Kai Schwaiger
Kai Schwaiger
thank you! I'm looking forward to either crushing a bug or learning that someone (probably Christian) already fixed it :)
Hi shawn! Have a look at https://docs.structr.org/REST-user-guide#Range%20Search This example shows how to search for an integer range. The same concept works for dates (the dates need to be in iso...
Hi Eric, you stumbled upon a difference in dynamic properties and static properties. This is due to the fact how the dynamic schema is compiled into Java code. For dynamic...
We just added lots of logging to StructrScript functions (see https://github.com/structr/structr/commit/6be7320d787d2abe05de39ffc207479926461bcf) and made a lot of those functions a bit more strict. You will see a lot more log entries...
and you can disable tabbing into the input field by setting tabindex="-1" I do like that because now the complete canvas receives my clicks and the input field doesn't get...
From the looks of these messages, the set of exported types contains built-in types. This is only in rare cases necessary. These built-in schema nodes/grants/relationships are all included in the...
Im a bit stumped, I just found that this does not happen in Firefox on Windows but on Mac it does. Also, I experimented with the other playgrounds and found...
Looks like the cause for #4378 is a quite recent. This popped up in our app and we are still on 0.38.0 (and is reproducible up until the most recent...
I just ran into the same problem and found a quick and dirty solution. The modal has `tabindex="-1" role="dialog"` and the element directly underneath it has `role="document"`. Removing all of...