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Edit in place for AngularJS


npm Bower

Edit in place for AngularJS


Angular-xeditable is a bundle of AngularJS directives that allows you to create editable elements in your projects.
Such technique is also known as click-to-edit or edit-in-place.
It is based on ideas of x-editable but was written from scratch to use power of angular and support complex forms / editable grids.

Demo and docs



bower install angular-xeditable


npm install angular-xeditable


Download latest version from project homepage.

Insert dependency

var app = angular.module("app", ["xeditable"]);

Usage with a Asset/Module Bundler

import angularXeditable from 'angular-xeditable';

angular.module('app', [angularXeditable]);


Basically it does not depend on any libraries except AngularJS itself.
For themes you may need to include Twitter Bootstrap CSS.
For some extra controls (e.g. datepicker) you may need to include angular-ui bootstrap for Bootstrap 2/3. Include ui-bootstrap4 for Bootstrap 4. To use ui-select you will need to include angular-ui ui-select. To use ngTagsInput you will need to include mbenford ngTagsInput. To use ui-date you will need to include angular-ui ui-date.

Reporting issues and Contributing

Please read our Contributor guidelines before reporting an issue or creating a pull request.
