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Intel C++ Compiler (19.1) abstract class problem with (v2.6)

Open DLdota opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

Naive VS2019 v142 + 2.6 is work. Intel + 2.3 is work.

`1>stdafx.cpp 1>x64\DLL\Core\CoreStuff\include\LuaBridge/detail/Userdata.h(653): error : function returning abstract class "IGameEvent" is not allowed:

1> function "IGameEvent::GetName" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::GetID" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::IsReliable" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::IsLocal" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::IsEmpty" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::GetBool" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::GetInt" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::GetUint64" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::GetFloat" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::GetString" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::GetPtr" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::SetBool" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::SetInt" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::SetUint64" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::SetFloat" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::SetString" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::SetPtr" is a pure virtual function 1> function "IGameEvent::GetDataKeys" is a pure virtual function 1> static ReturnType get(lua_State* L, int index) 1> ^ 1> detected during: 1> instantiation of class "luabridge::detail::UserdataGetter<T, luabridge::detail::Void<T (*)()>::Type> [with T=IGameEvent]" at line 672 1> instantiation of class "luabridge::Stack<T> [with T=IGameEvent]" at line 438 of "x64\DLL\Core\CoreStuff\include\LuaBridge/detail/Stack.h" 1> instantiation of class "luabridge::Stack<T *> [with T=IGameEvent]" at line 531 of "x64\DLL\Core\CoreStuff\include\LuaBridge/detail/LuaRef.h" 1> instantiation of "LuaRef luabridge::LuaRefBase<Impl, LuaRef>::operator()(P1) const [with Impl=luabridge::LuaRef, LuaRef=luabridge::LuaRef, P1=IGameEvent *]" at line 70 of "x64\DLL\Core\stdafx.h"`

DLdota avatar Sep 13 '20 16:09 DLdota