go-vimlparser copied to clipboard
Errors in parsing
Thanks for making viml parsing super fast! I have a bug: For the following code from vim-go, the following issue with parsing is seen:
/Users/xxxxxxxx/.vim/neobundles/vim-go/autoload/go/coverage.vim:92:1: vimlparser: E171: Missing :endif: ENDFUNCTION
" Clear clears and resets the buffer annotation matches
function! go#coverage#Clear()
" only reset the syntax if the user has syntax enabled
if !empty(&syntax)
if exists("g:syntax_on") | syntax enable | endif
if exists("s:toggle") | let s:toggle = 0 | endif
" remove the autocmd we defined
if exists("#BufWinLeave#<buffer>")
autocmd! BufWinLeave <buffer>
call clearmatches()
This is a vimlparser problem.
It fails to parse if 1 | syntax enable | endif
If you change syntax enable
to let x = 1
or something, vimlparser can parse it, so it might be the problem of parsing syntax
command with if
and |
I fixed it by #21 (it's somewhat workaround though...)
Thanks, @haya14busa, it does seem to cause or detect newer issues.
syn match pythonError "[&|]\{2,}" display
.vim/syntax/python.vim:135:28: vimlparser: E492: Not an editor command: ]\{2,}" display
syntax match qfFileName /^\zs\S[^|]\+\/\ze[^|\/]\+\/[^|\/]\+|/ conceal cchar=+
.vim/after/ftplugin/qf.vim:124:37: vimlparser: E492: Not an editor command: ]\+\/\ze[^|\/]\+\/[^|\/]\+|/ conceal cchar=+
are a couple of examples. I am doing quick tests (thanks to go-vimlparser 's speed) like so
vimlparser .vim/**/*.vim 2>&1 | grep -E ':\d+:\d+: vimlparser:' | vim -
Thanks! hmm... it seems to fail to handle |
in string or //
I fixed it. https://github.com/haya14busa/go-vimlparser/pull/22
Can you please update and try again?
I also runs vimlparser commands for all vim script under .vim and it worked.
Thanks for the quick turnaround! Seems most of the problems are gone and only syn region
is slightly broken. May I suggest running it on any vim plugin manager bundle directories you have (and try not to be sad when you see all the broken code go-vimlparser detects in so many plugins :( :) ) for more coverage? Here are some issues on some of the plugins I use:
From HybridText:
syn region txtBlock start=+^ *|+ end=+$+
.vim/neobundles/HybridText/syntax/hybrid.vim:213:34: vimlparser: E580: :endif without :if
From jedi-vim:
syn region rstPythonRegion start=/^\v {4}/ end=/\v^( {4}|\n)@!/ contains=@rstPythonScript
.vim/neobundles/jedi-vim/autoload/jedi.vim:312:62: vimlparser: E10: \\ should be followed by /, ? or &
From vim-go a very interesting expression:
% | " Couldn't detect gofmt error format, output errors
.vim/neobundles/vim-go/autoload/go/fmt.vim:185:9: vimlparser: E492: Not an editor command: | " Couldn't detect gofmt error format, output errors
However that runs fine in vim, just cat'ing the current source file.
There is a different issue with embedded python code but that probably should be dealt with in a separate bug.