vime icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vime copied to clipboard

Customizable, extensible, accessible and framework agnostic media player. Modern alternative to Video.js and Plyr. Supports HTML5, HLS, Dash, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion...

Results 144 vime issues
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This error happens during project build tsdx 0.14.1 & @vime/react: 5.3.1 My code: ``` const ref = useRef(null); const [currentTime, setCurrentTime] = usePlayerContext(ref, 'currentTime', 0); const [duration] = usePlayerContext(ref, 'duration',...

# Feature Request **Vime version:** v5.0.33 **Describe the Feature Request** I would like the PiP control disabled just like how the captions can be disabled in Vime **Describe Preferred Solution**...


The styling guide suggests is possible to set the width of the player like so: ```css vm-player { --vm-settings-width: 100px; } ``` But this is misleading because due to a...

# Bug Report **Vime version:** 5.0.33 **Provider:** - [ ] **Audio** - [x] **Video** - [ ] **HLS** - [ ] **DASH** - [ ] **YouTube** - [ ] **Vimeo**...


Fixes ## Pull request type ## What is the current behavior? Initial muted was set on component loaded ## What is the new behavior? Initial muted is now set...

Bumps [terser]( from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1. Changelog Sourced from terser's changelog. v4.8.1 (backport) Security fix for RegExps that should not be evaluated (regexp DDOS) Commits See full diff in compare...


I'm trying to have a vimeo video autoplay as muted in React. ```js function VimeoVideo({ src }) { return ( ); } ``` After some debugging (the first time I'm...

# Support Question I have entered the README example in my app and it did work but all of a sudden Im getting the following: ``` Uncaught at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:902:15)...


# Bug Report **Vime version:** @vime/angular version 5.0.33 **Provider:** [] **Audio** [*] **Video** [] **HLS** [] **DASH** [*] **YouTube** [] **Vimeo** [] **Dailymotion** **Current behavior:** We have written a custom...
