WhatsApp-Bot copied to clipboard
This Python-based Web WhatsApp Bot utilizes Selenium and web automation to send messages automatically to your WhatsApp contacts via web.whatsapp.com.
WhatsApp Bot using Terminal
This allow user to send number of messages to saved whatsapp contact/contacts.
Step1: Install Selenium
vinay@vinay:~$pip install selenium
Step 2: Download Chrome Webdrive
(Although chromedrive is already is in repository)
vinay@vinay:~$pip install chromium-browser
(or try alternate links)
Step 3: Clone this repository
vinay@vinay:~$git clone https://github.com/vinaysomawat/Spam-WhatsApp-Contacts.git
Step 4: Open whatsapp_sendmessage.py and change the target name and frequency to the name of your contact
Step 5: Run whatsapp_sendmessage.py file
vinay@vinay:~$python whatsapp_sendmessage.py
Step 6: Scan the QR Code.
Step 7: Successfully Message sent.
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Vinay Somawat :heart: