Thanks. I am looking into that. At first sight, it is not obvious to deduce just from the code in which field GT is embedded and in turn all representations...
So what is the tower of field extensions used in arkworks? The one of MCL is given in the link in the first comment of this thread. I do not...
> I think that @burdges is on the right track that IMO it doesn't make sense to standardize the serialization of the extension field elements that comprise GT. Instead, we...
Solved, it is like this: in arkworks a GT element is serialized as 6 pairs: (u1,v1),..,(u6, v6). In mcl the same element is instead: (f(v1), f(u1)), ..., (f(v6), f(u6)), where...
> It's what these do then I had not executed the code you pointed to me but at first sight I thought that it only switched the endiannes of...
However, I can bypass the issue adding x=fp.create(x) If I can kindly use this thread I would ask another question. I have now coordinates x and y, what is the...