Vishnu Prasanna
Vishnu Prasanna
```javascript import React from 'react'; import {View, Button, Alert} from 'react-native'; import RNUpiPayment from 'react-native-upi-payment'; class App extends React.Component { successCallback = data => { console.log(data); }; failureCallback(data) { Alert.alert('Payment...
I can able to open the intent selection screen and i am selecting google pay it shows the upi details as well as the amount after clicking the pay button...
The Upi id is the business upi id only
Sending to personal UPI ID is not working I will try the former one
Yes, I have signed the upi id also and add the signature as parameter but still the payment failed
Yes This is the same issue. Everything payment is declined with all the upi apps I have used the business upi id and even signed it