS-CSS-Animations code along for class for CSS animations 3.3.1

theaob / oldblog

GuiEnrik / edukio-site This is an open source landing page maintained by employees.

jorgelzpz /

New daily trending repos in CSS!

HermanMartinus / bearblog Free, no-nonsense, super fast blogging. +7 stars today

primefaces / primereact The Most Complete React UI Component Library +6 stars today

Zack-Dx / Mini-TODO A repository to contribute at hacktoberfest 2022. Make sure to share love by giving it a star🌟. Have a great day! +5 stars today

liangjingkanji / DrakeTyporaTheme 12 style Typora themes - Material Google JetBrains Vue Juejin Purple Ayu Dark +4 stars today

An0nUD4Y / Evilginx2-Phishlets Evilginx2 Phishlets version (0.2.3) Only For Testing/Learning Purposes +4 stars today

Amovane / aptos-NFT-marketplace A full stack demo NFT marketplace based on aptos devnet. +1 stars today

ironhack-labs / lab-dom-pizza-builder

creativetimofficial / argon-dashboard-react-nodejs Argon Dashboard React Nodejs

kycdao /

New daily trending repos in CSS!

BNDong / Cnblogs-Theme-SimpleMemory 🍭 Cnblogs theme _ Basic theme : SimpleMemory +3 stars today

maykbrito / nlw-copa-card Aprenda a desenvolver esse código pelo vídeo

Learn to develop this code by video

+3 stars today

New daily trending repos in CSS!

primefaces / primevue Next Generation Vue UI Component Library +2 stars today

chriskempson / tomorrow-theme Tomorrow Theme +2 stars today

MilenaCarecho / 30diasDeCSS Desafio criar 30 mini projetos utilizando HTML e CSS em 30 dias +1 stars today

bedimcode / responsive-portfolio-website-Alexa Responsive Portfolio Website Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript +1 stars today

xcwill / CMeKG_labelingPlatform

New daily trending repos in CSS!

adobe-fonts / source-code-pro Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments +3 stars today

vinceliuice / Qogir-theme Qogir is a flat Design theme for GTK

New daily trending repos in CSS!

missing-semester-cn / the CS missing semester Chinese version +5 stars today

30-seconds / 30-seconds-of-css Short CSS code snippets for all your development needs +5 stars today

twitter / birdwatch +4 stars today

SaptarshiSarkar12 / Drifty Drifty is an open-source interactive File Downloader system built with java. It is currently available in CLI mode and has the GUI version under active development. +2 stars today

MeiK2333 / github-style

kevin-powell / learn-grid-the-easy-way

black7375 / Firefox-UI-Fix 🦊 I respect proton UI and aim to improve it.

New daily trending repos in CSS!

arcticicestudio / nord An arctic, north-bluish color palette. +8 stars today

robb0wen / synthwave-vscode Synthwave inspired colour theme for VS Code 🌅🕶 +1 stars today

codeguy / php-the-right-way An easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web +1 stars today

YoshithaRathnayake / NEW-YOSHITHA-WEBSITE This is My New Official Website +1 stars today

lighthouse-labs / hello-react

naaji-navas / drumkit

Cyb3rG0dzilla / Docker-Web

bhavana070 / Selfer-Portfolio

eclecticiq / eiq-er-ce Community Edition of the EclecticIQ Endpoint Security Platform; An open source and extensible platform to manage and monitor endpoints, based on osqery agent

New daily trending repos in CSS!

bigskysoftware / missing The classless-ish CSS library you've been missing +18 stars today

codingphasedotcom / codingphase-style-vs-code +3 stars today

andreasgrafen / cascade A responsive One-Line CSS Theme for Firefox. +3 stars today

cloudflare / cloudflare-docs Cloudflare’s documentation +2 stars today

Technigo / shopping-cart-codealong

caracal-js / Incognito Source code.

New daily trending repos in CSS!

jaywcjlove / reference 为开发人员分享快速参考备忘清单(速查表)

Share a quick reference cheat list (cheat sheet) for developers

+47 stars today

fireship-io / next13-pocketbase-demo Demo for the new Next.js 13 features with Pocketbase. +23 stars today

Aaronliu2016 / css-tricks CSS tricks example for everyday. +5 stars today

dhg / Skeleton Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development +2 stars today

jonasschmedtmann / advanced-css-course Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Advanced CSS course

apache / incubator Apache Incubator Website

l-hammer / You-need-to-know-css 💄CSS tricks for web developers~

New daily trending repos in CSS!

adrianhajdin / project_modern_ui_ux_gpt3 Master the creation of Modern UX/UI Websites +5 stars today

mgilangjanuar / teledrive The Google Drive/OneDrive/etc alternative using Telegram API +4 stars today

