svelte-pdf copied to clipboard
Setting up fake worker failed
I have an issue when rendering the component on my app asynchronously:
Setting up fake worker failed: "Cannot load script at: http://localhost:3000/client/app/vendors-node_modules_svelte-pdf_index_js.7eb84ba08763e11d3530.worker.js".
Any idea what the problem is?
Thanks in advance!
also having this issue
I have the same issue and found two workarounds, if you're depending elsewhere in your project to pdfjs-dist
you can change (inside your node_modules
folder): to: pdf.worker.entry.js
, OR fork the project and update the pdfjs-dist
dependency to ^3.8.162
(latest version for me at the time of testing) and the error will go away.
Edit: Re-installing your dependencies and then restarting the dev server also fixes it sometimes, too random of a bug
just ran into the same issue, added the specified version to my package json and it would work !, thanks for the tipp
I found I was able to modify svelte-pdf/src/lib/PdfViewer.svelte with the following to get workers to work
- import * as pdfWorker from 'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.mjs'
+ import pdfWorker from 'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.mjs?worker&url'
As per
got mine to work instead by changing it to pdf.worker.min.js