godot-aseprite-wizard copied to clipboard
Sprite is black
I have been using aseprite wizard for a while now, but I have never seen anything like this.
When I run my game on Godot, the player looks great, as it should be:
But when I export the game, it looks like this:
Im still trying to see what I did wrong this time with the addon, because this is the first time that this has happened to me.
Hello @Farabry . I see you closed the issue. Did you find what was the problem?
@viniciusgerevini I got the same problem with one specific project. If I start a new project and add Aseprite Wizard it works fine, but while trying to port over files from the project with the problem to the new project I just can't seem to figure out when exactly this problem starts occurring. I can describe this here or open another issue and add the project files too.
Also ran into this just now, can we re-open this at least until we have a fix?
Godot Engine v3.4.1.stable.official.aa1b95889 - https://godotengine.org
OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Plus Graphics 655
OpenGL ES Batching: ON
ERROR: Condition "!f" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_OPEN
at: _load_data (scene/resources/texture.cpp:466)
I will post any updates here when I find the issue.
Exporting in debug mode is not working either.
I've added *.json, *.aseprite
to my export resources.
While exporting via command line I see the following errors:
WARNING: Loaded resource as image file, this will not work on export: 'res://icon.png'. Instead, import the image file as an Image resource and load it normally as a resource.
at: load (core/image.cpp:2051)
ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108)
ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108)
Here's my export script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
/Applications/Godot.app/Contents/MacOS/Godot $@ --no-window --export "Mac OSX" $DIRECTORY/build/$NAME.dmg
VOLUME=$(hdiutil attach $DIRECTORY/build/$NAME.dmg | grep Volumes | awk '{print $3}')
cp -r /Volumes/$NAME/$NAME.app /Applications/
hdiutil detach $VOLUME
And here's the full --verbose
export log:
Registered camera FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) with id 1 position 0 at index 0 CORE API HASH: 12461884959532474959 EDITOR API HASH: 15668074122588975766 Loading resource: res://default_env.tres Construct gdnative interface
Destruct gdnative interface
Class 'BulletPhysicsDirectBodyState' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'BulletPhysicsServer' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'GDScriptNativeClass' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'IP_Unix' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'InputDefault' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'Physics2DDirectBodyStateSW' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'Physics2DDirectSpaceStateSW' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'Physics2DServerSW' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'ResourceImporterMP3' is not exposed, skipping. Class 'ResourceImporterOGGVorbis' is not exposed, skipping. Loading resource: /Users/will/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-3.tres EditorSettings: Load OK! Loaded builtin certs Socket error: 48 Failed to bind socket. EditorSettings: Save OK! Loading resource: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/plugin.gd Loading resource: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/ASWizardWindow.tscn Loading resource: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/first_options_window.gd Loading resource: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/config_dialog.tscn Loading resource: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/config_dialog.gd Loading resource: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/aseprite_cmd.gd Loading resource: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/import_plugin.gd export: begin: Exporting for OSX steps: 3 export: step 0: Creating app Exporting to /Users/will/Library/Caches/Godot/SomeChristmassyName.app Creating /Users/will/Library/Caches/Godot/SomeChristmassyName.app/Contents/MacOS Creating /Users/will/Library/Caches/Godot/SomeChristmassyName.app/Contents/Frameworks Creating /Users/will/Library/Caches/Godot/SomeChristmassyName.app/Contents/Resources ADDING: Contents/MacOS/SomeChristmassyName size: 72940544 WARNING: Loaded resource as image file, this will not work on export: 'res://icon.png'. Instead, import the image file as an Image resource and load it normally as a resource. at: load (core/image.cpp:2051) ADDING: Contents/Resources/icon.icns size: 386227 ADDING: Contents/Info.plist size: 1471 ADDING: Contents/PkgInfo size: 9 export: step 1: Making PKG savepack: begin: Packing steps: 102 savepack: step 2: Storing File: res://MainMenu.gdc savepack: step 4: Storing File: res://MainMenu.tscn savepack: step 7: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/ASWizardWindow.tscn savepack: step 10: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/aseprite_cmd.gdc savepack: step 