Ehviewer-Overhauled / fdroid-repo Fdroid repo for Ehviewer-Overhauled Project +1 stars today

stellar / stellar-protocol Developer discussion about possible changes to the protocol. +1 stars today

EmulatorOS /

skillcrush / 105-coding_resources

NilPointer-Software / bdfd-wiki Wiki page for Bot Designer for Discord

New daily trending repos in CSS!

hehonghui / awesome-english-ebooks 经济学人(含音频)、纽约客、卫报、连线、大西洋月刊等英语杂志免费下载,支持epub、mobi、pdf格式, 每周更新

Free download of English-language magazines such as The Economist (including audio), The New Yorker, The Guardian, Wired, The Atlantic Monthly, support epub, mobi, pdf format, updated weekly

+16 stars today

tabler / tabler-react React components and demo for the Tabler UI theme. +2 stars today

New daily trending repos in CSS!

UndeadSec / SocialFish Phishing Tool & Information Collector +10 stars today

you-dont-need / You-Dont-Need-JavaScript CSS is powerful, you can do a lot of things without JS. +5 stars today

chokcoco / CSS-Inspiration CSS Inspiration,在这里找到写 CSS 的灵感!

CSS Inspiration, find inspiration for writing CSS here!

+2 stars today

coding-boot-camp / friendly-parakeet

sighingnow / jekyll-gitbook Build Jekyll site with GitBook style!

progit / progit2 Pro Git 2nd Edition

New daily trending repos in CSS!

rime / home Rime::Home is home to Rime users and developers +3 stars today

john-smilga / javascript-basic-projects +1 stars today

TryGhost / Casper The default theme for Ghost +1 stars today

google / google-api-javascript-client Google APIs Client Library for browser JavaScript, aka gapi. +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in CSS!

necolas / normalize.css A modern alternative to CSS resets +11 stars today

kepano / obsidian-minimal A distraction-free and highly customizable theme for Obsidian +5 stars today

maykbrito / nlw-10-copa Calendário pessoal de jogos da Copa 2022

2022 World Cup match schedule

+2 stars today

elad2412 / the-new-css-reset The New Simple and Lighter CSS Reset +2 stars today

bedimcode / responsive-sushi-website Responsive Sushi Restaurant Website Design Using HTML CSS & JavaScript

learn-co-curriculum / phase-1-practice-toy-tale

mermshaus / webdevbuch This is in German. webdevbuch trägt Wissen über Web-Entwicklung unter einer freien Lizenz zusammen. Die Inhalte sollen möglichst unkompliziert zu bearbeiten und zu vervielfältigen sein. Fragen und so sehr gerne formlos an [email protected].

This is in German. webdevbuch collects knowledge about web development under a free license. The content should be as easy to edit and reproduce as possible. Questions and so gladly informally to [email protected].

netology-code / bjs-diplom Дипломное задание к курсу «Основы JavaScript»

Graduation assignment for the course "JavaScript Fundamentals"

New daily trending repos in CSS!

fontsource / fontsource Self-host Open Source fonts in neatly bundled NPM packages. +4 stars today

octaviovillegas / CursoIngresoJS Curso de ingreso con JavaScript +1 stars today

JordanHatch / A directory of Fediverse users working to make government and democracy better. +1 stars today

bdenney / phase-1-practice-friday-the-13th

New daily trending repos in CSS!

bradtraversy / 50projects50days 50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS +28 stars today

learn-co-curriculum / phase-1-mock-cc-ramen-rater

ngoctienTNT / WarningMyCrush

Justice-Through-Code / simple-frontend A barebones vanilla JavaScript/HTML/CSS frontend

estevam5s / pedacinho-do-ceu-website

New daily trending repos in CSS!

astrit / 700+ Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons Available in SVG Sprite, styled-components, NPM & API +7 stars today

titaniumnetwork-dev / alloy A web proxy for use in combating web filters.

creativetimofficial / argon-design-system Argon - Design System for Bootstrap 4 by Creative Tim

andyngojs / crush-love a gift for your crush on valentine's day , 8/3 day or 1/4

asims / lrdnug-lrtechfest

buildspace / solana-pay-starter Build an online store with Solana Pay!

mingw-w64 / web page contents (The new web page)

New daily trending repos in CSS!

limbopro / Adblock4limbo 毒奶去网页广告计划(稳定版)For Quantumult X & Surge & 油猴脚本 ;如去内容农场/禁漫天堂/绅士漫画/奈菲影视/低端影视/哔嘀影视/片库网/Pornhub/Jable/Netflav/HPjav等视频网站广告或其他ACG网站网页广告;

