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Bundler for vim
= vim-bundler
This gem provides a simple way to manage your vim bundles (aka plugins). If you are familiar with ruby gem bundler - you are familar with vim-bundler.
== Requirements
== Quick start
Switch to your vimfiles directory (e.g +~/.vim+) Initialize +vim_bundles+ config file
vbundle init
Put some lines in your +vim_bundles+ config file. For example:
bundle 'snipmate', :git => 'git://' bundle 'nerdtree', :git => 'git://'
Perform install action
vbundle install
All you bundles will appear in +bundle+ dir.
After that you can clean your vimfiles directory from stale plugins
== Using different bundle sources
You can use use git sources as shown above and also it is possible to load scripts from It can be done as following:
bundle 'indexed-search', :vim_script_id => 7062
value of +vim_script_id+ can be found in download link. You also need to point location if the script originally requires another location than +plugin+
Also you can link local folders as bundles
bundle 'snipmate', :local => '~/projects/snipmate'
== Updating bundles
It is quite easy
vbundle update
Also you can update a specific plugin
vbundle update snipmate
== Cleaning bundles
It is also easy enough
vbundle clean
So you can clean a specific plugin
vbundle clean snipmate
As you can see, every command might be proceeded for specific plugin (except +init+)
== Listing bundles
vbundle list
== Managing bundles using git modules
It might be useful to attach plugins as git modules (for example if you keep your vimfiles at, to do so put this line in your +vim_bundles+
use_git_submodules true
== Configuration options
There are some options that you can define in +vim_bundles+ file
use_git_submodules (default: false) git_bin (default: 'git') vimrc_file (default: 'vimrc') vim_bin_path (default: '/usr/bin/vim') bundles_dir (default: 'bundle')
== Example
My +vim_bundles+ located here
== Contributing to vim-bundler
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011 Pavel Tatarsky. See LICENSE.txt for further details.