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Pocket.js is a wrapper for the window.localStorage. It provides helpful methods which utilise MongoDB's proven syntax and provides a powerful lightweight abstraction from the complexity of managing an...

Update Dec 2020

This library is still being actively used by myself and others. I have not needed to make any bug fixes or changes as of yet. I've been using this library across countless production builds for both personal products (https://www.automify.co.uk/ and https://www.statusapp.io/) and companies I've worked for.


Pocket is a high performance web storage library. It provides an API which resembles MongoDB's proven syntax and provides a powerful lightweight abstraction from the complexity of web storage. Pocket supports multiple methods of storage including localStorage and Web SQL. Currently working on offering IndexDB support.

// Create a new Pocket
var pocket = new Pocket()

// Add a collection
var staffs = pocket.collection('staff')

// Add a item to the collection
staffs.insert({ name:'Foo Bar', age:18 })
staffs.insert({ name:'Baz Foo', age:34 })

// Add an array of items
staffs.insert([{ name:'Pete Johnson', age:44 }, { name: "Joe Bloggs", age: 19 }])

// Get all items from a collection
staffs.find().length //2

// Query for specific items
staffs.find({ age:{ $gt:18 }}) //[{ _id:'...', name:'Baz Foo', age:34 }]

// Get one item
staffs.findOne({ name:'Foo Bar' }).age //18

// Remove all items from a collection

// Remove item
staffs.remove({ name:'Foo Bar' })

// Update item
staffs.update({ name:'Foo Bar' }, { age:19 })

// Commit collection to database

// Restore from database


In your index.html file, include the Pocket.js file (ES5).

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/Pocket.js"></script>

If using ES6 (Browserify), do this:

// Run in terminal
npm install pocketjs

// Include it in JS file
const Pocket = require('pocketjs')

Create a new pocket.

var pocket = new Pocket()

// Restore pocket from storage

Create a new pocket without auto commit.

var pocket = new Pocket({ autoCommit: false })

Create a new pocket using WebSQL.

var pocket = new Pocket({ driver: Pocket.Drivers.WEBSQL })

Create a new pocket using specific database name.

var pocket = new Pocket({ dbname: "MyCoolApp" })

How it works

PocketJS is a wrapper for multiple storage API's such as localStorage and Web SQL. It exposes a simple API to make your life easier. Each pocket has two layers. The first layer is a in-memory representation of your data which allows rapid querying and data manipulation. The second layer is your persistent layer which can be any of the supported storage APIs. The first layer, by default, will automatically commit changes to persistent storage in JSON format. You can disable this behaviour at anytime on any collection and only commit data to localStorage when it suits you or to any other supported storage API e.g. Web SQL.


For usage examples, please see the PocketSpec.js test file.


Store.collection(name): Return collection and if it doesn't exist, create a new collection and return it
Store.removeCollection(name): Remove a collection from the pocket
Store.restore(): Loads previous pocket from the chosen database
Store.destroy(): Destroys the pocket. Does not commit before destroying
Store.commit(name): Stores collection to localStorage based on collection name passed as argument


Collection.update(query, patch)


Whenever you manipulate or retrieve data in a pocket, you have the ability to specify a query to filter the records and only affect specific records.

Queries can be used in the following methods:

  • Finding one: Collection.findOne(query)
  • Finding: Collection.find(query)
  • Updating: Collection.update(query, data)
  • Removing: Collection.remove(query)

Table of operations

Operation Syntax Description
Equal age:18 or age:{ $eq: 18 } True if the key equals a value
Not equal age:{ $neq: 18 } True if key is not equal to a value
Or $or:[query, query, ...] True if any of the queries are true
Greater age:{ $gt: 18 } True if the key is greater than a value
Greater or equal age:{ $gte: 18 } True if the key is greater than or equal to a value
Less age:{ $lt: 18 } True if the key is less than a value
Less or equal age:{ $lte: 18 } True if the key is less than or equal to a value
String contains address:{ $contains: "London" } True if the key contains a substring equal to a value
In age:{ $in: [16,17,18] } True if the key exists within the array
Not in age:{ $nin: [16,17,18] } True if the key does not exist within the array
Type age:{ $type: "number" } True if the key data type equals specified data type

Accessing nested keys

Just like MongoDB, you are able to access nested object properties and array indexes using a string. Array indexes can be accessed by simply putting the index as demonstrated in the example below.

Collection.update({ _id: 1234  }, { "profile.settings.3.active": true })


This software is provided free of charge and without restriction under the MIT License