Poisonous Milk Go to Webpage Advertising Plan (Stable Version) For Quantumult X & Surge & Oil Monkey Script; such as Go to Content Farm/Forbidden Man Paradise/Gentleman Comics/Naifi Films/Low-end Films/Beidi Films/Pinku/Pornhub/ Jable/Netflav/HPjav and other video website advertisements or other ACG website webpage advertisements;

+6 stars today

matt8707 / hass-config ✨ A different take on designing a Lovelace UI (Dashboard) +1 stars today

rust-lang / nomicon The Dark Arts of Advanced and Unsafe Rust Programming

s0 / leaf-browser An Experimental Browser UI

yasagit / ichiyasaGitSample 『いちばんやさしいGit&GitHubの教本』のサンプルプロジェクトです。

This is a sample project of "Most easy Git & GitHub textbook".

shurcooL / gofontwoff Package gofontwoff provides the Go font family in Web Open Font Format.

New daily trending repos in CSS!

tailscale / golink A private shortlink service for tailnets +8 stars today

safak / youtube +4 stars today

hankchizljaw / modern-css-reset A bare-bones CSS reset for modern web development. +2 stars today

thewhiteh4t / seeker Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in CSS!

scaffold-eth / scaffold-eth 🏗 forkable Ethereum dev stack focused on fast product iterations +10 stars today

maxchehab / CSS-Keylogging Chrome extension and Express server that exploits keylogging abilities of CSS. +4 stars today

ronggang / transmission-web-control 一个 Transmission 浏览器管理界面。Transmission Web Control is a custom web UI.

A Transmission browser management interface. Transmission Web Control is a custom web UI.

+2 stars today

rayashi / simple-login Simple tela de login +1 stars today

ayusharma / birthday A Happy Birthday animation design in CSS3, HTML5

EthicalSource / contributor_covenant Pledge your respect and appreciation for contributors of all kinds to your open source project.

New daily trending repos in CSS!

WebStackPage / ❤️静态响应式网址导航网站 -

❤️Static responsive URL navigation website -

+5 stars today

spring-projects / spring-petclinic A sample Spring-based application +3 stars today

tobiasahlin / SpinKit A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS +2 stars today

codeminton / purple-login-page YouTube Video +2 stars today

rmusser01 / Infosec_Reference An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck; for non-MS Git hosted version. +1 stars today

john-smilga / react-projects +1 stars today

evildmp / diataxis-documentation-framework "The Grand Unified Theory of Documentation" (David Laing) - a popular and transformative documentation authoring framework +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in CSS!

witalihirsch / Mono-gtk-theme Mono Theme for Gnome +9 stars today

subframe7536 / Maple-font Open source monospace/Nerd-Font font with round corner and ligatures for IDE and command line. 带连字和圆角的等宽字体和控制台字体

Open source monospace/Nerd-Font font with round corner and ligatures for IDE and command line.

+3 stars today

sharu725 / online-cv A minimal Jekyll Theme to host your resume (CV) +2 stars today

froala / wysiwyg-editor The next generation Javascript WYSIWYG HTML Editor.

BuckyMaler / global HTML5 website template

hogeschoolnovi / frontend-react-fruit-perfection EdHub material

ricpelo / tienda2223

New daily trending repos in CSS!

chokcoco / iCSS 不止于 CSS

More than just CSS

+11 stars today

dharmikumbhani / +3 stars today

nakov / Practical-Cryptography-for-Developers-Book Practical Cryptography for Developers: Hashes, MAC, Key Derivation, DHKE, Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers, Public Key Cryptosystems, RSA, Elliptic Curves, ECC, secp256k1, ECDH, ECIES, Digital Signatures, ECDSA, EdDSA +2 stars today

dotnet / intro-to-dotnet-web-dev Get Started as a Web Developer with .NET, C#, and ASP.NET Core +1 stars today

nighthawkcoders / spring_portfolio Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro

New daily trending repos in CSS!

animate-css / animate.css 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing. +12 stars today

frontend-joe / css-navbars Collection of responsive navbars built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript +3 stars today

gitdagray / js_acme_blogs

saucelabs / the-internet An example application that captures prominent and ugly functionality found on the web. Perfect for writing automated acceptance tests against.

understrap / understrap Underscores + Bootstrap = Understrap, the renowned open-source WordPress starter theme.

FilipJirsak-Czechitas / j2w-ukol06 Zadání úkolu č. 7.

Assignment of task #7.

