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the result of eval is poor

Open Enlistedman opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

Hello,I tested the model on ILSVRC2015 using the models/lstm5/WM-1.0-test.pth you provided, but each time the scores and boxes are the same value, the final result is very poor, can you provide the corresponding help? thank you very much. image

Enlistedman avatar Oct 18 '19 03:10 Enlistedman

Hi @Enlistedman , The model in models/lstm5/WM-1.0-test.pth is just an untrained model saved to verify my code. Sorry for the confusion, I will remove this files. Also please wait for few days as training is still going on, I will update README once it is done.

vikrant7 avatar Oct 18 '19 08:10 vikrant7

Hi @Enlistedman , The model in models/lstm5/WM-1.0-test.pth is just an untrained model saved to verify my code. Sorry for the confusion, I will remove this files. Also please wait for few days as training is still going on, I will update README once it is done.

Thank you for your reply, I am looking forward to your training results.Best wishes for you.

Enlistedman avatar Oct 18 '19 09:10 Enlistedman

Hi @Enlistedman , Can you please share the evaluation script used by you?

vikrant7 avatar Oct 18 '19 22:10 vikrant7

@Enlistedman #!/usr/bin/python3 """Script for evaluation of trained model on Imagenet VID 2015 dataset. Few global variables defined here are explained: Global Variables

args : dict Has all the options for changing various variables of the model as well as parameters for evaluation dataset : ImagenetDataset (, For more info see datasets/

""" import torch from network import mvod_basenet, mvod_bottleneck_lstm1, mvod_bottleneck_lstm2, mvod_bottleneck_lstm3, mvod_lstm4, mvod_lstm5 from network.predictor import Predictor from datasets.vid_dataset import ImagenetDataset,VIDDataset from config import mobilenetv1_ssd_config from utils import box_utils, measurements from utils.misc import str2bool, Timer import argparse import pathlib import numpy as np import logging import sys import cv2

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="MVOD Evaluation on VID dataset") parser.add_argument('--net', default="lstm5", help="The network architecture, it should be of basenet, lstm1, lstm2, lstm3, lstm4 or lstm5.") parser.add_argument("--trained_model", type=str) parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=str, help="The root directory of the VOC dataset or Open Images dataset.") parser.add_argument("--label_file", type=str, help="The label file path.") parser.add_argument("--use_cuda", type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument("--nms_method", type=str, default="hard") parser.add_argument("--iou_threshold", type=float, default=0.5, help="The threshold of Intersection over Union.") parser.add_argument("--eval_dir", default="eval_results_lstm5", type=str, help="The directory to store evaluation results.") parser.add_argument('--width_mult', default=1.0, type=float, help='Width Multiplifier for network') args = parser.parse_args() DEVICE = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() and args.use_cuda else "cpu")

def group_annotation_by_class(dataset): """ Groups annotations of dataset by class """ true_case_stat = {} all_gt_boxes = {} all_difficult_cases = {} for i in range(len(dataset)): image_id, annotation = dataset.get_annotation(i) #gt_boxes, classes, is_difficult = annotation gt_boxes, classes = annotation is_difficult = [0] gt_boxes = torch.from_numpy(gt_boxes) for i, difficult in enumerate(is_difficult): class_index = int(classes[i]) gt_box = gt_boxes[i] if not difficult: true_case_stat[class_index] = true_case_stat.get(class_index, 0) + 1

		if class_index not in all_gt_boxes:
			all_gt_boxes[class_index] = {}
		if image_id not in all_gt_boxes[class_index]:
			all_gt_boxes[class_index][image_id] = []
		if class_index not in all_difficult_cases:
		if image_id not in all_difficult_cases[class_index]:
			all_difficult_cases[class_index][image_id] = []

for class_index in all_gt_boxes:
	for image_id in all_gt_boxes[class_index]:
		all_gt_boxes[class_index][image_id] = torch.stack(all_gt_boxes[class_index][image_id])
for class_index in all_difficult_cases:
	for image_id in all_difficult_cases[class_index]:
		all_gt_boxes[class_index][image_id] = torch.tensor(all_gt_boxes[class_index][image_id])
return true_case_stat, all_gt_boxes, all_difficult_cases

def compute_average_precision_per_class(num_true_cases, gt_boxes, difficult_cases, prediction_file, iou_threshold, use_2007_metric): """ Computes average precision per class """ with open(prediction_file) as f: image_ids = [] boxes = [] scores = [] for line in f: t = line.rstrip().split(" ") image_ids.append(t[0]) scores.append(float(t[1])) box = torch.tensor([float(v) for v in t[2:]]).unsqueeze(0) box -= 1.0 # convert to python format where indexes start from 0 boxes.append(box) scores = np.array(scores) sorted_indexes = np.argsort(-scores) boxes = [boxes[i] for i in sorted_indexes] image_ids = [image_ids[i] for i in sorted_indexes] true_positive = np.zeros(len(image_ids)) false_positive = np.zeros(len(image_ids)) matched = set() for i, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): box = boxes[i] if image_id not in gt_boxes: false_positive[i] = 1 continue

