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A PHP persistence framework support SQL map
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| Why | Features | Requirements | Demo Project | Installation | Usage | Tests | License | About Me |
A PHP persistence framework based on PDO with sql map support.
Think this as a PHP lightweight alternative implementation of MyBatis.
It should be helpful when you write business database access code in PHP project.
PHP is my first choice when I decide to build something fast.
But data access code bothers me every time, so I decided to open this project.
Inspired by a simple data access library which is a part of a framework named "IRON", a proprietary library be used by a company named Youzan I worked for once. It's a great company, salute to the engineers in there.
(Sure, no code in this project comes from that "IRON" framework.)
- A visual utility to generate the code of Data Access Object class file and configuration file, check out iCopyPaste
- A simple syntax support for simple condition sub statement
- A simple syntax support for SELECT..IN query which is poor in PDO
- Lightweight, all configuration stored in PHP native array
- PHP 7.3+
- PHP PDO extension with proper database driver, MySQL or Sqlite recommend
- PHP JSON extension
Demo Project
See MySpot action in a project:
composer require vimac/myspot
GUI Utility
You can use iCopyPaste to generate variants of basic queries, configuration template, DAO code template.
Downloads: iCopyPaste Release Page
use MySpot\SqlMapConfig;
use MySpot\SqlMap;
// Initialize PDO first, deal with your database connection
$pdo = new PDO('sqlite::memory:');
// Initialize SqlMapConfig
// Specific your SQL map configuration dir
// Like `__DIR__ . '/../config/myspot'`
$sqlMapConfig = new SqlMapConfig('__PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIGURATION_DIR__', $pdo);
// Optional, you can setup your default map style, _under_score_ to lowerCamelCase is recommended
// Initialize SqlMap
// If you are using a framework which support Dependency Injection, it is recommend that you put this in SqlMap your container
// You can checkout the demo project and see how it works
$sqlMap = new SqlMap($sqlMapConfig);
Configuration file should be similar to this:
// Example file name: ${projectDir}/config/myspot/test/post.php
// Note: This file should be put in the directory which the initialize code specific
Use MySpot\SqlMapStatement;
return [
'select' => [
'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM `test`.`post`',
'resultType' => \MyProject\DataObject\Test\PostDO::class, // resultType only available when it's a select query
'resultMapStyle' => SqlMapStatement::MAP_STYLE_UNDERSCORE_TO_LOWER_CAMELCASE // The statement specific map style
'selectById' => [
'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM `test`.`post` WHERE `id` = :id LIMIT 1',
'resultType' => \MyProject\DataObject\Test\PostDO::class,
'selectByIds' => [
'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM `test`.`post` WHERE `id` in :id:',
'resultType' => \MyProject\DataObject\Test\PostDO::class,
'selectCountByUid' => [
'sql' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `test`.`post` WHERE `uid` = :uid'
'selectIdUidTitleSummary' => [
'sql' => 'SELECT `id`, `uid`, `title`, `summary` FROM `test`.`post` :orderByCreatedAt?{ORDER BY `created_at` ASC}',
'resultType' => \MyProject\DataObject\Test\PostDO::class,
'insert' => [
'sql' => 'INSERT INTO `test`.`post` #INSERT#'
'insertUidTitleSummaryCreatedAt' => [
'sql' => 'INSERT INTO `test`.`post`(`uid`, `title`, `summary`, `created_at`) VALUES (:uid, :title, :summary, :createdAt)'
'updateUidTitleSummaryById' => [
'sql' => 'UPDATE `test`.`post` SET `uid` = :newUid, `title` = :newTitle, `summary` = :newSummary WHERE `id` = :id'
'deleteByUid' => [
'sql' => 'DELETE FROM `test`.`post` WHERE `uid` IN :uid: LIMIT 1'
Special Syntax
MySpot implements a syntax parser to compile its special syntax to real PDO prepared statement
SELECT...IN Statement
The variable
will be consider as a array and compile to (:variableItem0, :variableItem1, :variableItem2, ...)
Conditional Sub Statement
:variable?{ substatement }
The substatment
part will only available when variable
equals TRUE
Normal SELECT query
// ...
* Method 'select' parameters: statementId, [statementParameters]
* e.g
* statementId: db.user.selectById
$sqlMapResult = $sqlMap->select('configParentDir.configParentFile.statementId', [
// 'parameterName' => ['parameterValue', parameterType]
// parameterType could be omit, which will be default value: MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_STR
'id' => [1, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_INT]
// e.g:
// SQL Template: SELECT * FROM `test`.`post` WHERE `id` = :id
$id = 1;
$sqlMapResult = $sqlMap->select('', [
'id' => [$id, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_INT]
SELECT..IN query
// In most case, it's no difference than normal SELECT query, except its parameter is an array
// e.g:
// SQL Template: SELECT * FROM `test`.`post` WHERE `id` in :id:
$ids = [1, 2, 3];
$sqlMapResult = $sqlMap->select('', [
'id' => [$ids, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_INT]
// SQL template: UPDATE `test`.`post` SET `uid` = :newUid, `title` = :newTitle, `summary` = :newSummary WHERE `id` = :id
$sqlMapResult = $sqlMap->update('', [
'newUid' => [$newUid, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_INT],
'newTitle' => [$newTitle, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_STR],
'newSummary' => [$newSummary, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_STR],
'newCreatedAt' => [$newCreatedAt, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_STR],
'id' => [$id, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_INT]
// Insert with auto fields name
// SQL template: INSERT INTO `test`.`post` #INSERT#
$data = [
'uid' => [$uid, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_INT],
'title' => [$title],
'summary' => [$summary],
'created_at' => [$createdAt] // Notice the key name should be original field name in the table
$sqlMapResult = $sqlMap->insert('', [], $data);
// Insert with named parameter
// SQL Template: INSERT INTO `test`.`post`(`uid`, `title`, `summary`, `created_at`) VALUES (:uid, :title, :summary, :createdAt)
$sqlMapResult = $sqlMap->insert('', [
'uid' => [$uid, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_INT],
'title' => [$title, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_STR],
'summary' => [$summary, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_STR],
'createdAt' => [$createdAt, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_STR]
// SQL Template: DELETE FROM `test`.`post` WHERE `uid` IN :uid: LIMIT 1
$sqlMapResult = $sqlMap->delete('', [
'uid' => [$uid, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_INT]
Conditional Sub Statement
// SQL Template: SELECT `id`, `uid`, `title`, `summary` FROM `test`.`post` :orderByCreatedAt?{ORDER BY`created_at` DESC}
// Equals: SELECT `id`, `uid`, `title`, `summary` FROM `test`.`post`
$sqlMapResult = $sqlMap->select('', [
'orderByCreatedAt' => [false, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_BOOL]
// Equals: SELECT `id`, `uid`, `title`, `summary` FROM `test`.`post` ORDER BY `created_at` DESC
$sqlMapResult = $sqlMap->select('', [
'orderByCreatedAt' => [true, \MySpot\SqlMapConst::PARAM_BOOL]
Fetch result
// All of the result will be combined into a class instance of `MySpot\SqlMapResult`
// Fetch an array of object or array of array depends on your configuration
// Fetch first object or array depends on your configuration
// Traverse all of the fetched data
while ($result = $sqlMapResult->fetch()) {
// Do something
// Fetch the first column of first row, it's useful for SELECT COUNT query
// Fetch the specific column of first row
// Fetch the last insert Id when you inserted new row
// Fetch the affected lines when you updated or deleted something
// Fetch the execute result in boolean value
// Get the bound PDOStatement
# Simple run the command in project root dir
composer test
MIT License