New daily trending repos in CSS!

jgthms / bulma Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox +11 stars today

troxler / awesome-css-frameworks List of awesome CSS frameworks in 2022 +7 stars today

gabrielecirulli / 2048 A small clone of 1024 ( +3 stars today

lipis / flag-icons 🎏 A curated collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration +2 stars today

Mr-majifu / Animated-Login-Form Animated Login Form(动画登录表单)Html CSS JS

Animated Login Form (animated login form) Html CSS JS

+2 stars today

primefaces / primeng The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library +1 stars today

imsyy / home 我的个人主页,个人主页源码,主页模板,homepage

My personal homepage, personal homepage source code, homepage template, homepage

+1 stars today

reduxjs / redux-essentials-example-app Example app for the Redux Essentials tutorial

New daily trending repos in CSS!

jaenfigueroa / JaenCraft Minecraft Game made with pure css and javascript +2 stars today

atisawd / boxicons High Quality web friendly icons

New daily trending repos in CSS!

missing-semester / missing-semester The Missing Semester of Your CS Education 📚 +5 stars today

kmaasrud / awesome-obsidian 🕶️ Awesome stuff for Obsidian +5 stars today

Screenly / screenly-ose The most popular digital signage project on GitHub! +2 stars today

theme-nexmoe / hexo-theme-nexmoe 🔥 一个比较特别的 Hexo 主题

🔥 A special Hexo theme

nemo0 / nextjs-chakra-tailwind-template

New daily trending repos in CSS!

adobe-fonts / source-code-pro Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments +7 stars today

Rainbell129 / Obsidian-Homepage A dashboard for your obsidian vault. +2 stars today

Saivenkat2005 /

gathpadeepak / ZeroOneCodeClub_FirstWebDevProject

adityanavgurukul / weather-app-group4

udacity / fend General Front End Nanodegree Content Resources

ejjoo / jekyll-theme-monos Simple and Lightweight Theme for Jekyll

primefaces / sakai-ng Free Angular Admin Template by PrimeNG

liuzhihang / halo-theme-hao

LukasLen / Privacy-Extension-For-WhatsApp-Web Hides your WhatsApp messages until you hover over them.

New daily trending repos in CSS!

aprxi / letsbuild-ai Community-driven platform dedicated to sharing resources, tools, and knowledge for AI enthusiasts and developers +18 stars today

rmusser01 / Infosec_Reference An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck; for non-MS Git hosted version. +5 stars today

gabrielecirulli / 2048 A small clone of 1024 ( +1 stars today

primefaces / sakai-vue

TheBridge-FullStackDeveloper / react-poke

maykbrito / nlw-10-copa Calendário pessoal de jogos da Copa 2022

Personal calendar of World Cup 2022 games

poole / poole The Jekyll Butler. A no frills responsive Jekyll blog theme.

edouard-gv / ue22-p23-web-calculator

narasimhareddyprostack / March-FS-5 HTML,CSS,JS, React Js, Java, Java 8 , JDBC, JSP, Hibernate, Spring Boot, MS, MYSQL, Mongo DB, Project

New daily trending repos in CSS!

kepano / obsidian-minimal A distraction-free and highly customizable theme for Obsidian. +5 stars today

New daily trending repos in CSS!

MrVivekRajan / Hypr-Dots +9 stars today

hussein4alaa / laravel-g4t-swagger-auto-generate auto generate swagger in laravel +1 stars today

yakimka / python_interview_questions Вопросы для подготовки к интервью на позицию Python Developer

Questions to prepare for the Python Developer interview

wessamabdelwahab / scm

titaniumnetwork-dev / alloy A web proxy for use in combating web filters.

mingw-w64 / web page contents (The new web page)

New daily trending repos in CSS!

christian7gonzalez / davinci-resolve-studio-18-download +57 stars today

rootknight / Miniflux-Theme-Reeder Miniflux v2 的自定义主题 miniflux-theme-reeder(仿 Reeder)

Miniflux v2’s custom theme miniflux-theme-reeder (imitation of Reeder)

+10 stars today

primefaces / primevue Next Generation Vue UI Component Library +7 stars today

animate-css / animate.css 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing. +5 stars today

cloudflare / cloudflare-docs Cloudflare’s documentation +3 stars today

lipis / flag-icons 🎏 A curated collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration +2 stars today

sindresorhus / github-markdown-css The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style +1 stars today

Darshika-Mishra / CBTCIP-2 +1 stars today

mabelolivera10 / floresamarillasycorazones

diydiagnostics / App6-HTML5-Canvas

CodeSpace-Academy / Module_4_StudentNo_Classcode_Group_Name-Surname_SDF04

g0t4 / course3-jenkins-gs-spring-petclinic For Course3 Jenkins Getting Started - fork of

New daily trending repos in CSS!

picocss / pico Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML +11 stars today

cndiandian / 骂人宝典(祖安语录)

