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Simulation of the matching algorithm that pairs medical school graduates and residency programs

Stable Matching Algorithm for the Hospital-Residents Problem

The Hospital-Resident problem involves finding stable matches between residents (doctors) and hospitals. This program uses an extended version of the Gale-Shapley algorithm, originally developed by Rob Irving1.


  1. Install the AdaCore GNAT Compiler.
  2. Build the main program:
gnatmake src/stablematch.adb

Generate sample data

  1. Configure the sample dataset to be generated by editing data/
  2. Generate the datafile:
python data/


./stablematch < data.txt


Input is given as text on standard input as follows:

  • Line 1: N, M, positive integers, numbers of residents and hospitals respectively
  • Lines 2..N+1: the resident preference lists, each has form X : A B C ...
  • Lines N+2..M+N+1: the hospital preference lists, each has form X : P : A B C ..., where P is the number of positions available


Output is given as a list of matched pairs in the form (Resident,Hospital) saved to file as output_ro (resident-optimal) and output_ho (hospital-optimal).


  1. Dan Gusfield & Robert W. Irving, The Stable Marriage Problem: Structure and Algorithms (MIT Press)