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param with slash

Open daddybh opened this issue 9 years ago • 21 comments

Hi, I encountered an issue in my search page.

I have router like : /search/:keyword/, when keyword including a slash, eg: /seach/markdown%20%2F%20wiki, the regexp will match the item before slash.

I find there is a decodeURIComponent call at

What's the concern to decode the url when doing match? Can we just remove it? :D

daddybh avatar Dec 04 '14 03:12 daddybh

ping @hheiskanen

A avatar Dec 04 '14 14:12 A

I see you found a way around GitHub being blocked in Russia, @shuvalov-anton? :wink:

kethinov avatar Dec 04 '14 14:12 kethinov

@kethinov haha! Github works pretty well for me, but if GitHub will be blocked I have VPN :D

A avatar Dec 04 '14 15:12 A

The URL decoding function (decodeURIComponent) is a convenience that frees the user from having to put in place custom URL decoding logic. This is handy, for example, when submitting a form with input fields that contain whitespace and/or special charaters (which will be encoded in x-www-form-urlencoded format by the browser) that matches any active page.js route. Without the URL decoding function, the user would have to decode the query parameters at the application level.

This issue can be fixed by double-encoding the keyword parameter in the route, or by making the URL decoding functionality opt-in in the page.js start function. The way I see it, it's more useful to keep the URL decoding functionality around, because in most cases automatic URL decoding is preferable. The best solution seems to be adding an option to opt out of URL decoding when the router is started (by default, URL decoding would be enabled). For example:

page.start({decode: false});

would disable automatic URL decoding at router startup. I'll push the change in soon, hang in there!

hheiskanen avatar Dec 04 '14 17:12 hheiskanen

@hheiskanen double-encoding would work fine for now.Thanks for your detail explanation, I will wait for the update.

daddybh avatar Dec 05 '14 01:12 daddybh

I just created a PR that makes URL decoding opt-out:

hheiskanen avatar Dec 05 '14 09:12 hheiskanen

I modified my PR such that opting out of URL decoding is no longer necessary to fix the route matching issue. URL decoding logic will not affect route matching logic, and only dictates whether URL path components (query string, pathname, hash) and route params are decoded or not.

hheiskanen avatar Dec 09 '14 12:12 hheiskanen

@hheiskanen thanks for the updating. I update page.js from 1.4.1 to 1.5.0 from bower registry. But the double-encoding do not work now. Also url like /search/markdown%20%2F%20wiki couldn't fire the router /search/:keyword/:page?, Could you help me out with this? thanks again.

daddybh avatar Dec 10 '14 08:12 daddybh

@hheiskanen @daddybh Can we move decoding to external plugin?

A avatar Dec 10 '14 10:12 A

@daddybh yes, I also noticed a route matching issue that was caused by an earlier change to decode all URL paths before the route matching function gets to run. Essentially, in version 1.5.0, each URL is decoded twice as part of the route matching logic: first when adding a new history entry, and a second time when doing the actual route matching. My earlier pull request will fix this issue once it's merged. In the meantime, I suggest you downgrade back to 1.4.1 or pile on more encoding layers. Once the PR is merged, double encoding should work again.

hheiskanen avatar Dec 10 '14 10:12 hheiskanen

@shuvalov-anton An external plugin is not necessary, as long as the user doesn't mind double-encoding problematic URL's (because route matching strips one encoding layer away). I think it's ok to stick with the current behavior, or try to remove the decoding function call at altogether. However, merging is needed to make double-encoding work again without the need to manually decode URL path components in the user's code.

hheiskanen avatar Dec 10 '14 10:12 hheiskanen

Ok, I'm going to merge it to fix #189. Can you add some tests?

A avatar Dec 10 '14 12:12 A

@daddybh can you check current master branch? Is the problem resolved?

A avatar Dec 10 '14 13:12 A

@shuvalov-anton I added some tests that cover the basic URL decoding cases in

@daddybh Now that the previous PR is merged, your original issue with slashes still persists, but can be worked around by double-encoding. I hope this will do for you -- removing the decodeURIComponent call at is a little trickier than it seems and causes route matching to get stuck in a loop with some paths. I recommend we keep it around for now, and use double-encoding when a route contains slashes.

hheiskanen avatar Dec 15 '14 17:12 hheiskanen

@hheiskanen I downgraded to version 1.4.1 for now. Double-encoding work fine in most cases, except keyword include a percent sign %, when I double-decode the url, there is a Uncaught URIError URI malformed, I still looking at this issue right now. I will give it a try tomorrow of the latest update. Thanks for the update.

daddybh avatar Dec 16 '14 10:12 daddybh

@daddybh In 1.6.0 you can use decodeURLComponents option to disable url decoding

A avatar Jan 27 '15 12:01 A

@shuvalov-anton thank you, I will git it a try later.

daddybh avatar Jan 28 '15 07:01 daddybh

@shuvalov-anton I just upgrade to 1.6.0, but still have problem after I removed all double-encoding codes.

I found out there is a native decodeURIComonent call at

Since pathname have been decoded by function decodeURLEncodedURIComponent, can we remove it now ?

daddybh avatar Jan 28 '15 09:01 daddybh

@daddybh you still need to double-encode URL's that contain slashes -- the new decodeURLComponents option only decodes the URL segments as contained in the page.js Context object, but this does not affect route matching. If the URL decoding was removed before hitting the native decodeURIComponent at route matching would get stuck in a loop with some routes that contain special characters. Fixing this might require a fundamental rewrite of the route matching logic.

hheiskanen avatar Feb 03 '15 19:02 hheiskanen

Has decodeURLComponents: false regressed? I have a route /foo/:id and if the URL is /foo/xy%2Fz it doesn't match, but /foo/xyz/ does

mattfysh avatar Jan 14 '21 01:01 mattfysh

+1 for allowing URI encoded URIs as parameters in URLs. I'm currently implementing a W3C specification which uses URI encoded URIs as IDs in URLs and this is proving to be a bit of a problem.

E.g. needs to match /things/:id

As I understand it currently the only way to achieve this with page.js is to double encode the ID with encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(id)) but that means the URLs on the front end have to be different from the URLs on the back end API, which is very confusing!

benfrancis avatar Feb 07 '23 18:02 benfrancis