A Guide to Swearing (Quotes from Zu An)

+9 stars today

adi1090x / termux-desktop Setup A Beautiful Desktop/GUI In Termux +6 stars today

ZYYO666 / homepage 我的个人主页,homepage,个人引导页,简约主页,个人导航

My personal homepage, homepage, personal guide page, simple homepage, personal navigation

+5 stars today

EngRobot33 / ZED A minimal clone of Twitter +3 stars today

atisawd / boxicons High Quality web friendly icons +2 stars today

rust-lang / nomicon The Dark Arts of Advanced and Unsafe Rust Programming +2 stars today

jonasschmedtmann / advanced-css-course Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Advanced CSS course +1 stars today

gevendra2004 / gevstack All Gevstack projects +1 stars today

New daily trending repos in CSS!

adamschwartz / magic-of-css A CSS course to turn you into a magician. +14 stars today

Akifyss / obsidian-border A theme for +6 stars today

thewhiteh4t / seeker Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering +3 stars today

Code-Pop / Intro-to-Vue-3 Code for Vue Mastery's Intro to Vue 3 course: +2 stars today

the-mvm / The Minimum Viable Model website and Jekyll theme. +1 stars today

jigar-sable / Portfolio-Website Portfolio Website build using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery +1 stars today

Chotifz / Hotel-harisenin

lindsaymarkward / theadviceshop The Advice Shop Website (Example PHP Site for IT@JCU)

New daily trending repos in CSS!

micro-zoe / micro-app A simple, efficient and powerful micro front-end framework. 一款简约、高效、功能强大的微前端框架

A simple, efficient and powerful micro front-end framework. A simple, efficient and powerful micro front-end framework.

+3 stars today

Screenly / Anthias The world's most popular open source digital signage project. +3 stars today

progit / progit2 Pro Git 2nd Edition +1 stars today

artsyfriedchicken / EdgyArc-fr Firefox Userchrome and sidebery style +1 stars today

christorange / VerticalFox Firefox theme with Edge like auto-hide vertical tab bar and minimalism design. Powerd by Sidebery. +1 stars today

phamvulinh18 / thutinh

New daily trending repos in CSS!

datawhalechina / hugging-multi-agent A tutorial based on MetaGPT to quickly help you understand the concept of agent and muti-agent and get started with coding development +29 stars today

eliyantosarage / font-awesome-pro CDN Font Awesome Pro v6.5.1 for Dekstop & Web +3 stars today

100xdevs-cohort-2 / paytm +1 stars today

a9fm /

creativetimofficial / material-dashboard-laravel-bs4

OpenClassrooms-Student-Center / GameOn-website-FR Code du projet 4 de développeur front-end V2

Front-end Developer Project 4 Code V2

prs-teacher / LayoutParts-Part2

New daily trending repos in CSS!

mehmetkahya0 / temp-mail TempMail is a simple web application that allows you to generate temporary email addresses and view the emails received by these addresses. +9 stars today

LuckFire / amoled-cord A basically pitch black theme for Discord. Lights out, baby! +1 stars today

eazybytes / springsecurity6 Spring Security Zero to Master along with JWT, OAUTH2 - Code Examples

CodeLouisville / webdev_c1_knowcheck_01

GlebkaF / webdev-dom-homework

New daily trending repos in CSS!

kognise / water.css A drop-in collection of CSS styles to make simple websites just a little nicer +4 stars today

hasan-py / MERN_Stack_Project_Ecommerce_Hayroo E-commerce Website | Reactjs | Nodejs | Mongodb | Expressjs | JWT | Tailwind Css +1 stars today

primefaces / sakai-react Free React Admin Template

AsmrProg-YT / Modern-Login AsmrProg Youtube Channel Modern Login Design Source Code

john-smilga / javascript-basic-projects

bernardodangelo / CS2-SkinChanger

reduxjs / redux-essentials-example-app Example app for the Redux Essentials tutorial

quarkusio / quarkus-super-heroes Quarkus sample application - Super Heroes

github / codespaces-flask

New daily trending repos in CSS!

