alluvial_diagram copied to clipboard
A python script for generating "alluvial" styled bipartite diagrams, using matplotlib and numpy
A python script for generating "alluvial" styled bipartite diagrams, using matplotlib and numpy
Getting Started
Copy to a directory on the path, and import alluvial as shown below.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Place on path.
Example 1:
import alluvial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
input_data = {'a': {'aa': 0.3, 'cc': 0.7,},
'b': {'aa': 2, 'bb': 0.5,},
'c': {'aa': 0.5, 'bb': 0.5, 'cc': 1.5,}}
ax = alluvial.plot(input_data)
fig = ax.get_figure()
Example 2:
import alluvial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colormaps
import numpy as np
# Generating the input_data:
def rand_letter(num): return chr(ord('A')+int(num*np.random.rand()))
input_data = [[rand_letter(15), rand_letter(5)*2] for _ in range(50)]
# Plotting:
cmap = colormaps['jet']
ax = alluvial.plot(
input_data, alpha=0.4, color_side=1, rand_seed=seed, figsize=(7,5),
disp_width=True, wdisp_sep=' '*2, cmap=cmap, fontname='Monospace',
labels=('Capitals', 'Double Capitals'), label_shift=2)
ax.set_title('Utility display', fontsize=14, fontname='Monospace')
Parameter overview
- Alternative input format - a list of tuples of structure:
- input_data = [('a_item0', 'b_item0'), ('a_item0', 'b_item1') , ('a_item1', 'b_item0')]
- Parameters and default values:
- alpha=0.5 - defines facecolor alpha for all veins
- color_side=0 - vein colors determined by left side items (0) or right side items (1)
- x_range=(0, 1) - changes the horizontal plot coordinates
- res=20 - determines the number of points constituting the alluvial vein spline
- h_gap_frac=0.03 - changes the horizontal gap between the labels, vein base rectangles, and veins
- v_gap_frac=0.03 - changes the vertical gap between veins
- colors=None - an optional list of matplotlib spec colors, len(colors) must be equal to the number of items on color_side
- cmap=None - a matplotlib.colormaps specification for choosing random colors. if None, 'hsv' is used
- rand_seed=1 - a seed for the random color generator, if None colors are chosen at random
- a_sort, b_sort - lists defining plot order of items (both are None by default). if None, items are sorted by width
- disp_width=False - if True, displays vein widths beside item labels
- wdisp_sep=7*' ' - seperates width and item text if width is displayed
- width_in=True - displays width between the item text and the graph, reversed order if False
- labels=None - a tuple of form ('a_label', 'b_label'), if None side labels are not plotted
- figsize=(10, 15), The figure size.
- fontname='Monospace' The font of all figure text
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details
- Inspired by the alluvial diagram example given in the rawgraphs website.