TicketView copied to clipboard
Can be ViewGroup?
How i can obtain this layout with this library?
ImageView with inverter rounded corners or based on shape of layout like view.setClipToOutline(true);
What do you mean by inverted rounded corners ? Can show me a sample screenshot/design ?
What I want to achieve is the screenshot that I shared. The inverted rounded border is only if you look at the top image. But in itself, what I want to achieve is that the image can have the shape of the TicketView, specifically the arcs of the half, since otherwise the image would be covering half said arcs.
Have you tried sample app code in the repo, I think I have made a similar kind of view.
In example activity code, look at the XML how I divided the view. With little inspiration from that you can build this view.
yep, but TicketView extends View, and all views draw top of TicketView, and i can't mask the top image. And result in this:
Okay let me see. what can be done, in this scenario
@vipulasri Hi!, any sugguestion?
@enriquebautista I have to re-write the layout for this work, which will take some time.
this issue have one solution? I need to put background color, like the enriquebautista image, but not working!
Hello @vipulasri, any update on this? I've been trying to pull the Viewgroup conversion off (through extending RelativeLayout) but I'm pretty new in Android (2 months to be exact) so I don't know what I'm missing.