Laravel-InstantAvatar copied to clipboard
Cannot use Vinicius73\IAvatar\Lib\InstantAvatar as InstantAvatar because the name is already in use
Hi, I got this issue on Laravel 5.3. I follow step by step your installation guide but when I use the package laravel give me the error describe in title. I use the package as follows:
use IAvatar;
class UserController extends AppBaseController{
public function store(Request $request) {
$avatar = IAvatar::random('My String');
so when I try to save the User with store method laravel give me this error: ``Cannot use Vinicius73\IAvatar\Lib\InstantAvatar as InstantAvatar because the name is already in use`.
Also removing use IAvatar;
from the top of the UserController
I got an error like: Class 'App\Http\Controllers\IAvatar' not found
How can I fix?
try use \IAvatar
it doesn't work, i got the same error.
@pixsiro If you using for example wampserver 64x, try to use 32x.
I got the same problem in wampserver 64x when I changed to 32x it's worked fine.