13: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/config_dialog.gdc savepack: step 16: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/config_dialog.tscn savepack: step 19: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/first_options_window.gdc savepack: step 22: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/import_plugin.gdc savepack: step 25: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/plugin.gdc savepack: step 28: Storing File: res://default_env.tres savepack: step 31: Storing File: res://.import/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.stex savepack: step 31: Storing File: res://icon.png.import savepack: step 34: Storing File: res://player/EntryRequest.tscn savepack: step 37: Storing File: res://player/Player.gdc savepack: step 40: Storing File: res://player/Player.tscn savepack: step 43: Storing File: res://.import/SantaFrames.aseprite-18b09aab57c7434c53861c0212981462.res savepack: step 43: Storing File: res://player/animations/SantaFrames.aseprite.import savepack: step 46: Storing File: res://player/animations/SantaFrames.json savepack: step 49: Storing File: res://.import/SantaFrames.png-be9298ad7cd3f89d58de901068bf9705.stex savepack: step 49: Storing File: res://player/animations/SantaFrames.png.import savepack: step 52: Storing File: res://player/animations/SantaFrames.res savepack: step 54: Storing File: res://.import/SantaSprite.png-21ee04dddb085d450293b16e95fd6ed0.stex savepack: step 54: Storing File: res://player/animations/SantaSprite.png.import savepack: step 57: Storing File: res://.import/HowComplexIsTheGame.png-abd55807854eba8dcde172628296fbcc.stex savepack: step 57: Storing File: res://reference/HowComplexIsTheGame.png.import savepack: step 60: Storing File: res://.import/Lighting.jpg-57f8be8a2390db0f70dba809af4808d2.stex savepack: step 60: Storing File: res://reference/Lighting.jpg.import savepack: step 63: Storing File: res://.import/ManyRoomsIdea.jpg-23835674710c18c1b8947ed245baa3b7.stex savepack: step 63: Storing File: res://reference/ManyRoomsIdea.jpg.import savepack: step 66: Storing File: res://.import/SpaceIdea.png-b691ccc8c31d08157200dd9af4c2249d.stex savepack: step 66: Storing File: res://reference/SpaceIdea.png.import savepack: step 69: Storing File: res://.import/Style.jpg-2a1ba777db1042d99d889c365cc5af86.stex savepack: step 69: Storing File: res://reference/Style.jpg.import savepack: step 72: Storing File: res://worlds/Factory.tscn savepack: step 75: Storing File: res://.import/Rooftop.png-634556bb8574b0748ebd130591014c67.stex savepack: step 75: Storing File: res://worlds/Rooftop.png.import savepack: step 78: Storing File: res://worlds/Rooftop.tres savepack: step 81: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/ChimneyEntry.gdc savepack: step 84: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/FactoryEntry.gdc savepack: step 87: Storing File: res://.import/cabin.png-cc7275a5433f5abb7657804580f7111b.stex savepack: step 87: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/cabin.png.import savepack: step 90: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/inside/ToOutside.gdc savepack: step 93: Storing File: res://.import/inside.jpeg-6048ec6085d9a285e4e5a1b79a602a11.stex savepack: step 93: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/inside/inside.jpeg.import savepack: step 96: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/inside/inside.tscn savepack: step 99: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/outside.tscn savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://MainMenu.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/aseprite_cmd.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/config_dialog.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/first_options_window.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/import_plugin.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/plugin.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://player/Player.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/ChimneyEntry.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/FactoryEntry.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://worlds/cabin/inside/ToOutside.gd.remap savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://icon.png savepack: step 102: Storing File: res://project.binary savepack: end export: step 2: Code signing bundle codesign (/Users/will/Library/Caches/Godot/SomeChristmassyName.app/Contents/MacOS/SomeChristmassyName): /Users/will/Library/Caches/Godot/SomeChristmassyName.app/Contents/MacOS/SomeChristmassyName: replacing existing signature /Users/will/Library/Caches/Godot/SomeChristmassyName.app/Contents/MacOS/SomeChristmassyName: signed app bundle with Mach-O universal (x86_64 arm64) [com.santavsmafia]
export: step 3: Making DMG
hdiutil returned: created: /Users/will/src/SomeChristmassyName/build/SomeChristmassyName.dmg
export: step 3: Code signing DMG
codesign (/Users/will/src/SomeChristmassyName/build/SomeChristmassyName.dmg): /Users/will/src/SomeChristmassyName/build/SomeChristmassyName.dmg: signed []
export: end
EditorSettings: Save OK!
ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108)
ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108)
WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
at: cleanup (core/object.cpp:2064)
Leaked instance: GDScript:19390 - Resource path: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/aseprite_cmd.gd
Leaked instance: GDScriptNativeClass:685
Leaked instance: Node:19404 - Node name:
Hint: Leaked instances typically happen when nodes are removed from the scene tree (with remove_child()
) but not freed (with free()
or queue_free()
ERROR: Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).
at: clear (core/resource.cpp:417)
Resource still in use: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/aseprite_cmd.gd (GDScript)
Orphan StringName: duration
Orphan StringName: min_duration
Orphan StringName: compile
Orphan StringName: options
Orphan StringName: res://addons/AsepriteWizard/aseprite_cmd.gd
Orphan StringName: push_back
Orphan StringName: anim_name
Orphan StringName: get_value
Orphan StringName: scan
Orphan StringName: create_resource
Orphan StringName: data
Orphan StringName: exception_pattern
Orphan StringName: dir_exists
Orphan StringName: meta
Orphan StringName: create_from_image
Orphan StringName: frame
Orphan StringName: from
Orphan StringName: get_as_text
Orphan StringName: create_sprite_frames_from_aseprite_layers
Orphan StringName: search
Orphan StringName: has_cached
Orphan StringName: take_over_path
Orphan StringName: _import
Orphan StringName: _loop_config_prefix
Orphan StringName: set_animation_loop
Orphan StringName: push_front
Orphan StringName: create_sprite_frames_from_aseprite_file
Orphan StringName: sprite_sheet
Orphan StringName: frameTags
Orphan StringName: new
Orphan StringName: remove
Orphan StringName: GDScriptNativeClass
Orphan StringName: _scan_filesystem
Orphan StringName: EditorFileSystem
Orphan StringName: trim_suffix
Orphan StringName: add_frame
Orphan StringName: READ
Orphan StringName: config_file
Orphan StringName: default_cmd
Orphan StringName: SUCCESS
Orphan StringName: get_file
Orphan StringName: init
Orphan StringName: add_animation
Orphan StringName: texture
Orphan StringName: _is_aseprite_command_valid
Orphan StringName: split
Orphan StringName: path
Orphan StringName: _aseprite_list_layers
Orphan StringName: h
Orphan StringName: w
Orphan StringName: x
Orphan StringName: y
Orphan StringName: only_visible
Orphan StringName: sprite_frames
Orphan StringName: _create_atlastexture_from_frame
Orphan StringName: execute
Orphan StringName: get
Orphan StringName: begins_with
Orphan StringName: get_basename
Orphan StringName: slice
Orphan StringName: _get_file_basename
Orphan StringName: open
Orphan StringName: _aseprite_export_layers_spritesheet
Orphan StringName: invert
Orphan StringName: direction
Orphan StringName: _get_min_duration
Orphan StringName: _get_frames_from_content
Orphan StringName: output_folder
Orphan StringName: data_file
Orphan StringName: _calculate_fps
Orphan StringName: file_path
Orphan StringName: set_animation_speed
Orphan StringName: content
Orphan StringName: to
Orphan StringName: default_command
Orphan StringName: has
Orphan StringName: Node
Orphan StringName: editor_file_system
Orphan StringName: length
Orphan StringName: file_system
Orphan StringName: save
Orphan StringName: _aseprite_command
Orphan StringName: file_exists
Orphan StringName: _is_valid_aseprite_spritesheet
Orphan StringName: _aseprite_export_spritesheet
Orphan StringName: empty
Orphan StringName: _parse_texture_path
Orphan StringName: frames
Orphan StringName: name
Orphan StringName: config
Orphan StringName: image
Orphan StringName: source_file
Orphan StringName: _get_exception_layers
Orphan StringName: atlas
Orphan StringName: ConfigFile
Orphan StringName: layer_name
Orphan StringName: load
Orphan StringName: frame_data
Orphan StringName: FILE_EXPORT_MODE
Orphan StringName: _init
Orphan StringName: substr
Orphan StringName: size
Orphan StringName: _aseprite_export_layer
Orphan StringName: _add_ignore_layer_arguments
Orphan StringName: replace
Orphan StringName: get_extension
Orphan StringName: GDScript
Orphan StringName: _add_animation_frames
Orphan StringName: _create_sprite_frames_with_animations
Orphan StringName: file_name
Orphan StringName: has_section_key
Orphan StringName: remove_animation
Orphan StringName: _is_loop_config_enabled
Orphan StringName: region
Orphan StringName: _should_check_file_system
Orphan StringName: values
Orphan StringName: arguments
StringName: 126 unclaimed string names at exit.
"disk2" ejected.
Interestingly when I culled out the addons
directory from my export the project is now working, but only when run from the command line. When I run the app directly (OSX) the sprite is still black.
