hs-hourglass copied to clipboard
`timeParse` for ISO8601_DateTime does not parse nanoseconds
According to ISO8601 specification, it is possible to represent fractions of a second (or the smallest represented unit) using a decimal sign (either period or comma...). This is not taken into account into the TimeFormat
> d <- generate (arbitrary :: Gen DateTime)
> d
DateTime {dtDate = Date {dateYear = 2094, dateMonth = September, dateDay = 26}, dtTime = TimeOfDay {todHour = 19h, todMin = 27m, todSec = 17s, todNSec = 8500601ns}}
> timePrint ISO8601_DateAndTime d
doesn't mean it is necessary wanted at all time to print (or parse), so this particular formatter/parser doesn't print/parse nanoseconds, but you can make one that does very easily for example (roughly): "YYYY-MM-DD H:MI:S.p6 TZHM".
hourglass could export one defined as ISO8601_DateAndTimeP
, PR welcome.