Damien Cauquil

Results 52 comments of Damien Cauquil

See #64, I've just answered this question in details.

It could be caused by the provided channel map. If the channel map changes very often, hop interval and hop increment computations will succeed but may give incorrect results, leading...

I removed the transistors driving power for each of the 4 male USB connectors that connect to the Pis and soldered a piece of wire on each in order to...

Well, it could be due to an encrypted connection or a bug in btlejack. Does your BLE device require some kind of pairing ?

That's strange, it never happened to me. I will look at it soon.

Btlejack did not recovered the right channel map, due to a timeout issue. I've added a timeout option (-n or --timeout) to allow adjustments to the default value used in...

It does make sense, indeed. For the record, hop increment and channel map can be updated on request. I noticed many devices renegotiate their hop interval right after services and...

Oh, I see. There is no capture during access address discovery (-s option), only while following an existing connection (-f or -c options). During the connection discovery process, btlejack does...

Not yet, but it would be a nice feature to add. I'll consider implementing this for the next release, along with advertisement PDU scanning.

Cette modification provoque une régression sur ma machine (Linux Debian), mon Micro:Bit n'est plus détecté. Cela est dû à une mauvaise expression régulière, AMHA. Il faudrait utiliser ```re.match(r'^\S+ on (.*MICROBIT\s?([0-9]+)?)',...