syntastic copied to clipboard
splits cause multiple visible-but-out-of-sync error lists
This is kind of tricky, and I don't know the best way to handle it. To reproduce what I'm talking about:
let g:syntastic_check_on_open=1 let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list=1
- open file that has errors (error list pops up)
- vsplit file window
- save file
After step 3, a second loc list pops up within the split, leaving the original loc list bridging the split (so, two visible loc lists).
I thought that this should be a partial solution (inside ShowLocList):
- call setloclist(0, s:LocList())
+ call setloclist(bufwinnr(""), s:LocList())
the idea being, to only ever attach the loc list to the lowest-numbered window that views the current buffer. It doesn't seem to work that way, though, so I've probably done something wrong (my vimscript is a little weak). Any ideas?
I did have the same issue. I don't really care about the outdated second loclist, as I usually open a vertical split only to open a new buffer inside, not to have twice the same file However, the bridging loclist was the main issue for me, and having to manually close the previous loclist was a pain.
This small fix will use cabbrev
to add small function after :vs
This function will go back to the previous window, lclose
and lopen
, and come back to the current window.
As a consequence, there's however no way to remove the loclist anymore with this.
" Fix loclist on vertical split
function! SyntasticSplitFix()
let currwin = winnr()
wincmd p
if !empty(getloclist(0))
execute currwin . 'wincmd w'
cabbrev vs vs\|call SyntasticSplitFix()
" You might want to call it also on other commands applying a split
cabbrev Gdiff Gdiff\|call SyntasticSplitFix()
I've also been struggling with the bridging/out-of-date loclist issue. Based on the fix provided by @Jerska, I hacked together my own that runs anytime a new window is entered (which also happens when running vs
" When switching windows, ensures the old window's loclist is closed. This
" prevents bad split behavior (the loclist bridging multiple windows) and
" out of date content.
" File types for which out-of-date loclists should be closed
let g:syntasticfix_whitelisted_filetypes = ['javascript', 'typescript']
function! IsWhitelisted(fileType)
for whitelisted in g:syntasticfix_whitelisted_filetypes
if a:fileType == whitelisted
return 1
return 0
function! SyntasticFix()
let newFileType = &ft
wincmd p " Return to old window
let oldFileType = &ft
" whitelisted file -> whitelisted file
if IsWhitelisted(oldFileType) && IsWhitelisted(newFileType)
" loclist -> whitelisted file
elseif oldFileType == 'qf' && IsWhitelisted(newFileType)
wincmd p " Return to new window
autocmd WinEnter * call SyntasticFix()
As for the new window, Syntastic will open the loclist automatically (at least based on my settings), but only if it's up to date.