easy-slug copied to clipboard
A laravel package for creating slugs easily
EasySlug (Laravel Package)
Quick start
EasySlug provides a flexible way to create slugs. It is compatible with both Laravel4 as well as Laravel5
In order to install EasySlug, just add
"easy-slug/easy-slug": "2.0.*"
to your composer.json. Then run composer install
or composer update
Then in your config/app.php
in the providers array and
'EasySlug' => 'EasySlug\EasySlug\EasySlugFacade'
to the aliases
Simple Slug with validation from database
You can make a simple slug with DB validation using following code
use EasySlug\EasySlug\EasySlugFacade as EasySlug;
* @param1 => The string to be slugged
* @param2 => The table name where slug is stored
* @param3 (Optional) => The column name of slug. If not specified, by default "slug" is considered
* @param4 (Optional) => The separator of slug. If not specified, by default "-" is taken
EasySlug::generateUniqueSlug('Your String', 'table name', $column = "slug", $separator = '-')
This function looks for similar slugs in the table/column name specified in parameters. If slugs with similar pattern are found it appends numeric digits at the end of slug as follows :
Simple Slug without database validation
You can also make a simple slug with string as a input
use EasySlug\EasySlug\EasySlugFacade as EasySlug;
EasySlug::generateSlug('Your String', $separator = '-')
EasySlug is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license