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Flow map drawing layer for deck.gl



Flow map drawing layer for deck.gl. Can be used for visualizing movement of people (e.g. migration) or objects between geographic locations. The layer is rendered in WebGL and can handle large numbers of flows with a relatively good rendering performance.

Try FlowmapBlue and Flowmap City for an easy way of publishing flow maps (no programming skills required).

Run the LIVE EXAMPLE or check the source code of the following examples:


Building flowmap.gl locally from the source requires Node.js. We use yarn to manage the dependencies.

# Install dependencies

# Add your Mapbox token to .env (needed for background map)
cd examples/react-app
cp .env.example .env

# Start example app in dev mode
cd ../..
yarn start

Open in StackBlitz

Contributing to flowmap.gl

Thanks for taking the time to contribute!

PRs and bug reports are welcome. Please be mindful of and adhere to the Contributor Covenant's Code of Conduct when contributing to flowmap.gl. Also, check out vis.gl developer process.



Copyright (c) Flowmap.gl contributors
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Teralytics
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Full-text license


The project was originally developed at Teralytics. Thanks to Philippe Voinov for his help with the first version of FlowLinesLayer, to Nikita Rokotyan for his advice on implementing AnimatedFlowLinesLayer and to Xiaoji Chen for her help with deck.gl.