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Auto fold long text of discuss.
You can see, here are some long text, and users may do not like it. https://vijos.org/d/TIMDUNCAN/discuss/5a714c6fd3d8a103be7e109a#1519879102 How about auto fold it and if user want to see it then unfold it.
Sorry for my poor English......
Maybe just provide a fold button is better. Better to save the previous settings.
@ksyx I think it is better to fold them automatically, because some of long text is VERY UNUSEFUL.
Yes I think auto fold is a good feature. PRs are welcome!
uhhhh...... I think a really smart automatic folding requires a large amount of training by the user for juding whether it's a spam or not. We can use fold code (including solution area becuase maybe user just want an idea instead of viewing the code), a exact value of length which longer than it will be folded and too many disagrees. I also recommend to add a feature of sorting by votes and by that the up/downvote may be used more.
I think stupid folding is enough, i.e. based on specific length, just like all others do.