Raymond Barbiero
Raymond Barbiero
flying in from #121 to say this did not help fix my provisioning issue with flake + nixos-anywhere + disko + impermanence not playing nicely. commenting impermanence out unblocks provisioning.
How are you generating it? Using docker and curl? What platform are you on? Linux? Windows? Mac? On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 2:40 AM sbuisson wrote: > the generated...
can you please let me know what the source xml job looks like and show me how you're invoking it?
Cool. Thanks. I'll take a look when I have time. On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 4:18 PM sbuisson wrote: > I cannot past xml properly, so I do a...
Hi @jyanko. First off, thanks again for looking at jenkins-xml-to-jobdsl. Outputting invalid groovy is known and expected behavior when encountering a node type that is unknown to jenkins-xml-to-jobdsl. To fix...
you likely need to handle this property type in this switch case: https://github.com/visualphoenix/jenkins-xml-to-jobdsl/blob/develop/jenkins-xml-to-jobdsl.rb#L360
Looking forward to it! Thanks!
Please reference the demo project which shows an example of how to use this library here: https://github.com/visualphoenix/docker-jenkins-demo
We also need to explain the intentional omission of the threaded style shown in the official jenkins docker demo here https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/blob/alpine/init.groovy While the threaded init style could be used in...
We also can explain how omitting the threaded initialization means we dont need to tell jenkins to quiet down while initializing. The instance isn't fully accessible to start running builds...