CyanVoxel / Obsidian-Notebook-Themes A Series of Notebook Theme CSS Snippets for Obsidian. +6 stars today

msys2 / The MSYS2 homepage +5 stars today

adrianhajdin / project_modern_ui_ux_gpt3 Master the creation of Modern UX/UI Websites

CodeCompleteYT / react-portfolio

yandex-praktikum / ono-tebe-nado Проект "Оно тебе надо"

Project "You Need It"

whosmatt / uvmod Web-based firmware patcher for various Quansheng radios

heryyy / bunga-buat-gift Virtual flowers

gohugoio / hugoDocs The source for

patrickloeber / chatbot-deployment Deployment of PyTorch chatbot with Flask

ferdium / ferdium-recipes Recipes encapsulate your favourite apps into Ferdium for unified notifications handling and more

New daily trending repos in CSS!

necolas / normalize.css A modern alternative to CSS resets +7 stars today

missing-semester-cn / the CS missing semester Chinese version +1 stars today

jothepro / doxygen-awesome-css Custom CSS theme for doxygen html-documentation with lots of customization parameters. +1 stars today

yaoyao-liu / minimal-light A simple and elegant Jekyll theme for an academic personal homepage

Hardhat-Enterprises / website The main website for Hardhat Enterprises

New daily trending repos in CSS!

Bytedesk / bytedesk open source ai customer service system,alternative to slack + zendesk + chatpdf。企业IM + 在线客服 + AI助手,打造开源版企业微信/钉钉/飞书

open source ai customer service system, alternative to slack + zendesk + chatpdf. Enterprise IM + online customer service + AI assistant to create an open source version of enterprise WeChat/DingTalk/Feishu

+3 stars today

XNM1 / linux-nixos-hyprland-config-dotfiles Linux 🐧 configuration based on NixOS ❄️, Hyprland, and Catppuccin Macchiato theme 😸 for a consistent, complete, and customizable experience. 🚀 +3 stars today

An0nUD4Y / Evilginx2-Phishlets Evilginx3 Phishlets version (0.2.3 & above) Only For Testing/Learning Purposes +1 stars today

impactistoosmooth / -wallet-drainerz ✅ Contact on telegram @impact - All in one multichain crypto draIners +1 stars today

TheBridge-FullStackDeveloper / props

fredemmott / StreamDeck-Discord Control the Discord application with the Elgato StreamDeck

creativetimofficial / vue-material-kit Vue Material Kit - Open Source Material Design UI Kit

jjlabrador / ETSII-git

supun-io / jekyll-theme-leaf Leaf - Jekyll Theme

EnigmaVSSUT / Induction-2024

New daily trending repos in CSS!

WebStackPage / ❤️静态响应式网址导航网站 -

❤️Static responsive URL navigation website -

+8 stars today

primefaces / primeng The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library +8 stars today

ahmadhabibi14 / dotfile My linux desktop configuration +7 stars today

LearnOpenGL-CN / LearnOpenGL-CN 系列教程的简体中文翻译

Simplified Chinese translation of the tutorial series

+1 stars today

KubeDev / imersao-devops-cloud-02 +1 stars today

MuhammeDTayyiP / Nevammm Be Invisible for many games!

CodeSpace-Academy / Module_7_StudentNo_Classcode_Group_Name-Surname_JSL07

learn-co-curriculum / phase-1-practice-toy-tale

professica / box-model-common-props Starter files for the CSS box model and common properties activity in GIT215

10-5-pursuit / API-Calls-with-Fetch

TheBridge-FullStackDeveloper / usecontextChallenge

PrimeAcademy / javascript-fungus-fighter

New daily trending repos in CSS!

OpenSIST / An open-source overseas graduate application information-sharing platform for ShanghaiTech University +3 stars today

sharu725 / online-cv A minimal Jekyll Theme to host your resume (CV) on GitHub with few clicks. +2 stars today

dsouloficial / -FORM-VALIDATION +2 stars today

dsouloficial / introduction-to-responsiveness +2 stars today

dsouloficial / jogo-adivinhacao +2 stars today

dsouloficial / SPA-Universe- +2 stars today

itscodenation / int-u4l4-23-24-student-exercises

MaximilianAdF / NoPixel-MiniGames-4.0 A web-based project designed to replicate/build similar "hacking" challenges that can be found on the NoPixel 4.0 FiveM Server. HTML, CSS, TS/JS

New daily trending repos in CSS!

matklad / rust-course +2 stars today

safak / youtube +1 stars today

K3rr / PandaBuy Shopping website prototype +1 stars today

CodeSpace-Academy / Module_3_StudentNo_Classcode_Group_Name-Surname_SDF03

digitalinnovationone / js-developer-portfolio

maykbrito / devlinks Em 5h de aula, construa esse projeto e inicie na programação o mais rápido possível! ⭐️

In 5 hours of class, build this project and start programming as quickly as possible! ⭐️

New daily trending repos in CSS!

