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Sentiment Analysis using LSTM cells on Recurrent Networks. GloVe word embeddings were used for vector representation of words. Amazon Product Reviews were used as Dataset.


  1. Loading the data
    Load the raw data into python lists

  2. Process to sentences
    Convert the raw reviews to sentences

  3. Text preprocessing
    Tokenize the texts using keras. preprocessing.text module

  4. Create Training set and validation set
    Randomly pick reviews(which are now converted to lists of tokens. one list per review) from the pool of dataset and assing it as train and test samples.

  5. Create word2vec embeddings using GloVe
    Use the GloVe dataset to convert each word of the review into a 100 dimension tensor, which is ready to be sent into our model for training. Get the GloVe Dataset from

  6. Training
    Used LSTM network for our model. Used dropout activation function = sigmoid error function = binary_crossentropy