		gt_box = gt_boxes[image_id]
		ious = box_utils.iou_of(box, gt_box)
		max_iou = torch.max(ious).item()
		max_arg = torch.argmax(ious).item()
		if max_iou > iou_threshold:
			if difficult_cases[image_id][max_arg] == 0:
				if (image_id, max_arg) not in matched:
					true_positive[i] = 1
					matched.add((image_id, max_arg))
					false_positive[i] = 1
			false_positive[i] = 1

true_positive = true_positive.cumsum()
false_positive = false_positive.cumsum()
precision = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive)
recall = true_positive / num_true_cases
if use_2007_metric:
	return measurements.compute_voc2007_average_precision(precision, recall)
	return measurements.compute_average_precision(precision, recall)

if name == 'main': eval_path = pathlib.Path(args.eval_dir) eval_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) timer = Timer() class_names = [name.strip() for name in open(args.label_file).readlines()] num_classes = len(class_names) dataset = ImagenetDataset(args.dataset, is_val=True) config = mobilenetv1_ssd_config true_case_stat, all_gb_boxes, all_difficult_cases = group_annotation_by_class(dataset) if == 'basenet': pred_enc = mvod_basenet.MobileNetV1(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult) pred_dec = mvod_basenet.SSD(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult, is_test=True, config= config, batch_size=1) net = mvod_basenet.MobileVOD(pred_enc, pred_dec) elif == 'lstm1': pred_enc = mvod_bottleneck_lstm1.MobileNetV1(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult) pred_dec = mvod_bottleneck_lstm1.SSD(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult, is_test=True, config= config, batch_size=1) net = mvod_bottleneck_lstm1.MobileVOD(pred_enc, pred_dec) elif == 'lstm2': pred_enc = mvod_bottlneck_lstm2.MobileNetV1(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult) pred_dec = mvod_bottlneck_lstm2.SSD(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult, is_test=True, config= config, batch_size=1) net = mvod_bottlneck_lstm2.MobileVOD(pred_enc, pred_dec) elif == 'lstm3': pred_enc = mvod_bottlneck_lstm3.MobileNetV1(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult) pred_dec = mvod_bottlneck_lstm3.SSD(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult, is_test=True, config= config, batch_size=1) net = mvod_bottlneck_lstm3.MobileVOD(pred_enc, pred_dec) elif == 'lstm4': pred_enc = mvod_lstm4.MobileNetV1(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult) pred_dec = mvod_lstm4.SSD(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult, is_test=True, config= config, batch_size=1) net = mvod_lstm4.MobileVOD(pred_enc, pred_dec) elif == 'lstm5': pred_enc = mvod_lstm5.MobileNetV1(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult) pred_dec = mvod_lstm5.SSD(num_classes=num_classes, alpha = args.width_mult, is_test=True, config= config, batch_size=1) net = mvod_lstm5.MobileVOD(pred_enc, pred_dec) else: logging.fatal("The net type is wrong. It should be one of basenet, lstm{1,2,3,4,5}.") parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)

timer.start("Load Model")
				   map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))
net =
print(f"It took {timer.end('Load Model')} seconds to load the model.")
predictor = Predictor(net, config.image_size, config.image_mean,

results = []
for i in range(len(dataset)):
	print("process image", i)
	timer.start("Load Image")
	image = dataset.get_image(i)
	print("Load Image: {:4f} seconds.".format(timer.end("Load Image")))
	boxes, labels, probs = predictor.predict(image)
	if == 'basenet':
	print("Prediction: {:4f} seconds.".format(timer.end("Predict")))
	indexes = torch.ones(labels.size(0), 1, dtype=torch.float32) * i
		indexes.reshape(-1, 1),
		labels.reshape(-1, 1).float(),
		probs.reshape(-1, 1),
		boxes + 1.0  # matlab's indexes start from 1
	], dim=1))
results =
for class_index, class_name in enumerate(class_names):
	if class_index == 0: continue  # ignore background
	prediction_path = eval_path / f"det_test_{class_name}.txt"
	with open(prediction_path, "w") as f:
		sub = results[results[:, 1] == class_index, :]
		for i in range(sub.size(0)):
			prob_box = sub[i, 2:].numpy()
			image_id = dataset.ids[int(sub[i, 0])]
				image_id + " " + " ".join([str(v) for v in prob_box]),
aps = []
print("\n\nAverage Precision Per-class:")
for class_index, class_name in enumerate(class_names):
	if class_index == 0:
	prediction_path = eval_path / f"det_test_{class_name}.txt"
	ap = compute_average_precision_per_class(
	print(f"{class_name}: {ap}")

print(f"\nAverage Precision Across All Classes:{sum(aps)/len(aps)}")

Enlistedman avatar Oct 23 '19 01:10 Enlistedman

@vikrant7 Hello,is all the code done?

Enlistedman avatar Nov 13 '19 01:11 Enlistedman