snimpy copied to clipboard
Windows support
In the installation docs libsmi is listed as a dependency for this tool. The docs elaborate various ways of installing on OS / Linux. Is there a recommended way of installing on windows?
Unfortunately, I have no clue. I have looked a bit if it would be easy for me to provide a wheel to avoid you the hassle, but I didn't find any answer. At one point, I may switch to PySMI to avoid the dependency to libsmi.
Five months later.... Any update/progress on this? (Snimpy looks great, but my primary dev box is a Windows machine...)
Unfortunately, no progress. You might run it through WSL instead.
On December 19, 2017 10:09:06 PM GMT+01:00, jlstanley-git [email protected] wrote:
Five months later.... Any update/progress on this? (Snimpy looks great, but my primary dev box is a Windows machine...)
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"WSL"? World Surf League? :)
It's "Windows Subsystem for Linux". It enables you to run Linux app on Windows:
If you can't do WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) like me because you have LTSB (Long Term Servicing Branch) you can use Docker for Windows.
Enable drive under Docker Settings -> Shared Drive
Pull desired image "docker pull centos
Run/mount your drive "docker run -it -v c:/win/path/code:/code centos
Check python version "python -V
Install epel-release, python-devel, libsmi, libffi (centos specific) "yum install -y epel-release python-devel libffi-devel libsmi-devel
Now that you have epel repo you can install pip "yum install -y python2-pip
Time to install Snimpy "pip install snimpy
DON'T exit the terminal at this point before you save your docker image to a new local repository or you will loose your changes.
From a new PowerShell terminal, run "docker ps
". This will show your active session from first terminal. You will need the centos "Container ID" from your working session in the next command. Commit your changes with the following command "docker commit -m "Installed Snimpy and supporting libs" -a "Author" <container_id> <local_repo_name>/<image_name>
docker commit -m "Installed Snimpy and supporting libs" -a "Me" 0b6c4dafcd2e centos/snimpy
You should now be able to use Snimpy in your script and it's accessible using the windows mount point "c:/win/path/code" and in your Centos image "/code".
It's safe to exit your Docker session at this point. Next time you want to test your Snimpy script just fire up your commited session with "docker run -it centos/snimpy
", and you can view your list of images with "docker images
It seems that installing wireshark puts a copy of libsmi on windows. Is there a simple way to link it to snimpy? libsmi on wireshark