CyanVoxel / Obsidian-Colored-Sidebar A Colored Sidebar CSS Snippet for Obsidian. +4 stars today

cocktailpeanut / dalai The simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine +1 stars today

danaleko / Login-Form-By-Dan-Aleko

Miderson / 3c_Sexta

itscodenation / int-u4l6-23-24-student-exercises

New daily trending repos in CSS!

bradtraversy / 50projects50days 50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS +206 stars today

refact0r / midnight-discord A dark, rounded discord theme. +4 stars today

vinceliuice / Orchis-theme Orchis is a Material Design theme for GNOME/GTK based desktop environments. +3 stars today

google / google-api-javascript-client Google APIs Client Library for browser JavaScript, aka gapi. +3 stars today

techeonn / lifeline-Shradha-kapoor +2 stars today

0x48piraj / fadblock Friendly Adblock for YouTube: A fast, lightweight, and undetectable YouTube Ads Blocker for Chrome, Opera and Firefox. +2 stars today

emetdas / Youtube-code web design master project for beginner to advanced +1 stars today

rishabhnmishra / Portfolio-Website-Template Portfolio Website Template for Beginners using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

New daily trending repos in CSS!

creativetimofficial / tailwind-starter-kit Tailwind Starter Kit a beautiful extension for TailwindCSS, Free and Open Source +1 stars today

LineageOS / android_vendor_lineage

devemdobro / projeto-gta

CodegirlSchool / shopping-list Домашнее задание к модулю "Основы DOM"

Homework for the DOM Basics module

New daily trending repos in CSS!

piyushsachdeva / 10weeksofcloudops +13 stars today

primefaces / primereact The Most Complete React UI Component Library +8 stars today

AnubisNekhet / AnuPpuccin Personal theme for Obsidian +3 stars today

xpanel-cp / XPanel-SSH-User-Management SSH Panel User Management +2 stars today

iamstevendao / vue-tel-input International Telephone Input with Vue +1 stars today

TheBridge-FullStackDeveloper / hooks

theaob / oldblog

creativetimofficial / nextjs-argon-dashboard NextJS version of Argon Dashboard React

ros-planning / moveit2_tutorials A sphinx-based centralized documentation repo for MoveIt 2

chenjw / hacktools 自用

Personal use

New daily trending repos in CSS!

shuhongfan / sl-express 神领物流 黑马 物流项目 神领物流系统类似顺丰速运,是向C端用户提供快递服务的系统。竞品有:顺丰、中通、圆通、京东快递等。 项目产品主要有4端产品: - 用户端:基于微信小程序开发,外部客户使用,可以寄件、查询物流信息等。 - 快递员端:基于安卓开发的手机APP,公司内部的快递员使用,可以接收取派件任务等。 - 司机端:基于安卓开发的手机APP,公司内部的司机使用,可以接收运输任务、上报位置信息等。 - 后台系统管理:基于vue开发,PC端使用,公司内部管理员用户使用,可以进行基础数据维护、订单管理、运单管理等。

Shenling Logistics Dark Horse Logistics Project Shenling Logistics System is similar to SF Express and is a system that provides express delivery services to C-end users. Competing products include: SF Express, ZTO, YTO, JD Express, etc. The project products mainly include 4-end products: - Client: developed based on the WeChat applet and used by external customers to send mails, query logistics information, etc. - Courier terminal: A mobile APP developed based on Android, used by couriers within the company, and can receive delivery tasks, etc. - Driver App: A mobile APP developed based on Android, used by drivers within the company, which can receive transportation tasks, report location information, etc. - Backend system management: developed based on Vue, used on PC and used by internal company administrators to perform basic data maintenance, order management, waybill management, etc.

+10 stars today

parthwebdev / UI-Components Some Awesome UI Components made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. +1 stars today

MuriithiEric / plp-task-management +1 stars today

AsmrProg-YT / Dashboard-Designs AsmrProg Youtube Channel Dashboard Designs Code Collection

kpman / blog Personal blog powered by Next.js

TheBridge-FullStackDeveloper / redux-task

apache / dubbo-website Apache Dubbo documents

New daily trending repos in CSS!

chokcoco / iCSS 不止于 CSS

More than just CSS

+11 stars today

breatheco-de / breatheco-de +4 stars today

KiKaraage / ArcWTF A userChrome.css theme to bring Arc Browser look from Windows to Firefox. No waitlist, no registration needed ✨ +3 stars today

GuangLun2000 / (Minimalism Style) Powered by Jekyll, based on the Minimal Mistakes theme and Jason Ansel's website +2 stars today

BethMassi / HybridSharedUI This is an example of a starter solution that sets up a MAUI hybrid app and a Blazor web app that shares all of its UI +2 stars today

open-webui / docs +1 stars today

McShelby / hugo-theme-relearn A theme for Hugo designed for documentation

digitalinnovationone / js-developer-pokedex

aneagoie / keiko-corp The greatest startup ever created

New daily trending repos in CSS!

sapondanaisriwan / AdashimaaTube Restore old Youtube layout in 2021-2022 with many customizable options. +5 stars today

github-copilot-workshop / copilot-petclinic

itscodenation / int-u3l3-23-24-student-exercises

ShreyNaithani / Movavi-Free-Crack

ISM6225 / Assignment_LookAndFeel

AbyssServices / Abyss-Web Abyss is an advanced proxy service that provides modern unblocking for all users who use it.

