vim-win32-installer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-win32-installer copied to clipboard

VIM Winget, feedback

Open hummeleBop opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Hello there,

Thanks for this great step forward, vim is now available in winget and it's really nice.

Right now, it relies on the nsis version of the installer but there are several flaws:

1- In silent mode, shortcuts on the desktop are mandatory.

2- In silent mode, we cannot disable specific features.

3- Winget « --scope user » argument doesn't work.

4- There is no way to update (or uninstall) vim properly from winget.

I use the following command in order to install vim:

winget install --exact vim.vim --location c:\programs\vim


hummeleBop avatar Nov 02 '21 16:11 hummeleBop