vim-markdownfootnotes copied to clipboard
Calculate counter increment based on footnote type
The new auto-counter calculator –while arguably much more useful out of the box– does actually clobber some more customized workflows. In particular the ability to keep separate counters per footnote style is basically obliterated by calculating the next available number all the time.
It looks to me like the best option is going to be to drop the ability to manually set the counter value at all, but add regex matching to the auto-counter calculator to only count footnotes of the same style. This way adding a new footnote would always increment above the number of current footnotes on a per-style basis?
Does anybody have a use case that would not be covered satisfactorily by this solution?
I just checked and Pandoc allows any identifier as input but does not output anything but Arabic numbered footnotes. Do any known Markdown processors treat the identifier as anything other than a tokien?
Given input file
[^a]: bar
Pandoc normalizes this to:
❯ pandoc --from markdown --to markdown <
[^1]: bar