cordova-plugin-tts copied to clipboard
Highlight spoken words
I successfully integrated tts plugin. I would like to know if somehow I can highlight currently spoken words on my front-end. In other words if it could simultaneously speak and output as in text form what is currently being spoken.
Currently, that is not implemented in this Cordova plugin. The functionality is there in the underlying target APIs for Android and iOS. I haven't looked into Windows Phone.
For this to work in TTS, it would have to expose or encapsulate the proper callbacks/delegates.
In iOS, it looks like we'd probably be making use of AVSpeechSynthesizerDelegate and speechSynthesizer(_:willSpeakRangeOfSpeechString:utterance:)
In Android, it looks like we'd be dealing with SynthesisCallback.rangeStart and UtteranceProgressListener.onRangeStart, int, int), int, int, int)
It would be nice to have this functionality on a project I may be working on. If so, when the time comes, if it hasn't been added by someone, yet, I may give it a try.