New daily trending repos in CSS!

rodolfomori / dev-previsao +1 stars today

imfing / hextra 🔯 Modern, batteries-included Hugo theme for creating beautiful doc, blog and static websites +1 stars today

TheBridge-FullStackDeveloper / gitData

mgilangjanuar / teledrive The Google Drive/OneDrive/etc alternative using Telegram API

New daily trending repos in CSS!

spicetify / spicetify-themes A community-driven collection of themes for customizing Spotify through Spicetify - +4 stars today

opera-gaming / gxmods Documentation for GX mods +1 stars today

codebucks27 / Next.js-Developer-Portfolio-Starter-Code ⭐Build a stunning portfolio website with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Framer-motion. If you want to learn to create this you can follow the tutorial link given in the Read me file. +1 stars today

bedimcode / responsive-portfolio-website-Alexa Responsive Portfolio Website Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

mahfuz0001 / onyxium-sass Become more active with our psychologist AI

pyOpenSci / python-package-guide scientific Python package recommendations & guidance curated by pyOpenSci

10-5-pursuit / lab-react-state-objects

New daily trending repos in CSS!

edudark1000 / Veteran-Loader-70-Games-Supported +10 stars today

yasagit-2 / ichiyasaGitSample 『いちばんやさしいGit&GitHubの教本』のサンプルプロジェクトです。

This is a sample project from "The Easiest Git & GitHub Textbook".

+1 stars today

barryclark / jekyll-now Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line. +1 stars today

TheBridge-FullStackDeveloper / colors

opera-gaming / gxmods Documentation for GX mods

learn-co-curriculum / phase-0-css-graffiti-lab

FQQD / MCServer-Web-Template A template for a modern looking website to promote your Minecraft server

JunaidShamnad / SignIn-SignUp-Form Responsive Login & Registration Form Using HTML & CSS & JS .Sliding Sign In & Sign Up Form

New daily trending repos in CSS!

troxler / awesome-css-frameworks List of awesome CSS frameworks in 2024 +6 stars today

john-smilga / react-projects

mayanks / wisetrack Finance management application

sarbajitD-24 / zon-coffee zon-coffee

Technigo / project-labyrinth-zustand-vite

typora / Website for Typora themes

New daily trending repos in CSS!

themepark-dev / theme.park A collection of themes/skins for 50 selfhosted apps! +3 stars today

soulhotel / FF-ULTIMA Native Vertical Tabs, keep your sidebar, no extensions needed. No overthinking. a 100% CSS Theme. FF Ultima. +3 stars today

liangjingkanji / DrakeTyporaTheme 十二种主题风格 - Material Google JetBrains Vue Juejin Purple Ayu Dark

Twelve theme styles - Material Google JetBrains Vue Juejin Purple Ayu Dark

+2 stars today

tobychui / zoraxy General purpose (reverse) proxy and forwarding tool for networking noobs. Now written in Go! +1 stars today

AroriaNetwork / GoGuardian-Bypass The GoGuardian Bypass is a simple script that allows you to access blocked websites on your school's network. The script generates an iframe that displays the blocked content without being detected by the GoGuardian filter, allowing you to bypass restrictions and access the content you need. Join our discord:

sethcottle / littlelink A lightweight DIY alternative to services like Linktree.

creativetimofficial / black-dashboard-react

LondheShubham153 / tws-portfolio

harness-community / harnesscd-example-apps Example Apps to Demonstrate Harness CD & GitOps

Gurupatil0003 / Learn-Ed

New daily trending repos in CSS!

simeydotme / pokemon-cards-css A collection of advanced CSS styles to create realistic-looking effects for the faces of Pokemon cards. +5 stars today

creativetimofficial / argon-dashboard-django Argon Dashboard - Django Template | Creative-Tim +1 stars today

JulietaUla / Montserrat +1 stars today

itscodenation / flw1-u4l2-23-24-student-exercises

TheBridge-FullStackDeveloper / front-join

CodeSpace-Academy / SDF_Portfolio_Piece_StudentNo_Classcode_Group_Name-Surname_SDF11

joy-of-react / project-toast

Ehviewer-Overhauled / fdroid-repo Fdroid repo for Ehviewer-Overhauled Project

RelicInc / react-todo-app-training

Kalvium-Program / lab-brrgrr

DevOpsManiac / CorpSite