Just putting this here. Not really making a request, but if you guys wanted to add support for the Thrustmaster Warthog sensor it's a MLX90333 Probably unlikely anyone would separate...
> >something like the MCP23017 > That looks even better, more accessible, variety of great packages and internal 100k pullups. I really do agree, this would be a great...
Hey guys, wondering if there is anything i can do to help with this. No idea how to write code, but can we send someone on the team some dev...
@Jack-XHP You make some good points. Whilst the issue is common knowlage to one group it's not so commonly known by others. The STM32 whilst 5v tolerant in some cases...
Anyone had a chance to look at this? From what I can see there is some code for the 32BIT STM in the libraries but not being any good with...
Going to the site today just gives a 404 Was looking to Download Helios
Bit late, but wondering if changing the resolution to 8 or 10 bit would work for you? This should produce a smaller range of -512 : 512 , right out...
I'd be open to just about anything, but honestly i think this might be beyond the scope of the project. I'm not speaking for the devs, but my feel is...
I think it's a great idea, it's just that a large portion of Freejoy is the code that makes it work with a computer. Stripping that out and replacing it...
Looks like you have the wrong micro. Says STM32F4, should be an STM32F103C8T6, available on the STM BluePill board.