Vincil Bishop
Vincil Bishop
FAKIcon.m:16: registerIconFontWithURL: CGFontRef newFont = CGFontCreateWithDataProvider(fontDataProvider); Crashes with little explanation. Was working fine in 9.3.2, but after upgrading to iOS 10, both older versions, and the new 2.2.0 crash on...
I have an userId Int value, and in the Postgres database I have a column: `def userIds = column[List[Int]]` I can't for the life of me figure out how to...
Can we make this available as an npm?
Here is the podspec that has been added to If you are so inclined, please add a tag 0.0.1 and we can update the cocoapod to use the tag...
When trying to load the package here: I get the message no version number defined. I get the same error when specifying as a dependency in bower.json. Any chance...