Vijaya Bhaskar
Vijaya Bhaskar
Can i take up this issue or it is resolved?
Hey @jonasgloning ,Can I take up this feature as i recently worked on implementing custom events in the modified version of the peerjs
can i work on this?
Can you add some more details for this issue. Where could i find the stripe onramp popup?
> It only shows up if you are in the US @vijayabhaskar95 since stripe isn't supported any place else yet oh ok. Will take up some other issues.
Can i work on this issue? If i can, what is the expected result?
@aarongillett Should we show the above mentioned design even before the user attempt's to perform a transaction? i.e: when the user clicks on on the send button.
I would like to work on this issue
Getting this error when i tried to run the back end "Cannot find module '@coral-xyz/common' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)"
@hkirat Still getting the same error. Some how the coral package is not getting recognized