Here is the output from running in GUI mode (using Mac Automator)

Which points us here: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/3.4/scene/resources/texture.cpp#L466
So maybe the file is not getting added correctly to the export.
Ok, what fixed it for me was choosing the following style export settings:

Perhaps for some reason the .res
file or the .png
file are not getting required properly by the AnimatedSprite
Can we open this issue again? @viniciusgerevini
Hello @tavurth . Thanks for reaching out. As you are dealing with .res
files I guess you are using the wizard screen to import your animations, right?
The wizard screen embeds the png as part of the resource, so the external png file shouldn't even be required for it to work.
I tried to simulate this issue a few times, but I couldn't make it (classic works on my machine). Would you be able to provide a simple project where this issue happens?
@viniciusgerevini Yes sure I can provide my current sources for a Christmassy game I'm working on, I'll send them over to your email address rather than posting here directly.
Thanks @tavurth . As I mentioned in the email, I've done a few tests and they all worked . 1 - Exported a MacOS build from a Linux machine (already setup). 2 - Exported a Linux build from a Linux machine (already setup). 3 - Exported a MacOS build from a MacOS machine. (had warnings on Godot startup due to Aseprite not being configured, worked in a next clean run) 4 - Exported using your script via CLI from a MacOS machine. I've got the same warnings you did.
Some details:
- Linux machine: Ubuntu 21.10, Godot 3.4.2, Aseprite 1.2.30
- Macbook: macOS Catalina 10.15.7. Godot 3.4.2, Aseprite 1.2.9
I can see you were using Godot 3.4.1 before, but I guess you may have updated it in the meantime.
The importer does have a workaround for inserting the image, which could justify the black box. However I wasn't able to make it happen on my machines.
@markman4897 are you still having this issue?
@viniciusgerevini since I couldn't wait for the fix this long and I didn't have time to rewrite the project I used another Aseprite importer in the project. However, I saved two projects in their broken state just in case someone would want to take a look at them. Want me to send the files to you over email?
@markman4897 Sure. Thanks! Also, what operational system are you working on and exporting to?
@viniciusgerevini I'm working on Linux (Pop!_OS 21.04 64bit) while the version of Godot was mixed, it was an old project that I started with Godot 3.2.x I think and then I always used the latest version, same thing with Aseprite. I was testing exports to Linux and HTML5 platforms.
The funny thing was that in editor everything looked just fine. The project I was working on was about a year old and everything worked great. Then I picked up where I left off recently and updated the plugin and everything I imported with the new plugin was rendered as black boxes in the exported version (while showing up just fine in the editor). Then I tried to import new assets in a new empty project with a fresh install of Aseprite Wizard and that worked fine, then I moved those imported files to the old project and it didn't work anymore in the exported version. Then I tried exporting with an old version of Aseprite Wizard in another project (which also worked fine) and moving those files to the project that had problems with the updated plugin, and that worked out fine. I'm sorry this might be written in a confusing way, but the cases when it started to magically work were pretty weird.
Anyways, below are some screenshots of the problematic projects (ignore the goofy art, it's a silly easter egg)
Project 1 editor
Project 1 linux export
Project 2 editor
Project 2 linux export
Ohhhh, sorry I didn't saw this earlier. Gonna explain what I did to fix this:
-I was moving the folder where the .res and .png files were to another location, so it was no more the Output folder location. Just make sure that you put the folder or files at the correct path in your res://. Im pretty sure that will make it.
If you have a question regarding this, im gonna be here.
Thanks all. Unfortunately all my VMs and machines seem to not cause the issue. I noticed that the importer does not include the image in the list of generated resources and that could potentially cause some issues, but I can't be sure that is what's causing this one. I'll include that fix a future version.
I'll leave this issue open. If any one comes across this issue again I would ask you to send me the .import folder and the broken binary, so I can run some extra tests
I had the same issue described here. Unchecking "remove source files" in the config solved it for me!
My issue:
- In the editor everything was fine
- Exporting the project results in black boxes
Note, when I delete the ".import" folder of my project, the animations are all black in the editor as well, until I reimport them. But afterwards the export is still black.
So for now I am avoiding "removing source files".
Thanks @terijaki . I noticed this issue last week with files imported via the docks. I realised the SpriteFrames is actually using the .stex file from the import forlder, so we do need to keep the png file at least. I'll be releasing a fix where only the json will be removed.
This should impact only resources imported manually. I believe the issue with the automatic importer is slightly different. Which method are you using in your project?
I am using the manual import.
Glad you found the source of the problem! 💪🏻