cc2531-killerbee-fw copied to clipboard
usb.core.USBError Errno 75 Overflow
Occured when using zbwireshark to capture the zigbee unlock door packet command as below pyusb version 1.0.1 cc2531 firmware 2.1r1 Any help ,Suggestion ?
Thank you.
└─$ sudo zbwireshark -c 25
\Auto-detection is being deprecated - Please specify hardware
Warning: You are using pyUSB 1.x, support is in beta.
zbwireshark: listening on 'CC2531 USB Dongle', channel 25, page 0 (2475.0 MHz), link-type DLT_IEEE802_15_4, capture size 127 bytes
Error args: (75, 'Overflow')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/zbwireshark", line 4, in
Hm not sure about why your command fails, but you can also try using zbdump. That's what I use to capture packets and then afterwards open them in wireshark.
Oh and I just took a look at the zbwireshark tool. It tries starting wireshark via cli first. Are you sure wireshark is installed on your device? Are you able to execute wireshark on your terminal to open it?
@LordofMisery where do you get that information from? The latest firmware is even named cc2531? For me it works fine on a Ti cc2531 from Amazon
Unfortunately, this is a known bug of this firmware, sometimes it triggers this kind of error on libusb because I think I'm doing it wrong at some point in the code. The more Zigbee devices in the area the more often it happens, other contributors reported.