The implementation module which wrap the third part library such as Reactor or JxJava should be completely isolated from the core module. In other words, the implementation module should depend...
如题,如果连续post同一个event,后面的会覆盖前面的。我说的覆盖指observer只能观察都后面那次post的东西,前面那次永远观察不到 现在遇到的实际问题如下 有一个界面里有一串提示性信息,相关observer中会保存传入的提示信息字符串,并更新ui。在跳转入这个界面前,我会post(null)要求复位提示信息。进入这个界面后,界面本身有初始化过程,初始化开始前会保存下当前储存的提示字符串,然后post(“初始化中...”),初始化完毕则post(之前保存下来的上一条提示信息). 现在的问题是post(“初始化中...”)紧紧跟在post(null)后面,导致post(null)不会触发observer,于是提示信息永远不会复位~ 个人觉得observerSticky和post应该一一对应,不能莫名其妙漏掉一个~
The most important feature in redis 6 seems to be client caching. Is there a plan for supporting client caching?
Add props: window and document. With them, this library will work with multi windows environment. For example, with `` `` `...` `` `` The script will be add to...
This issure is submited before as issure #563. This is really a issure now. My server accept a request with this strange url, and throw My ImageLoader version is...
I try to use memfs to replace this library, and found some problem ```ts import { fs } from 'memfs' compiler.outputFileSystem = fs // TS2741: Property 'join' is missing in...