Vinicius Jarina
Vinicius Jarina
😕 I still don't follow. I thought you could just do `dotnet add package ` on godot. Also, if you are building from the source why can't you define...
You could get the function using`GetFunction` or the `[]` operator. And call the function Ex:
I am not sure what are you trying to do. If you want to call C# from Lua you can do just pass your object to Lua lua["cs"] = new...
That's probably missing implementation. NLua works doing a lot of reflection, and the original code based wasn't expecting default interface method. This was only added in C# 8.0. Personally I...
Hi @IsnaniWidhiHidayat it's working fine using `Xamarin.Android`, I am not a Unity user but if Unity is using the latest Mono should just work.
HI @aidupl would mind to write the test as a NUnit test and send a PR instead a zip file? Thank you very much.
Thank you @aidupl I still didn't have time to investigate the issue. Is this also happening using WSL ?
@aidupl I don't think would be possible to workaround this issue without change the Lua source code. What I suggest is you to wrap your .NET calls into a single...
Hello @Pfhoenix, thank you for reporting this issue. I guess the main problem is that we don't have a `tizen` profile build I don't have the toolchain for the tizen,...
Hi @CannibalVox Is there any reason why you can't create from Lua code `DoString("corountine.create(...)");` ?