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Heap-dependent triggers are not as restrictive as expected
Created by @mschwerhoff on 2015-12-18 08:48 Last updated on 2019-03-08 13:56
The following example verifies in Silicon, which is sound (the assertion is actually true), but somewhat unexpected, since the heap-dependent trigger of the inhaled quantifier should prevent the quantifier from being instantiated.
function fun01(x: Ref, i: Int): Bool
requires acc(x.f)
function bar01(i: Int): Int
method test01a(x: Ref) {
inhale acc(x.f)
inhale forall i: Int :: {fun01(x, i)} bar01(i) > 0
exhale acc(x.f)
inhale acc(x.f)
inhale fun01(x, 5)
assert bar01(5) > 0 // Is true, but should not be provable
The reason seems to be that heap snapshots are encoded as Z3 datatypes, as illustrated in this Stackoverflow post.
See also regression test all/functions/heap_dependent_triggers.sil
@mschwerhoff on 2015-12-18 08:50:
- edited the description
@mschwerhoff commented on 2019-03-08 13:56
Potentially related: