Hacktoberfest2020 copied to clipboard
List of beginner-friendly | first-timers-only | up-for-grabs issues (repositories) for Hacktoberfest 2020 | Submit 4 PRs to earn a T-shirt
Hacktoberfest 2020
It’s that time of year again when we come together to support and celebrate the open source technologies we use and love.
Join the open source celebration and leave a mark on the open source world! Read my open-source journey here.
Register here for Hacktoberfest and make four pull requests (PRs) between October 1-31 to earn a free t-shirt.
I've opened few issues for beginners. Take up any issue and send your first PR! Many beginner-friendly issues on way - Star(watch) this repo for updates. Read my open-source journey here.
Recommended repo for beginners
Welcome to the Open Source World! Please find the issues below:
Recommended issue for beginners: Add More Inspirational Quotes
Click here for the complete list of beginner-friendly repositories. Give a shoutout to my DEV
article. :heart: :hugs:
Check out below repos:
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I'll be adding few more issues. Follow me on GitHub(@vinitshahdeo) to keep yourself updated!
if (isAwesome) {
// thanks in advance :p