Vik R
Vik R
- Upgrade dependencies to `babel` v7 - Remove `babel-plugin-syntax-flow` since it's included in [`@babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types`]( - Add support for the [`loose` option of `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties`]( - Add `@babel/core` as a peer dependency
This requires airbnb/babel-preset-airbnb#37 to work. - Updated all `babel` dependencies - Fixed all test cases - Removed testing for `babel-preset-es2015` since it's been deprecated in favor or `@babel/preset-env`
In environments like Netlify, [the `--version` flag is enforced when installing `yarn`]( Allowing `latest` and `nightly` to get the latest version of `yarn` is a simple change that could allow...
This + #1222 closes #1145 This adds a new schema to `named`: `commonjs: boolean | { require: boolean, exports: boolean }` The option `commonjs` accepts either a boolean or a...
Closes #585 Alternate to #1216 Adds an option `requireResolve` to check `require.resolve` statements. Might want to support `require.resolve` by default in a future major version though.
Closes #585 Related to discussion in #1035 ([link to comment]( So far I've only added `require.resolve` for `commonjs` with `no-unresolved`, let me know if I should add it anywhere else.
I noticed that there are `Makefile`'s in the repo that just symlink dependencies within the repo with `yarn`. In `yarn@>=1`, [the `workspaces` feature]( will do the same thing. If welcome,...