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Awesome D3D12 ecosystem
Awesome D3D12 ecosystem
- Direct3D 12 Programming Guide
- Direct3D 12 Reference
- Direct3D 12 Glossary
- bind-more / bind-less resource binding in dx12
- Chuck Walbourn's blog on DirectX SDK
- Better Power, Better Performance: Your Game on DirectX12 (GDC 2015)
- Advanced DirectX12 Graphics and Performance (GDC 2015/BUILD 2015)
- Direct3D Update: (GDC 2016)
- DirectCompute in DirectX 12 - Chas. Boyd
- DirectX-Graphics-Samples - samples that demonstrate how to build graphics intensive applications on Windows [MIT]
- DirectXTK12 - DirectX 12 Tool Kit [MIT]
- DirectXTex - texture processing library [MIT]
- DirectXMesh - geometry processing library [MIT]
- Xbox-ATG-Samples - Samples published by the Xbox Advanced Technology Group [LICENSE]
- Topics on developer blog
- DX12 Do's And Don'ts
- Advanced Rendering with DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 - Holger Gruen
- Practical DirectX 12 – Programming Model and Hardware Capabilities - Gareth Thomas (AMD), Alex Dunn (NVIDIA)
- Falcor - real-time rendering framework supporting DirectX 12 and Vulkan. It aims to improve productivity of research and prototype projects. [LICENSE]
- Topics on GPUOpen
- Direct3D12 and the Future of Graphics APIs - Dave Oldcorn
- Right on Queue: Advanced DirectX 12 Programming - Stephan Hodes (AMD), Dave Oldcorn (AMD), Dan Baker (Oxide)
- D3D12 & Vulkan: Lessons Learned – Matthaeus Chajdas (AMD)
- Getting The Best Out Of D3D12 - Evan Hart, Principal Engineer (NVIDIA), Dave Oldcorn, D3D12 Technical Lead (AMD)
- D3D12 A new meaning for efficiency and performance
- HelloD3D12 - HelloD3D12 is a small, introductory Direct3D 12 sample, which shows how to set up a window and render a textured quad complete with proper uploading handling, multiple frames queued, and constant buffers. [MIT]
- Barycentrics12 - Barycentrics D3D12 GCN Shader Extension Sample [MIT]
- nBodyD3D12 - This is a slightly modified version of the Microsoft D3D12nBodyGravity sample [MIT]
- Topics
- Efficient Rendering with DirectX 12 on Intel Graphics
- Performance Considerations for Resource Binding in Microsoft DirectX 12 - Wolfgang Engel (CEO of Confetti)
- asteroids_d3d12 - Asteroids DirectX 12 Sample
- FlipModelD3D12 - Interactive visualization for understanding swap chains in D3D12
- DX12-Multi-Adapter - DirectX 12 Explicit Multi-adapter Sample
- NVIDIA's early DXR samples
- GettingStartedWithRTXRayTracing - Chris Wyman's SIGGRAPH 2018 Course "Introduction to DirectX Raytracing"
- Microsoft's D3D12 Raytracing Samples
- D3D12QuickRef - Direct3D 12.0 quick reference guide
- Rendering Hitman with DirectX12 - Jonas Meyer (IO Interactive)
- Object Space Rendering in DirectX 12 – Dan Baker (Oxide Games)
- Sample code for the book "Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12"
- Bindless deferred texturing using D3D12
- HelloD3D12 - comprehensive samples by @shobomaru
- tinyrenderers - Single header implemenations of Vulkan and D3D12 renderers.
- PipelineSet - D3D12 Root Signature/Pipeline State Object live-reloading.
- OverlappedExecution - visualize how draw and dispatch calls execute on the GPU [MIT]
- DeferredTexturing - demonstrates bindless deferred texturing using D3D12 [MIT]